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Horace QOODWI aml lus wuo were lulled by th o car t Clinton, M., a i v days ago, and thelr hont and carriaga l ¦ DOlished. A family of five mail ohildren are l-ft orphnns. A inoát agent at' Ihe Qnral Laad Office submitted a report to Qtmmitsioner Sparks on the 12tli. esiimating the value of tho Unidor cot fron the public domaln without authomty by the Northern l'aiiii' Kailroad aud Mcitana Improvomt'iit (Jonipanies at $818,401. In a quarrel a few days ago over a small sura of money, near Marión, Ind. , Patrick iloriarity fatally wuunded hia sou-iu-law, George Stephens, with, r coro-cutter. Is a Washington Township (Pu.) Polico Court the otber day Albort Southwor h. the plaintitT in a suit, becama so excitad under a vigorous cross-examinatioa that when he left the stand he feil deud. Considerable damaK val inflleHd at Baltimore and other poiats ou fue I8tb by heavy winds. The strike of the street rail war employés at St. Louis was practical ly end 1 on the l.ith, all the cars bein,.; run without interference. Enraged witli his wifr becaOM she refused to give him money to boy whisky, Thomas Bingham, of MoKeesport, Pa-, fatally baat ber on the i:ith. At Wilkesbarre, Pa., a chu, ch building in process of erection was blows down duriag a gale on the löth, and four men were severely injured. ¦ M us. Skth Staunton, of Barnes County, D. T., left her housa on tho l.lili witli a child in her arms, and Bed befare an advancing prairie firo, was ovcrtaken by tbc Hamen and both perished. The fire parted at the house, which was left uutouched. Officers of the Secret Service on tho 13tli raidod a camp of eleven counterfeiters in Clarion County, Po-, capfaring six of them, who were taken to Pittsburgh and committed for trial. The otKers escaped. The gang had been extonsively engaged in maanfactarlng and ( irculating spurious silver dollars. Hou cholera was on the 18th said to be matine terrible ravages in twenty countiea in Kansas. John Hofkman, a saloon-keeper, fatally shot his wifeand then himself on tho Hth at Newark, X. .1. Natural gas was on the 13th belng rapidly subslituted Lor coal at Pittsburgh, l'n. Another rieh striko ha 1 been made near the city. The illicit distillors of Franklin County, Georgia, havo bevuil a war upon lawablding dticena wiiom thcy suspect of having informed upon theti. A youug man who testified for tDe Qovernment in several cases was assassinated on th i:!th, and many persons had been ordereil to leave the county or take the eonseqdenow. A severu storm preT&iled along the Atlantic coast on the I3tb, aud for the flrst time in twentj'-fivo years thore were no arrivals at or departures from the port of Xiw York. The ti'li al Elockaway Beach ¦was the highest known lot voars. A Bm.tiM'Hii: & Omo express train ¦truck a ruck near Ohlo i'ylo Kalls. Ia., on the loth, the locomotivo, two bagj cars and the imoUng-oar plaaging iuto the river. Several persons were injured, none fatally. The Treasury Department at Washington on the Htb puichased 19",00d ounces of silver for deüvery at the New Orleans and Philadelphia miuts for coinage into Standard dollars. The anti-Chinese movpinent u Washington Territory was thoioughly organized on the 14th, and aims at nothing loss than a revolntion in the labor system of the Pacific slope. The total values of exporte of domestic breadstutïs from the United States during September, 1885, were $9,007,700; fur Sip:emlx!r, 1884, $18,681,858. Tno o ti,,. Wmtena Union Telegraph Company for tlie twelve months ended June 30, Í885, were $5,709,924. K!. ANOTnEU high tide swept over Rookawar Baoh, ?¦:. Y., on tlip 1 Itli. carrymn away part cf the iron pier and washing up a large quantity of wreckage from some unknown vessel. Over $000,000 bad been pledged on the Hth for the establishment of a Catholic University at Washington, and the projectors expected to have $1,000,000 secured by January 1. Five Chinamen were burned to death on the 14th during a üre in a lauudry at üakland, Cal. The business portion of Sandbank, Oswego County, N. Y., includiiig two churches, was swept away by tire ou the 14th. Advices roceived at the Post-Ofïicc Department at Washington on the 14th indicated a general wash-out of railroads iu Georgia and interruptiou of mails through heavy rains. Durino the flrst two months of the current fiscal year the internal revenue receipts