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Mrj. H. B. Dodslfy It yisitlng at Sus pension Bridge, N. Y. Mi-8. Prof. Morris is being vialted by her sister from New York. Mrs. Sarah Ellsworth is gcriously il], a her home on N. Thuyer st. "Shell" Grauger now answers to the tittle uf "papa." A daughter. C. A. Ilendrick and wife seiit Sunday in Milford, driving over and back. Chas. Whitncy, a former Aun Arbor boy, paid his old home a visit Saturday Mrs. Geo. A. Douglass who has been quite ill for8ome time, isitnproving slow'y- Rev. Geo. Taylor, of Lansing, was s pleanant caller at the Coubieu office this a. m. Mrs. II. W. Rogers will recelTe her friends Frklay from 4 uutil 7 o'clock p. in. Mrs. P. L. Tuttle, of Geneva, N. Y., is vlsitiug her sister, Mrs. Henry Bower, on N.Ingallsst. Supervisor O'Hearn is fitting up his new residence property on N. Thayer st., in a neat manner. Mrs. N. Keith, of Dexter, has been vlsitiug relatives and frieuds in the city during the week. Miss Auna McKpigfat, of BalUton Spa, N. Y., is the gucst of her uucle, Kev. Dr. Steele. Mrs. Anna Warden gare a reception yesterday aftemoon to a largenumbcr of her friends in the city. Miss Dollie Border, of Toledo, Ohio, was the guest of Mrs. C. R. Remick, several days the past week. Mrs. W. II. Hand hasreturned to Charlotte, afler au extended visit with her pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. A. Moore. Harry French, son of W. U. French, of this city, tiaveling for O. B. Arnold, of N. Y. city, was in town over Sunday. Mrs. G. E. Guiñan, of Dexter, U spending a few days with Mrs. Robert Vernor. Ed. was tn town over the Sabbath. Mrs. S. T. Otis who has been spending a fuw weeks in the city leayes to-day for Chicago, where she will inake lier home. Noble R. Waterman and brother, Ed. D. Waterman, left Monday for Lincoln, Kansas, to sort o' grow up with the country. Mr. Frank Sweeney and Mrs. Mundy, of Marshall, brother and sister of vVm. Sweeney, have been cal led to tuis city by their brother's serious linees. John L. Sullivan, the famous Sullivan, the man who knocke chips etc, off of jeople's shoulderg, was in the city yesterlay. He was struck - with the town. Geo. H. Rhotles in order to have a short respite from work took the cars last Friflay for New York, where he will Tlsit friends in Séneca Falls, Rochester, etc., returuing Saturday. Geo. W. Robertson of Mt. (Jlemens, Right Worthy Órand Visitor and LecturBr of tlie grand lodge of Michigan, F. & A. M., was in the city Friday. He pronouncos Ann Arbor's new masonic temple equalled by none other in Michigan. Burglars attempted to crack the safe of W. F. Schlanderer last night, hut gaveit up as a bad job. George Foster, of Ann Arbor town, was rmirried Oct. 21st, to Miss Anna Pratt of Ypsilanti. Mrs. Mary Howard, of Ann stroot witl hereafter receive a pension through the efforts of O. L. Matthew. Hallow'een Saturday night Tie up ?our gates. Anchor your poor sidewalks, ind unjoint your bell wlre. Connections are now being made with the street raains for seryioe where citizens have made application. The games advertised for the regular animal Field Day, to take place Saturday next, will be enjoyable to all who like to see such sports. One of Lester & Allen's minstrels, they of the John L. Sullivau combination, was arrosted Tuesday for assaulting a colored man, but settled the case without it's coming to trial. County Clerk Roblson came near having a good joke played upon h!m last Tuesday. It wa9 all a mistake, but set hlm to thinking about his speech before the board of supervisors, just the same. Wheat is moving moderately, with 94c. being paid for red, and 84c. for white. These figures are withln a cent or a cent and a half of Detroit prices, and proves this city to be a first-class wheat market. Ann Arbor lorfge A. O. U. W., No. 27, celebrated the 17th annivej-sary of the order Tuesday night, and had a general good time, many of the younger folks tripping their toes until along toward morning. John Pack has a Plymouth Rock hen lays a common sized egg every week day, and Sundays she lays one '„that is 6x7 6-8 inches in clrcumferenee, which weighs 3 1-4 ounces. This she bas repeated for several weeks. Arrangements are progressing flnely for the Maccabees ball next Thursday evening, atHangsterfer's hall. The boys are laying their plans for a good time, and they seldom, if ever, miscalculate. Everything that can be done to make it pleasant for thoseattendlug will be done, and those who like to dance will take advantage of the occasion. There is one thing a little peculiar. In the proceedings of the board of iupervisors it will be noticed that the flna money reported as beiug turned into the county treasury, came almoit entirely from the Ann Arbor justices. Not one cent from Ypsilantl. And yet the fleshy member from that section spends most of bis time blowing about Ann Arbor, lts extravagance, wickedness etc Where has the flne money gone to down there? Or were there no arresta in that place ? Snturday night or Sunday morning last, burglar's again raided J. Croakins' clothing store at Dexter, taking a lot of jewelry, silk handkerchiefs, etc, to the extent of about $3C0 or $400. About two months ago they broke out a light in the front part of the same store and stole a quantity of clothing. TliU time they pried open the back door and gained adniission in that inanner. It seenis to be a paying claim they are worklng. Arrangements are being made to establish a cireulating library, with fees so guiall as to be alinost free. A person by paytng $1 is made a stockholder and is allowed tlie privilege of drawing books from this library for a period of two years, and (he list of works will include all of the popular authors of the day. Tliis 1 one of the Franklin Square librarles of Louisville, Ky., and Boughton & Payne will act as librarians. Martin Clark is now canvassing for the enterprise, au It is thouht the scheme will b very popular witli lh peopl .


Ann Arbor Courier
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