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RINSEY . SEABOLTS liÉÍÜIi AND Flour and Feed Store. We kep consUntly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Whuleule and Retal! Trnde. We ahall also keep a enpply of SWIFT & DEL'BEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Delhi Flour, Rj-c Flour, Bliek u Ik ui Flour, Corn Heal, Feed, Etc, At WhuleBalt' and Retal!. A general stock oí GROCERIKS aai PROVISIUl ConetaDtly on band, wliich wil] he sold on u reaoonahlv frnií aa at any olber houee In the cit, . f'aíh paid for BUTTKR, BGGS, and COUNTKY PRODUCB gen,Tally. oode delïvered to oj pirt of the city withont extra charol'. RINSEY & SEABOLT. i The" Secret of oiir great tradfl is that we keep the very best stock and sell at tlie Iowest prices. Our Perfumes and Toilet Articles are of the very flnest kind, and we nave a great vnriety to select f rom. Clioice Wincs hiu! Liquois for medicinal uses. The finest stock of 5c and 10c eigars aromatic and fragrant breath perfumes. DRÜGS AND MEDICINES! Bric-a-brac - suitable for presenta, fr parlor, or general decoratlnjf. We can furnish anvUiing you want in this line. Don't forget to examine our full line of faucy goods in Brass, Plush Koods, music boxes, statetts. Everything elegant and beautltul. Cali in and examine prices. Prescriptions accurately and carefullyl compounded. Cali! NO. 7 S. MAIN ST, J. J. GOODYEAB.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News