were less by $l,14ö,S27 than dorblg the conespoudinjj period of the precr fiscal year. lx a three-mile contest on the ljth on the Hudson River at Albauy, Hanlan and Leo flnished in eigbteen and a quarter minutes, beating Courtney and Conley by three lengtbs. General Howard on the 15tU ordered the removal of the troops from the coal mines in Wyoming where tha Chineie laborera were slaughtered. Burglars entered the poit-ofüce at Waverly, O., on the löth and carried ofF $700 in mouey and numerous letcers. Mrs. William Cook, of Petersburg, Va., was attempting to kindie a fire wltë keru¦ene oil on the löth when the can exploded, and Mrs. Cook and her two little children were burned to death. Mrs. Barbara Biehler was accidental - ly burned to death at Crostline, O., on the löth. At a meeting in Pittsburgh on the löth of nearly all the green glas bottle manufacturera in the country it was resolved that a much lower scale of wages must precede the reopeniugof the works uow iu suspension. The total values of exports of domestic cattle and hogs and of beef and poik from the United States were as follows: September, 18SÓ, $7,794,01KI; 1884, 17,609,346; eleven months ended Sopt. .'10, 1885, 80,300,009; lKMt, $77,.-.-)i',!i:i. Diphtheria and typhoid fever were raging on the löth with great severity at Kittanning, Pa. Nearly onehuudred portons were UI, aoni liwths had been nuineroua. The Troy & Boston Railroad bridge near North Hoosac, N. T., was burned on the löth, two firemen of North Bennington, Vt., being killed by falling timbers. O. F. Coy, a North Bennington merchaut, was fatally injured. In a quarrel recently near Somerville, Ala., Wesley Hopper seized James Kdmondson in his anus and cut his throat from ear to ear. Danzigers Brothers, dry-goods merchants at New Orleans, failed ou the lüth for $-30,000. The Chinese Consul at San Francisco reported on the lüth that sinee May C, UBS, when the Restriction act went into force, 42,000 Chinese had left that port aud 18,000 had arrived there. Ivor Williams, aged fifteen, feil down a shaft at a coal-mine in Wilkesbarre, Pa., a. few nights ago, a distance of six hunired feet, and was crushed into a suapeless mass. Five workmen in Louisvillr. wliile tearing down a warehouse om the Hlth, were rosbed by a fallin,' wall uud ¦." 't' "cted to survivf th lir inH irln. Tm: house and bars ¦' Peter Honger, nniir [thaca, Neb., were borned the other nu''1. Heagert wifn and child and his brother perisbing ia the flamen. JOITF anl Kenter, hrothers, aged fifty and fiit.y-iour yean, reildingat Seybertsville, Pa., rofused theotlior night to sive ] tiirir money to foor trampa wtao inTaded their premitefH Tho vai t ti ii bound tho brothert, beat out their In-mus with clubs and doeamped. Is the United Statst and Canada Miera were 181 business failuivs duriup: tho sevoa days ended on the liith, apimst 204 the previoua sevin daye. The distributiou was as follows: Middle States, 40; New Ba land States IS; Western, ."w; Southprn, 1':!; Pacitic States and Territorial, 28; Canada, 17. Advicek of the 16th to Jiradatrcet' from various portions of the country indicated Muit the meivhauts regarded the outlook as hopefnl. Neau Tracy, Minu., on the lCth the housus and barns of K. 0. Cono, James Miller, John Lowis and E. Eusign ere burned by a prairie fire. Great damage in other seotions was rapOted. Tuk Second Comptroller of the Treasry decided on the lüth that the Government can not retain any part of a soldier'a or saüor's local bounty, upon his discharge, and that in cases whero this bas been done tho amount retained must berefunded. All the cambling hou es in Cleveland, O., were closed by th pólice on the l'ith, and thogambler.s were emigrating to other cities. Two children of Mrs. Kamborger, of New York, played with a lighted camllo on the 16th, and the baby, soven months old, was burned to death. A sevkre gale recently covored thousands of acres of oyester Ibeds along th Connocticut shore of the Soumi with sand, [nfllcting npon the oyster men damagos estimatod to amount to $200,000. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. A kpeciai. sission of the Oregou Legislature has been called to meet November fl. The principal business will be the election of a United States Senator. The October term of the United States Suprema Court began at iVíashington on the 12th. There were 10,000 cases on the docket. Ret. Daniel Irvixo, Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian ClmrHi, ilied in Oranje, N. J., on the 12th, aged sixty-four jrearl TnE Uights bill introduced in the Georgia Legislature by Mr. Wilson (colored), ot Cumien, was defeated in the House on the 12th hy a vote of 107 to .'