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A fire on the 2üth swept away the nnniripal buildings t IVusacnla, Fla. Near Erle, Pa., Jobn Wiird quarrolsd 'tv days ago with hls son Charle ovar ;he latter's afHancxd, whom the old gen.liMiniti disliked, and the father shot the ïou dead. . r ' t Tl Thk thirteeuth annnal meeting of the Carriage Builders' National Association Dpened in Boston oq tha 2Oth, with two liundred mcmber pretent. Tbe explosión of a boiler on tho 2Oth at Ridgeville, 8. C, killed three persons and mortally injured three others. IncïSdiakieS burned the Eat Avenue Presbyterian Church at Hehenectady, N. Y., the other night, the loss being $20,000. Thk families of the striking minera ia the district near Pittsburgh, Fa., wer in a starvlng condition ontheSOth, and it was expected that the mea, to save the lives of their wives and children, would soon resume work. The strik has lasted seveu weeks. The sanitary precautlons adopted in the traasmission of Italiau mails intouded for this country dariug the prevalence of cholera in Italy have been ordored discontinued. Burolars entered the residenoe of Mr. C. J. Adams, at Chicago, the othor óigbi and stolt jewelry, cash and other valuables amounting to more than $2,0i)0. AmouK otber things taken was the gol.l pen, given by Mrs. Lincoln to M: s. Adams, with whicli Abraham fincóla sigued the Emanclpation Proclamation. Miss Effie Littlefield, a Scotch woman, hanged hers lf on the 20th to a chandnlior in a Boston hotol. Bhe crossed the Atlantic recently, and was in search oí a brother in Chicago. Nkar Williamsport, Pa., on the 20th two passenger trains colliiled, two employés beijug killed and saveral persous severely iujured. , A foot of gnow was rpported on the 20th from uearly all parts of the península Of Michigan, bloikading tho railroads. At Indianapolis on the 20th tb a brother of a young white woman, wiio had been assaulted by a nngro, shot the fleud, inflicting a fatal wound. The tragody took place in the court-houss. Aci'ORdinu to the nguring of the New York Produce Exchange, the visiUe supply of wheat on the 20th was 4ö,170,4tü bushels, and of corn 4,887,423 bushels. At Youngstovrn, O., a lad nanied Torn Muldoon stole over $2,000 from hi mother on the 20th and raa off. The polio found him in a drunken sleep in a hd with most of the money in his pocket. The Cane Hill College, at Fayetteville, Ark., the oldest institution of learning in the State, was destroyod by an incendiary flre on th 20th. Loss, $00,000; no ingu ranee. , - . Three kegs of gunpowder exploded in the igrocery store of Pettit & Lautz, at Mexico, Mo., on the 21st, and $T0,000 worth of property was destroyed hy tbe üre which ensued. Mrs. Georoe Vanness, of Nw Brooklyn, N. J., gave birth to four children on the 21st, two boys and two girls. Robert J. Doxey, a wife-niurclerer, was taken from jail bya mob on the21stat Holly Springs, Miss., and hanged. Advices of the 21st say that geven men were killed by the recent boiler erploaion at a eaw-mill in Kidgeville, 8. C. A derrick at the Lowell (Mass.) waterworks feil on the 21st, killing four men. Mrs. John Conway and her daughter Kate were found dead in their dwalling in Kansas City on the 21st, having bon murdered by an uuknown porson. Thirty dollars in money was carried off by the assassin. Mortoi C. Wauren, iraporter of lace at New York, made an assignmeut the other day, giving preferences for $lüü,0O0. The twenty-second annual convention of the Brothethood of Locomotire Engineers convened in NewUrleanson tbe21at. arrived in New York on the 21st with three passenger9 suffering with yellow fftvur. A mob (urroanded a wooden building used as a jail in Murfreesboro, Ark., the other night, in which one Chorehill, a murderer, was conflned, and af ter saturating the structure with oil, they flred it, Cburchill perishing in the flamea. A min er at Plymoufh, Pa., On the 21st entered a dangeroug portion of a mine with a naked lamp on his head, causing an explosión which killed three men and fatally burned fourteen others. An alleged infernal machine - a plece ol pipe fllled with powder - was found on a street-car track at St. Louis on the 21st, & cap being so arranged that a car. wheel wonld explode the inissile. Thomas Whiteley and his wife, who were married a few days ago, were found dying in a room of a Lincoln (Neb.) hotel on the 21st, having taken morphine, it was supposed, with suicidal intent. In