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The " kick-off" lias been successfullj photographed. The junior silk hats are to be furnishec by A. L. Noble. 8. P. Carnage, forincrly '87, cxpect3 te gradúate willi '88. A reunión of Alpha Nu graduates foi January is being talkcd up. Chas. Black, lit, '83, will be married today to Miss Nettie Thayer of Detroit. That famous Chinese collection will oon be gazed upon by the vulgar multltude. Bethune Duffleld, lit. '83, was married Tuesday in Detroit, to Miss Eliza Muir, of that city. The records show that tlicre were 89,388 booksdrawu from the general library last year. Eight co-eds in one boardlng place thls year, and not a man in the house ! What a Paradi6e ! The nioitar-boards that now grace tlie heads of the sophoniore co-ods., have the graceful tip. Lestthey mightgetconfused, some time, the authorities have had the chapel door properly labeled. The sophomoregirls have had thcir picures taken. Where are the sophomore boys?- Chronicle. Probably holding the )icture8, of course. The diploma systein of admlssion to he university has b;en taken advantage of by schools in New York, Califorlia, Minnesota and Illinois. The Delta Kappa Ensllon, convention leid at Wesleyan University, Middleton, Conn., was attended by S. K. Pittman and L. E. Dunham, of U. of M. Prof. T. B. Bronson, lit. '81. occupying he chair of Modern Langunges in the dilitary Acadeiny at Orchard Lake, was n the city Sunday and Monday. Librarían Davis gave the tirstof a short ourse of lectures upou the " Use of the Library," in the lecture room of the genral library Mouday evening and it was atened to with interest by those present. Samuel G. Armor, Professor of Materia iledica in the medical dcpiirtment in 867-J8, died of pneumonía in Brooklyn esterday. He occupied the chair of surery In Bowdoin college. He was a raduate of Miami in 1842. F. W. Stevens, the ploasant and genial ecretary and treasurer of the Chronicle, 8 quite an artist, and during a trip out to he water works a few days siuce, made ome excellent water color sketches of the haracters who labor thereabouts. An extra announcing the result ol the óot-ball battle between the sophs and reshs was issued Saturday evening by ie Chronicle, and took with the coniinuity. The collego newspaper business eems to be characterized with energy and erseverance this year. The annual address of the Student's Christian As.sociation will b delivered in University Hall Sunday eve., at 8 o'clork, y Rev. James Eells, D. D., of Lane eminary, Cincinnati, Ohio. Subject: Interdependence, or The Relatloo of )pposites." You are invited to joln the nion service. Rev. Dr. Eulls, of Cincinnati, Ohio, ne of the founders of the Alpha Delta 'hl Fr&ternity, estrblUhed in Hamilton College in 1832, will preach ut th Presyterian church next Sunday morning, nd deliver tlie annual address before the '. M. C. A. of the Univeriity in UniverThe postponed foot-ball game between ie sophs and fresh has passed the first eg. Saturday the sophs won the first oal in about eight minutes. But when Old Sol shied his amorous glances over toward China and shut off beaming on J. S., the contestants were still iiliting ver that poor ball that was just hankerng to be kicked, and the second inning was postponed until next Saturdaj. The senior laws struggled violently over je election of class offleers, Saturday. It s said that by borrowing the various buletiii boards about the campus a good writer fouud room to getdown about half ie eandidates' names, and the balance was read off by a couragoous, soundunged volunteer. After 25 ballots, J. W. lamilton, of Kentucky, received the most otes and was declared dtily elected. The Rugby Association offer a fine proram for Field Day, next Saturday. It is sfollows: Lawn tennis, doublé and sinfle; standing broad jump; wrestüng, Ight and heavy weight; half-mile run; eap frog, ten men; '88 vs. '89; high jump: ole vaulting; throwlng the hammer; op, step and juuip; boxing, light aud ïeavy weight; quartei-mile run; drop ick ; tug of war, '88 vb. '89, hurdle race; mile walk and fencing. - Chronicle. The Junior Hop of '87, will take place on the last Friday evening of the first einester. The following commltteeR have een appointed therefor : Arrangement - Hibbard, chairman; Nat Degen, M.W. Mills, S. K. Pittman, K. W. Hess, F. B. IcCreery, Frank Vtlde; Reception - J. 5. Thomas,;chairman; ï. J. Bullinger,R. H. Huilt, C. L. Carter, G. L. Keifer; Invitation - Jus. Hulstead, chairman; L. O. Townsend, J. E. Ball, W. A. Blakeley, Vf. T. Smith. The lecture of R. J. Bnrdette, at university hall Saturday evening, was enjoyble. Burdette has a peculiar drawl in lis speech, somewhat after Mark Tvvhíii, with this difference i Twain's is one coninuous drawl with no rising or fallingdc[ection ; Burdette soars up and down as occasion demands. The story recited by he lecturer was a familiar oue, got off In n entertaining manner, and gave general satlsfaction. Tlie listencr was not made much wiser by listening, but he enjoyad what he heard. It was lunny.


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