!. RlCBARO 1-. Dement, of iHinois, was; on the UthTippointed by the President Bur. . i r (icucral of the Territory ot Utah. A M'MBER of lotters froni Ralph Waldn Emerson to Thomas Carlyle hava been stolen, and the public wero cautioned on the 12th agaiust the puruhase of the same. Editor John Nicholsojí, of the !¦ , IN (Mormon organ), and two others were senteneed at Salt Lake on the 13th to the full extent of the law for illogal oohabitation. Up to the 13th six handred chancos had been made in Presidential post-oftices. Of this number 24!) were causad by remováis. Charles W. Buaiilk.v, a well-known sportin? man. dled a few uights ago at New Haven, Conn., aged lifty-türeeyeara. Se as formerly President of the New York FatMeu's Club, and weighed nine hundred pounds. The Georgia Legislaturo has instructed the Congressmen from that Statu to vote for the repeal of the Intcrnal Kevenue law. The General has decided that guaraute associatious can not become sureties on the official bonds of postmasters. Annie Lonofellow. youngestdaughter of the poet Longfellow, was married on the 1 llh at Cambridge, Mass., to Mr. James Gilbert Thorpe, of Eau Claire, Wis. Mit. II. W. Shaw, better known as Josh Billings, tlic humorist, died suddenly on the 14th at Monterey, Cal., of apoplexy, agod sixty-five years. Taz íyebiaska Republican State Convention met at Lincoln ou the 14th and numiuated AmníiiL Clnlib towur'i -pd himself on the Supreine bench, and Leavitt Burnham, of Douglass, and Charles H. Gere, of Lancaster, to succeed themselves as Pogents of the State University. At the recent municipal election in Indianapolls the Republicana elected their Mayor by sixty majority and have one majority in the Council. The Board of Aldermto is a tie. At the recent election in Ohio the Republicans carried the State by 20,000 plurality, electing the following ticket: For fjovernor, Joseph B. Foraker; Lieuteuant-Governor, General Robert P. Kennedy; Treasurer, John C. Brown; Attoraey-General, Jacob A. Kohier; Jndgc of Sujireme Court, T. A. Miushall; Member Board of Public Works, Wells S. Jones. The Democrats of Nebraskamet in State Convention at Lincoln on the lfith and nominated Frank Martin for Supreme Court Judge and R. R. Livingstone and John F. Zolin for Regenta of the State Universitv The President has appointed C. M. Zulick Governor of Arizona Territory, and James McLaughlin Indian agent at Standing Rock, D. T. A State Convention of the colored people of Kentucky will be held November 20 at Lexington to "protest against the treatinent received at the hands of the dominant whites." Five thousand persons witnessed the solemn obsequies of the late Cardinal McCloskey in the Cathedral at New York on the morning of the lfth, the surrounding streets and squares being tbxonged v.ith people who could not gain admissiou. At the session of the American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missiona at Boston on the löth Rev. MarkHopkins was reelected President and eutered on the twenty-eighth yoar of his service iu that capacity. Complete unofficial returns on the lfith from every county in Ohio give the following as the result for Governor at the recent election: Foraker (Rep.), 08,201; Hoadly (Dem.), a'),51& Foraker's majority, 17,088. FOREIGN. Riel has been furthor respitcil to the 2'!th rist., tho Frivy Council at Londou having poatponed the hearing of the case. AdviceS of the 13th say that floods in the valleys of Switzerland have destroyed a lai-ge amount of property and caused the loss of a number of lives. i Herbert Gi.adstone, in an address at Loudon on the 13th, declarcd that his father was in favor of excludiug Bishops from the House of Lords. A fire on the 13that Fredericton, N. B. destroyed $100,000 worth of property and rendered thirteen families homeless. In a spooch on the Mth at Halifax. Sir Charles Dilke declared that the Radical programmo contemplated local government with electiva councilg for England, Ireland and Scotland. Granada, Sjiain, was on the 14th shaken up by an earthquake. The Porte on the 14th disavowed the unicu of Bulgaria ani