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Some hijrhly intercsting R'atitics hive eeh recently given conceniiiig th' news apere and periodicals of tbe worid. It eeins tliat the total nuntber of periodcals at present in existence is about 3.".000, or lu the proportion of one paper to very 2.onn inhabitants, sun '"¦ )Oulatlou of the worUl to be l.OOu.000,000. Of these :..0u0, Eurpne loim furnishes nenrly 20,000, and tlie Unltetl B 2,r00. ín Etirape, Germaiiy leads iu tlie lumber of periodicals pubJisfied by thé arioti? countries; she issues in all abpüt ,ñ00 specimens of this eliemeral lireraure, including 800 daily pspeTs. Thcre are none of these, however, tliat can omnpae with EngliBh or American al ics in point of wealth nnd circiilalion ; lie most widely read is the Herliner U'agililatt, whicli prints only 5.",000 Epgp and, while publiehiug feter perlodicúb Hhout 4,000) pos.-css: s thosu of tile reatqst eirculation in thc i-orld. Tlie aily circulation of' tlie ïeJegrapli is boye a quarter of a milüon th at of the Standard is nearlyas mnch; tliat of the Daily News is 100,000; tliat of the Time 8 about 100,000, hut ü i-i Bent all over tlie worlü, aiul its animal receipfs lor adverWJiar are esiiiuatcd ai about twenty-five íillion (L8,000,000) Englarid also U about bOOdailies- mostly snmll atl'airs f'runce has almosi as iimny periodicals m io"latid. but only '2t0 dilies, Parií nlv about 1,400 periodicals in all, HmiiiíIi he holds tlie fourth pluoe, and about. 100 ailies. Austria (Austro-Hucigary) then comes next with 1,300 journals, of wliicli ñO are dnily. tfpnin falln a little below ler, bayin;; 850 peiiodioul prints; línsia lias scarcely 800 (bift one datly has ireulatiou of 71,000); Greece, thougb a mail country, has nearly as niany jouríals as Eussia- for every vlllage has iU per, and Athens has no less than 7l lailies. Aller these coiuitries rank 8iiccessively Switzerland with 4.j() jounmls, ielffium and Holland witli 300 each; Svveden, Korway, Pttrtagal and Turkey with luss. Asia is much richer in periódica! literatuie than is generalij' supposed. She las 3,000 journals and magazines. Tuis act ceases to surprise however, wlien we observe that the new Japanese civilizaion and the prosperity of British India lave produciil most of tliis literature. Japan heads the list of oriental newepalers-readinj countries; for t-lie has over 2,000 periódica- inore than Italv, Spain or Russia. British India has several huiidred journals of all desorlptlon Persia ïas sixcredilabe periodicals, viz, the Iran which is the official orjran), thii Ittlla, he Rouze, Mainel Elmi, thu Miricli, the l'ebriz and the Farhang. Afghanistan and the Beloochistan have no papers; China has ouly four- the King Pau (official) of Pekín, the (Jlienpa and Hu Pao of Shanghai, and the Government .azette of Corea. Tonquin has one French p.iper, L'Avenir du 'l'onkin. África has sonicihini; more than 200 (ininals, of which 30 are priuted in Kü.vpt, and the rcinainder in the varlous üuiopf-an colonief. Oceánic llaü a fair nuniber of papers, notly edited by Eurrtpean. Australia hoahtsTOii; New Zealand liasqiiiteanuinber; the Sandwich Islands -have more Uian mijihl bc imagined, for eigbt are priüted in Honolulú alom: - ti In Knlish and three in Hawaüun. Cairida bas as many papers as Australia, including a large French [ness. Central and Smith Ameilca are leSÜ fttnpiy furnishcd WITh cileap readtng niHtwh but the journals ot .Mexico and Br'azfl are nüuierous and wcll-cilücd ; nnd the Aijfeiitlfie Oonfcderaüon has ábóát 60 ieriodioals. Atore jieriodicals are pttbltUed in English than in any other tongue - a grand total of 16,500. ïhere are 7,800 periodicals published in Geimtin; 6,8W In Prenthi and l,(00 in Spaiiish. Nearly all the civilicd Countries have pcriodiciils printed not only in their reipe'tive lhguagec, but als. In one or more dialect-. The Paris Figaro bas coiiciMed some fácts In regarJ to the ourlosilies of journilisni, l'roin which we borrow. It appeart that while the Germán press is the dBöit scicntilk nnd philosoi)hical, the Engliih the wealthiest, the Freneh the most artistic- the Russian the most polyglot and extraordlnary. It inelude? papen in the Pollsh Finnish, Tartar, Armenian, Lelt, Ksthonian, Georgian, Germán, French, Hebrew and Latín taiigoayea aoreover, some ot lts papers ure printed n two and thre tongues. Tbere is one prtfited in Uer man, Russian and French. A queer fae connected with the SwIbs presa ie tha oue Wil gubscribe to all the 100 Journal and magazines of Sv.itcrlaiid by on payment of 3,000 francs (less than $000) Austro-Ilungary bas one vcry remaikn ble publication- the Acta Comp&riUoril Litterarum Universarum- devoted to tht comparative study of the wholc woiM' literature. It has correspondents in every country on earth, and all languages art represented in it. It 9 the Polyglot ma gazine par excellence. The Gazette, o Corea, is printed in ('hiñese, Corean aiii English. 'i'he perioli als most poeticallj name are those of India; they have nel tilles, iu various dialects, as " I'he Uetlec tor of Light," "The Sliiniilfr Sun," "Th Kuil Moon," "The Light of Morality,' "Tho Ocean of Wisdom," "The Marvel U8 Tree" and "The Sea of Medical Sei ence." ProbaLly the iongest newspape titlee in Europc are tho-c ot sonic Oer man papers; but the JapaseM name are not less imposiug - we hcar of tb "Hotchlshiuiboun," the "Maiuitchi-liini boun," the "Nitchinilchishimhoun. Hu the curlosities of modem JourwUUn ' would alone afibrd nmieiial for a ver lengthy Beries of articles. It might seem that with the expansión ¦ 1 rivilization the Timiihcr of periodiCÍÍB wonlil incrcKM; indeliniU'ly. There :ire pi-mliar cfaacks, liowevir, to numerical jrowth, entallad by compiBtition. Tlie reatci otirnal will sooncr or lntor swal' "' Iliu lewpc - especially in view of the locreage "f the rapid transit and of .elegraplitc faclllties all over the world. [n auiiilicr lniiKlrt-d yean it s not at all Hcely tliat perioJical literatura will have ntrc;('il in the sanm ratio as tlint ol the at liiuulred; but it will have become far nore hlglily pifo'ted and exhaustive In


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