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" The best on earth " can truly be saii l Grigjjs' Glycerine Siilve - aspeedy euro forcuts, bruises, scalds, buins, sores, pile tctter iiinl :ill skin eruptions. Try tlii woiiuer healer. 25 cente. Guarantecd. ' Witat's the pclsoner'a name?" sharpty askeil the petulant judge. " Smitli, you tumor," replied the prisuner. " Lock hiu np tor tliiily days," was the stern decree of ttie Judse. " We've got too many Nniitim running around now ! " " Ysí your honor, butl wasu't doing anything.' " U i-n'l doiug uuything! Well wli w&sn't you doing sometliing ? Make Uil Bentence three inonths. We've too tuauy tellers already !" Never Giye üp. Ifyou me sutlerinjf with low and de pressed iirits, loss at appetlte, general di iiiliiv. disordered bUxnl. weak conftitiinmdaclii", or any disease of a billious nature, by ill meao procure a bottle of Electrlo Hítters. Yon will be surprised to seethe rapld iinprovemntthat will follow; you will hf inspirad witli new life ; activuy and strcnirtli will return : pain and niNiiy will ciüsc, and hcncefortli you will rejolce In the prulse of Electrlo Bitters. 8old al lilty cents a bottle by Eberbach c Son, Bcgirars are well known to hnre very fertile linuginations in the descriptions of their reul or imaginary ills. The followiiif;, bowever, ha the merlt of downright honegty. An old woniati carne shulllinjf nlo a iiu'rclmnt's store recently, and wilh a plteous whlne solicitad help " for a puir auld body wha had spine iu the bnck." Thf First Keen Twinge. As the season advances, the pains'and achea by wbicb rheumatUio makea itselt known, are experlenoed afterevery expos ure. It is nut claimed that Hood's Sarsaparllla isa specitic lor rheunmtism - we doubt it tlicre is, or can be, such a reniedy. But the thousands benetited by Hood's Sarsaparilla, warrant us in urging others who sutlVr from rliemnatisin to take it before the first keen twinge. "Isay, Bobby," whispered Featherly, " was your sister pleased to learuthatl bad calleo upon herí"' " Yes indeed ehe was. '" replied Bobby. " Wlien rnotlier lold hi;r that Mr. Featherly liad called wliile 8he was out, she said " Thank luaveu I" - '. T. Sun. A Great DiscoTerj. Mr. Wm. Tilomas of Newton, Ia., siiys: " My wilc has been seriously afflicted w'ith I ci.imh lor Iwenty-üve years, imd this spnrjg more severely ilian ever befor. She liad u-cd inany remedies without reiet, and heilig urped to try Dr. Kinjf's . u k);-covcrv,did so, with most jjratil'vng rasults. The tiiit bottle reliuved lier fury much, and the second bottle luis ubolutely cured her. She lias not had o cood hcalth for thirty years." Trial botles Free t Eberbach öon's drug store. Jarga ize $1.00.


Ann Arbor Courier
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