Roumulia, and advices from Constantinoplo say the Sultan had determined to ftght against a further dismomberment of Turkey. Large bodios of troops were leing rapidly concontrated on the frontier within easy striking diBtance of Bulgaria, Greece and .Servia. At St. V'icent de Paul, near Montreal, the two-year-old child of Jean Baptisto Romilly was cnrried off on the löth by an eagle, and before a rescue could be made the child was killed and partially eaten. Dur:ng the fiscal year ended June 30, lSOi the Dominion Government spent over $350,000 on immigratioo. An earthquake shock on tho löth at Palermo, Sicily, overturned a th story residenco, causing the death of eight persons. .tik Hir!L92 vruTTirninoni; on t.U9 wtn . ini:ill the great Foweri Mtat ta rmnmiut of Greece wan a menace of peee. The Porte had purehased fiftoen hundrml cart-horses in Huogary, to Ita delivwed at onco. Servían troops in large force had crossed the Bulgnrinn frontier at Nissa on 1ln Hitli, and, asTurkey had ordered forward her soldiery in that direction, a battle was expected at an early date. Thkrk were flfty-four new casas of cholera and thirty-three deaths frotn th disease reported in Palermo, Siclly, on th Kith. Thkre were fifty-one deaths from amallpox in Montreal and vicinity on the lGth. Cardinal Newman on the lOth declared tho Protestant Church in England to b the great bulwark in thot country agalnst atheism, and his support of th church was expected to have a marked influence on the coming elections. A Paiia rubber flrm, which i intimately connected with a New York house, was on the lGth accused of defrauding the Brazilian Government in the past few years out oC $1,000,000, through the eraaion ot export duties. The death was announced on the 18th ot Rt. Hon. Henry Rose, a Field Marshal ot the British army, who was once Commandor-in-Chief in India. LATER NEW& Tui: rtsult of tho recent election in Ohio g to the LegJ&latnre vm still " doubt on tbfl ITIh. nnd the official count would be ne essary to sottle the matter, Two Democral [c elsction judges, the Chief Pólice and chief Deputy Sheriff at Cincinnati were under arrest for frauds at the polls, and two other men were conflned for stealing ballot boxes. The excitement at Cincinnati was intense, and fears of a riot were entertaiued. t Teree men were killed and aix cars were siuashed by a recent accident on th Northern Railway at Andover Plain.% N. H. A slioht shock of earthquake, laating ten seconds, was feit at Sandersville, Ga., on tlie l.Sih. 9Ax express train on the Pennsylvania Ruad r.ui into a detachftd eniigraut-car on the I m li thirteen miles outside of Jersey City, killing niño persona therein and routilating three others. Soon fterward a Lehigh V'alley train;dashed into the wreek, killing it.s engineer and tireruan. The new railroad bridge across the Colorado River at Yuma, A. T., which cost $iOC,OK), was totally de.itroyed by fire a fow days ngo. It was stated in Ottawa on the ITth that a rumor that Riel's sentence wonld b chauged to ptmal servitude for life wa false, and that there was no power in Kngland to change his sentence. During the week ended on the ITth there wera 883 deaths from small-pox in Montreal and viciuity. Nkr Osawkie, Kan., a farmer and his faniily were driving home on the lïth with a package of ten poundsof powder in the wagon. His wife attempted to light a pipe, nnd rlropped a park. The explosión which iollowed killed the woman and fatally in.jnred the other three persons. .Toskpii Rapai-tea, a Yates County (Jí. Y.) farmer, was swindled out of $!,.M)0 on the by sharpers. At a meeting held in Chicago on the 17th by coal-miners and mine-owners resolutions were adopteddeclaring agaiust strikes and lock-outa, and urging the tettlement of wages by arbitration. Thk United States Grand Jury dlscharged on the ITth at Blackfoot Falls, I. T., indictid twenty-nine Kormons for unlawful cohabitation. tt There were 138 new casos of cholera and soventy-six deaths reported in Spain on the ITth. In Palermo, Sicily, ther were fifty-four new cases and thirty deaths. The exchanges at twenty-six leading clearing-houses in the United States during the week ended on the 17th aggregated (960,886,198, against $920,030,653 the previnus week. As compared with the correj,. ,..,!.¦..„ !¦„,.,¦, „i Q{ 18S4. the increas amouuts to '8.9 per cent.


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