a game of ball billiards on the 21st at Tankton, D. T., Mr. Laurie McAfee made, it was said, a run of 0,004 points - a most remarkable performance. Thk iron trade at Philadelphia continued active on tbe 21st, and old rails, both iron and steel, were in brisk request, but gcarce. l'rlcos were firmly held, and naila had advanced ten cents ia retail lots. Twenty Mormon Elders from. Salt Lake City arrived at Chattanooga, Tenn., on the 21st. They were said to be the flrst of a larger number who would be sent South to proselyte. Advices of the 22d from Salt Lake City ¦ay that the Mormon Bishops and papers were advising the people of Utah to hoard wheat now thattbey have such abundant crops for a fainine which they predicted would come. The Secretary of the Interior at Washington on the 22d receired % pecial report from Governor Bqnire, of Washington Terrltory, upon ths Chinese tituation in the Territory. The Governor said that there had been rauch agitation on the subject of forcing Chinese resideuts to leave the country, but thus far there had been no outbreak, although sorioua trouble had been threateneJ. It was the Governor's degire to maintain order without the aid of troops, if possible. A man named Rhiae, who was killed a few days ago by the caving in of a sewer at Mastillon, O., left thirteen children in destitute clrcumttances. An explosión in the Raccoon colliery on the 22d near Rlchmond, Va. , killed one man and fatally wounded three others. An epidemie of hog cholera was reported in Huntlngton Couuty, Pa. , o the 22 1, many farmers haring lost all their hog. Flames on' the 22d swept away the court-house and record at Baker City, Ore., and $50,000 worth of buildings at Darlington, 8. C. An investigation on the 22d showed that the recent great explosión thoroughly shattered Flood Rock, in New York harbor, and dradging operations were in progres. Josepii Rmith, aged thirteen, living aniong the mountaiat near Bedford, Pa., was killed and partially eaten by a panther a few days ago. Slxty Chinese cigar-makers in a factory at San Francisco quit work on the 23d because the tirm refused to discharge its white workmen. Sixty-five cowi belongingtoR. Sattenstiue, who sells milk in New York City, were killed on the 23d, being found sufferinir from ...--- - At HL Eöüls oñ the evaning or toe z.i tu infernal machine placed ou üi track ras exploded by a gtreet-car, completely wrecking the vehicle. The íour passengers sscaped uninjured. Nkar Starracca, Pa., on the 23d John Howell, a farmer, shot his four children, wuose t?i ware from thra to eleven years, and then ldlled himaelf. Thb vUlaKe of Laander, ïax., was totally destroyed by Ure on the 23d. Special telegram on the 2M to Bradslreet's froin variousleading business centers stated that there was no iniprove ment in the business outlook, but confl lener was expressed that trade would soon recover, i tm In Montgomery County, Ga., two revenue oiBcers wera killed by "uiooushiners" on the 23d, while attempting to capture an illicltdistiUory. Thrki men, Edward McCarthy, Peter Mooney and Stephen Brennock, were killed by gas wMla cleaninjf a sewer in the Dulon Stock-Yards, Chicago, on the u3d. Xv4iJLXX Throuoh jealousy Henry Diekerson killed his wife on the 23d at Moravia, N. Y., and fatally shot himself. E. M. Cox, a prominent lawyer of Petersburg, Va., whose health had become greatly impaired, killed himself with a revolver the othcr day. The Cleveland Chief-of-Police on the 23d issued an order closing saloons all day on Sundays instead oL untü two p.m., as had been the custom. ADVI0B9 of the 2M frora the East were of a distiuctly warlike ton, iudioating that Klng Milan was fast giving way to the popular demand for an immediate beginning of hostilities, and had decided on a campalgn of aggression. In the United States and Canada there were 170 business iailures during the saven days eudod on tji 23d, aiainst 181 the previoui teven days. The distrihution was as follows: Middle States, 37; Nw England Statas, 17 Western, 37; Southern, 31; Paciflo Status and Torritories, 24; Canada, 24. Nkakly three hundredcitizensof Stockton, Cal., held a public meeting on the 23d and voted to cause the removal of the Chinese beyond the limits. Jacob Kaufkmaw, a well-known musician, comraitted suicide at Denver, Col., on the 23d by divesting himself of his clothing and crawling several times bnc!; and forward through a wire fence. When discovered the body was shocUlngly lacerated. A MAN named Brandt, at Waco, Neb., becoming irritated on the 23d beyoud endurance, flung a lad of thirteen years into a thrashing-machine, where hit head was instantly torn from the trunk. