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DRAWING IN CHAKCOATi AND CRAYON, lor the use of fcjturtenLs and Scboola. By Frauk Fowler. Prlce, iï.50. For ale by Geo. Osatua 4 Oo., Ann Arbor. This book is accorapanied by eight platea, and isdesigned to prepare student for the intcresting study of drawiog trom life. The mithor states that "In learning to draw charcoal is the most available material that can be ueed, a, with it. Urge and atrikiiif; effect 8 are ao easily and quickly produced, while it is also adapted to the ruost 'careful work, and may be carried on to any degree of finish." This work is in seven chapters, the flrt treat of "Charcoal and Crayon Drawing," then follows successivel y : "Outfit Necessary for Charcoal and Crayon Drawing," "Klementary Practice," Manner of Working,'1 "Measurement, Actual and Comparatiye," "Crayon Portraits,"and last "Charcoal and Crayon Drawing with the Point; Landscapes, Proportions, etc," with an appendix explaining the accompanylng platea. It ig a neat volume of 88 pages, and to one who has taste or incliu'ation fn that direction will be an inraluable air). As there s great interest being manifested In art at present, this work will be all the more appreeiated. THE STUDENTS' MANUAL Or EXKRCI8EH, for Traalattng lnto Oorman, with lull ViM-ahulury . note, referenoea, and general HugKestlona. Propurvd and arranged toaocompany Jirandt Oerman Oraramar, by A. Loderaan, A. M., Prof. of Germán and Kronen lu the Micliigaa state Normal School. New York: Gerge P. Putnam's Sons. Prlce, 60 cents. For ule by Geo, i lulu & Co., Aan Arbor. The title of this book expresses the vliole thing, and the imprint of G. P. .'utnaiu'o Sons is a sufflcient guarxnty ór its true worth. Prof. Lodeuaan's reputaiion asa student and instructor ia so good liere iu Michigan that it will be unïecessary to add aiiy words of praise hi-i-cio. The book is one that will be widely adopted as a text-book. OIL PAINTING-A Hanübook for th use of .student and Schools, by Krank Fowler, nul hor of "Drawlng In (Jrayon and Charcoal," Etc. Nw York. Puullnaed by ÜMHeil i Co., llmited. Prlce, $1 80. B'or sale by Geo. umus üo., Ann Arbor. That there is a large and rapidly n"vnuinir nni)BfihmiiiiiT nf art l(,irr in Min Jnited States no oae will for a moment leny, and to those eocaed in the study of art this work will bu wclcome. There s a constant demand forjust such lnrormation as is coutaitied iu this little book, 'or it will help to ?ive a student a better rcalization of the necessity of faithful study from nature, and a more thorough acqnalntance with the technlcal requirenents of liis art. This book cominences it the beginning, showing tbe material necessary for an outfit, how the light should be arranged, the palette set, the colora mixed, and general directions for painting. Then tiiere is a chapter on still life studies, the compoeition, etc, how to paint difif-irent objects, another on Portrait Painting," "Drapery, Lace, Etc." The manner of painting a porralt is treated, gWing the colora for flesh, lair, etc. "Lanscapes and Marines," and "Flower Painting" each have chapter, and the terms peculiar to art and artists are also giveu. Conslderins? that Ann Arbor will soon become the art center of the west, when t obtains the grand collectionê already eft to the University, such works as hese should be in great demand. WILD FLOWERS OF COLORADO-From Original Water Color drawn from Nature. By Emma Homan Tbayer. New York: Caiwell A Co., llmlted. Prlce, $7.50 For sale by Ueo. Oslus & Co., Ano Arborj. The flrm of Casucll & Co., have done as much, if not more for art in Araerica, tlian any otlier publiihers in the United States. This work is an additlon of no srnall importance. Indeed, we should have been inclined to hare fone into ecstacies over thig beautlf ui book had we not been unfortunate enough to have picked up The Nation, and in lts columns run upon a crlttcism of the work, as follows: Here U a handnome glfl book, betlmes for the coming bolldays; a qoarto, wlth letterpresH, desorlptlveof ajourney ltito llie Rocky Mountalns of Colorado, prlnted In large typ 11 pon paper aa llke card -board aa tbat of the lUuütratlons. Xheae, twonty-four In number, have more artisllc than botan leal raerit Most are quite good tn thelr way, but we could not advise a comparlson of the author'g mountaln columblne (palnted purple hintend of blue. and wali hookd ipuri and uiicompounded leavem) wlth that of HDraniie's Wild Klowei-8.' Nor dom one rellnb the name of falry ltlyfor the mountaln öax. nor that of aster for a yellow flowered oompoHlte. The figures are nearly all characterlstlo of the reglón, and wlll serve well aa souvenlni. This of course chllled our ailmiration, like k bucket of ice-water in tho bath tab. But then, perhaps The Natlon's critic is too critical. Perhaps lie lias had nis vision fed upon these delicate and beautiful tilinga until it ia surfelted. We would ask bow lic happens to know about the color of the mountain columbines in Colorado? I'erhaps they are purple- and if they are not they should be, for the page devoted to tliem could not be im proved upon very well. Certain it is that blue would not enhauce thelr beauty. When tilia critical critic says: "Nor does one relish the name of fairy lilly for mountaln flax," he simply lies about it, for neaily every one does relish it. In fact we are inclind to believe that the one who wrote that criticism had better go and tone up bis system a little. Ile'll (or slie'll) feel better afterward. There is not an illustration among the twentyfour but deserves words of praise - sorac of them Ix-ing extremely delicate and beautiful. Tlie letter press also Is perfect. i; very letter is clear and bright, with not a break on the faintest hair line. The story that accompanies these handaome reproductions of nature'i beautle is also interesting to the reader. The binding is extra cloth, full gilt, and the cover is of itself a beautlful thing to gaze upon. Cassell & Co. niay fee well proud of this pnblication, it is "a tbiiig of beauty and a Joy fortver."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News