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"special Delivery" Rules

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The following rules and regulations are .--ucd tiy the post-offlce department perliniii to the delivery of letters by the new delivery systeni. They are ffiven as ïeaily verbatim as we can recall them without a eopy : 1. All letters intended for special delivery must reach the hands of the person or whnm tlny are intended within 15 cunda (standard timo) after Deing received at tlie postofflce. 2. Messengersare forbtdden to toy with lie iiiaid at the stamp window or"montey '' with outsiders at the post-offlce port holes, or to carelessly kick about the Hoor, láckauei containiiig dynamite. 3. No messenger wlio bas reached the estáte of manhood is allowud to tarry more han one minute at the residente of a pqdern widow of more than six months' ttt'ndftig, when deliveiïng a letter, provided he lias no ties that bind. 4. When delirectng a letter at midnight r thereabouts, hen the person for whom t is Intended has retired, the messenger nut le acemnpanied to the room by a vitiiess, )rovided the perfcoA be nol of the mie geuder as the inessenger, to prevent riglit. .V If the messeneer in the night comes unto bis own and hisown ïeoeives him not - except at the miizzle of the revolver - lewïll whisper " Grover Cleveland" in OW breath, amlif the of cermonies 'pluiis" ïiim atter Chat, he is hö gentleman )ut "au offenglve partisan." 5. On reacliini; n house with a letter at Dy time of night or da.y, aml üiulin il ocked, thu messenger will borrow acrowar at the nearest blacksmith shop, and klier pry up a sash or smash in the t 'ront oor and leave the letter. 7. The muëseuner is eautioned apainst tealing single-plated spoons or gitt jewlry at houses where he dellvers letters, as uch conduct is unbecoming the digniiy 1 the service. 8. A" messeneers must proyide themlade oi boller fron or other bullet proof ubstance, as m Insurance against siulden i erase in the night time at the llanda of liose wiio may not (juite comprehend the enelicenee of this goverument fn providi? the delivery system. 9. Messengers must run their own bances with doss. In no case will they e enlitled to recover of the United States ny portion of their clohiiig removed by he guardiau angel of the household. Th ís overnuient cannot undertake to rc-seat amages so arlsing, nor to examine the ïerits of the case, nor refurnish tny porion of the human system of whicli tlie messenger may be deprived in the dishaige of his dutjes. He must do,thebest ie eau with the rawmaterial within his each. 10. No messenger, on pain of dismlssal, vilt, in case of auy dogmaticcoiitingency, be allowed to visit either a tailor orsurgeon, or an undertaker, if he have other etters lo deliver, till the same have been elivered, and will proceed with the renains of bis pantaloons or person the same is if ïioiliiiig liad happuued, denieauing iimself with otllcial dignity, and wearing i smile of courtesy till he has acemnplished his route, when he may lay off for rejairs. The way to have a delivery sysetn is to haveit, and nocircumstance will he ap.eented in nalliation of delav or lülivery.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News