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL._ William H. Graves, a prominent cltizen of Syracuse, N. Y., and the patentee of rarious toys and mechanical devicei, died on the 19th from the effects of mor]ihino, taken with suicidal intent. Malcolm Hat, recently First Assistant Postraaster-Oeneral of the United States, died on the 2Oth of consumption at Pittsburgh, Pa. John Galvi has been nominated for Congressman by the County Democracy of the Eightli Congressional District, New York City. Thï Republicans of Dakota, in convention at Huroo on the 21st, nominated the following State ticket: Go vernor, A. C. Millatte, Governor, A. E. Frank; Sécretary of State, H. 8. Murphy; Auditor, Frank Alexander; Treasurer, D. W. Diggs. Thb canvassing of the vote of Hamilton County, O., still continuad on the 21st. Several irregularities in the returtv were discovered at Cincinnati, and the Electlon Board was served with an injunction forbiddioig the counting of precincts in cases where protests had been made. Thb Garrison Lyceum in Boston cele brated on the 21st the Hftieth anniversary of the mobbing of William Lloyd Garrison in that city. A monument to the famous Abolitionlst is soon to be erected. trustees of the Grant trust funóf was held In New York on the 22d, and it was decided to place the fund ($248.000) in the hands of trustees, the income to go to Mrs. Grant during her Ufe, and af ter her death to her heirs. Mrs. Mart Annk Booth, mother of Edwin, J. Wilkes and Junius A. Booth, died at New York on the 22d, aged eighty-three years. Thk Republicans of Dakota, in session at Huron on the 22d, norainated for Congressmeu Theodore D. Kanouse and U. S. Gifford. The omcial count at Cincinnati was completad on the 22d, but was liable to change at the hands of the courts. The complexion of the Ohio Legislaturehinged upon a decisión in two cases, lt given the flve precinct in dispute, the Democratie Legislativo candidatos would reccive the certificates; if the Republicans won in the courts, they would have all the Representativos but une. Asa Emkrson, a famous pioneer of Kentucky, celebratad his 102d birthday at Louisville on the 22d. The city of Boston on the 22d pald ita omcial tribute to the memory of Oenera Grant. The exercises were held in Tremont Temple, where no teat remained vacant. The eulogy was delivered by Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, and Mrs. Julia Ward Howe contributad an ode. Thb President on tha 22d nominated E. V. Long, of Indiana, to ba Chief Justice of the Suprema Court of the Territory o New Mexico, to lucceed Judga Vinoeut. Eioht mamben of the New OrleansCity Council were on the 2Ld eaob flned firty dollars and lentanced to lmprisonment for tan days for contampt Of couft regardlug the puy ment of certaln claims. At a meeting of the directors of tha Western Union Telegrapa Company on the 23d in New York Dr. Norvin Green was re-elected President and General T T. Eckert General Manager. Ferdisand Waru was arraigned on th 22d in the Court of Oyer and Teruiiner a New York on the charge of hufeny am obtaining goods under false pretensas. H pleaded not guilty. Thï resignations of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Coon and Service CommissioneriThoiuan wera teudered to the President on the 23d. The omcial returns from all counties in Ohio were received at Uolumbus on th 23d. Th total vota Was 731,732, of which Foraker (Rep.), received 339,53S; Hoadly (Cem.), 341,880; Leonard (Prohibitionist) 28,084; and Northrup (Greenbacker), 2.7Ü0 Korakor's plurallty is thus 18,15a FOREIGN. Thrcb thousand Frenchmen have die from cholera in Tonquiu withln the las nine months. Thb military craze had on the 20th in fected all Greecs and th people wer clamoring for war. Thirty thousand o the reserves had been enrollad during tb last few days. l"h A BTtfDicATE in Liverpool on the 20t' offerel to itart a flest of packets to carry cattle from Cork to England for the Na tionalists. Lords Bandon and Castletoa and other prominant geutlamen of Lon don hava formed a committee to assis people of every class in Iraland who hava been boycotted. A London Grand Jury on the 20th found a true bilí against Mr. Stead, editor of th Pall Mali Qazetle, and the other prisoner in the Armstrong case, for abduction, con spiracy and indecent assault. It wa stated in Berlín on the 20th tha the Porta wu about to invite the Power to a conference in Constantinople. Prince Alexauder had ordered out for imraediat defensivo service all the national militia of Bulgaria and Kas' rti Koumelia. A rbat flie broke out in Moscow, Russin on the 21st, and caused enormuus losses. Seven persons were killed and four in iawrnC Brainerd, the absconding Verraont bank Presldont, returned to Winnipeg reeently, and gave an account of a rislt to Chicago and Detroit sinoe he was ildnaped. A desperate attempt was made on the lst atCopenhagen to assassinate Estrupp, he Danisb rreuiier. Two hot from a evolver failed to take effect, when the ould-be assassln was geized by detectives ud hurried to prisou. Thk Britlsh Prlvy Council on the 22d lsmisaei the appea! in the case of Louis Liel, the h-ader of the insurrectiou in the Northwest Territory, and he wlll probaly be hanged November 10. The English army in India was on the 2d preparing for the invasión of Burmah, nd King Theebaw was doing his best to make a vigorous defense. RT. Rev. J amks Frascr, Bishop of Manhester, Eng., died suddenly on the 2'Jd. The resolutlon of the Montreal Board of Health ruiling upon the central board to lose the churches was on the 22d meeting with great oppositlon, Catholic and Protestant clergymen being opposed to it. An attempt to shoot the Minister of War f Montenegro was made on the 28d at Cattarc by an Albanian, who oonfessed limself the agent of a band of conspirars. He was quickly executed. I Judoï Denny, ex-United States Consul}eneral at Shanghai, has accepted th lositioii of foreign adviser to the Gorernment of Corea, with a salary of $1,000 s month. Therb was no abatement in the smallpox at Montreal on the 23d, 37 deaths beine eported and 294 for the week. The disaas lad broken out at Ottawa, wbere two chilIren were found concealed in a cupxard. LATER NEWS. A ruAiniH fire in the Pauhandle of Texas had on the 24th extonded itsolf over half a million acres bordering on the Cauadian River, doing immense damage. John B. Paioe, Governor of Vermout, died at Rutland on the 24th, of bronchial pneumonía, at the age of sixtyone years. Eurupe was alarmed on the 24th over the invasión of Bulgarian trritory by the Servians, and it was feared that this act of hostitity. presaged a rupture bet ween Kiismi and Austria. Tuk exchanges at twenty-six lrading dearing-houses in the United States duringjthe week ended on the 17th aggregated $l,lll,iil7,ö!)9, against $i)!),836, 198 the previous week. As compared with the correspouding period of 1884, th increase amounts to 32.0 per cent. Una single-scull race on the 24th at Albany, N. Y., for a purse of $1,000 a side and the champtonship of America, John H. Teemer defeated Edward Hanlan by three lengths. The ex-champion of the world acknowledged that he had been fairly beaten by a better man. Advioes of the 24th from El Paso, Tex., sny tlnit many Apaches had recently crossed into Mexico, and that in an attack upon a ranch two Americans and four Indians were killed. Anotiier street car in St. Louis was Mown up by dynamite ou th 24th, but no one was injured. TnK order of the Chief-of-PoHc of Cleveland, O., closing all saloons on Sunday, was generally observed on the 25th. Thk Fourth Presbyterian Church, in East Thirty-fourth street, New York, calelirated its centennial anniversary on the 25lh by appropriate religious services Twentt-fite cliildren at the Alletheny City (Pa.) Home for the Frieudless were poisoned on the 24th by driuking milk. All were in a fair way to recover. How the milk became poisoned was a mystery. The funeral of Heury W. Shaw (Josh Billins) took place on the 25th at Lanesborough, Mass. Hknkt Waru Bkïoher's hennery, at his farm noar Peokskill, N. Y., was burned to the ground on the 24th, and one hundred thorough-bred fowls prished in the Carnes. The Marquis of Lome, Liberal caudiHempstead, England, was peïfwf "witn rotten eggs while attempting to make a peech at that place on the 24th. Hugh M. Brooks, known at Walter Lennox Maxwell, the alleged murderer of C. Arthur Prellerin the Southern Hotel, St Louis, was identified on the 24th by his father, Samuel Brooks, of Hyde, England. The scène between the two was moet affecting. The eider Brooks dclared his belief in hi son's iunucenca.


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