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I ROUHM & II I! II, III. JEWELEBS AND OPTICIAN8, IMPORTERS OF DIAMONDS, WATCHES, C'LOCKS. BRONZliS, MAHBLE STATUARY, AHT POTTERY, OPERA GLASSKS, FANS, BRIC-A-BRAC, ETC. JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF ELGIN AXD WALTHAM WATCHES STERLING SILVEKW'ARE, AMERICAN CLOCKS, TRIPLE PLATED SILVERWARE, FINE CUT GLASS, ETC., ETC., UMBRELLAS. HO WOODWARI) AVE., DETROIT OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. SOLÉ STATE AGENT8 FOR PATEK.l FHILIPPE CO'S CELEBRATED WATCHES. I DYSPEPSIA. 8dentaryli:il)its, inentAl worry, nervoua excltemeut. exc- or iiuprudencc in eatiog or drinking , aud arioua üther cause, induce Constipatfon followed by general deransifineiit of i lie liver, kidueys, aud Btomach, iu wkitdi the disorder oí each organ ínureaaea tii' luflrmity of the others. The Immedfate roHulta aro Loss oí Appetlte, Niiusoa, Voul Brth,Heturtburn,JrMÉ ulence, Izziness, Siek Headuchea, íailure of physiral nnd mental vtgor, dWressing sense ol frelghtnnd fulineta in the storaach, and Increnscd Costrvenens, nll of whlcb. aru known onder mu' head ís Dyspepsla. IueviTv wliercthisdi-fasi' does not oriiíinnte from acrofulotu taint in tho blood, áyku's i'n.i.s may be coufideiitly relied upon to eft'cct a cure. Those cases &ot amt'iiable to thf curative inriunce of AYKR'8 ï r..l.B alone will vertfttnlT vield lí the PlLLS ure aided by tli(? powerTUl bloodpurlfyiug propertles of Ayku's SarsapaRILLA. Dyspeptlcs 6lmil,l know that the longer treatnient of tbeir inalady U postpoued, the more diúicult of cure it becouiea. Ayer's Pilis Never fail to relieve tlie bowoN and promoto tbeir hrcmftfirtii ¦'"' ¦ ¦ ,-,m..i itmv and tlniM vxivv Oysppsin. YwpOWMry palllativrs uil do permanent liann. The ntful acüvity Into wblch tho tiifcoblcd aiomai'h U ipuiTed by "bttter," mm] alcoholtc itimulant, U int-vitably folknved by reaotiou Ibat Ieav6fl the organ weaker than before. "í'ohi i 'fin'sw, inttu eed by my noden t:ry hablu uf llfr, bocaine ehronlc; Ater's Piíxa affbrded mi; ipeody rIUf. Thcir oooaatonal use tiM tlncc kepi mu all riffat" Hkkmann liuiMaMOTT, Xeicurk, S.J. I wan inducfd to try Atkr's Pills au n remrdy for Indicescton i 'onstlputioii, aml Hrl;nln frota vhlcli [ had lon beeQ :i eufferer. 1 ftinnd ili r utlon o;y, and obtained prompt relief. Ttn-y havo bem-du-d tno inoro than all t tii fn.-i1i( inert ver before tried.1 M.V. WaTIOH, 1 52 State St., Chicago, , MThey li:tvc cntirely cnrn-ftrd the coftlve balilt, :ind VMtly iinprovcd niy trcnoral hualtb." Kkv. FhaNí 13 B. IIahlowe, Atlanta, 6Vi. "The moFt cfTectlve nnd tho CM lert plyrf I have ever Aiund. One done will quickly inovo my boweln and free niy hcad fruoi puiu." W. L I'aok, hmonil, Va. 'A üuffcror from Uver Complaint, Iypepsln, and NffUtlfte ftw the lwt twenty yean, Atkb's Viia.h luivn bmefited me moro tban any medicine I hm ever ukcn.'( P. K. RoeXRS, Needmore, Broicn Co., Ind. "Kur Dyapepitla thcy are luvaluablc." J. T. IIaybs, Jlexia, Texas. AYER'S PILLS, PREPARKD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., lowell, Maas. Sold by all Druggists. BUY IT ANDTRYT Try it for eirache, Try it for headache, Try it for toothache, Try it for backache. For an che or a pain Thomas' Ecleetrie Oil is excellent. -Chas. F. 174. Schenectidy. K. Y. Thomas' Ecleetrie Oil is the best thinf going, pa tays. Cured him of rheumatijtn and me of carache - two drops.- MastCT Horace Breoixer, Clinton, Iowa. Try it for a limp, L Try it for a lamenei,' Try it for a pain. Try it for a strain. From shoulder to anicle joint, and for three months, I bad rheumaüsm whicb yielded to nothing but Thomas' Ecleetrie Oil. Thomas' Ecleetrie Oil did what no physician seemed able to accomplish. It cured me. - John N. Gregg, Supl. oí Railway Cous;ruction, Niágara Falla. Try it for a scald, ' Try it for a ent, Try it for a bruiw, Try it fox a burn. Frlcc 50 ets. and fi.oo, POSTER, M1LBURN & CO., Prop's. asjTTAzo. ir. x. C. H. MiLLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldPRt agency In the city. Establlshed overaquarterof Hceutury aKO. ltepreHenlinj; tbe followlng Üret-class companle, wltli over 60,000,000 C'apilHl umi AmBiI. BOM1 INS CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CX)., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRAUD INS. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT IN8. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOHK. WASHINGTON FIRE and M.VKINK, of Boston. KatP Low as tlie LoweNt, I-osses Llberally AdjiiHted and i)roni])tly l'aid. C. II. MILLEN. Obtained in the Untcl Sutes and ForeignCountrief. GKO.H.I.orilllllP, TO Griswold Si., PetroU, ïïlich. EVERY LIVE MERCHÁÑT IN ANW ARBOR. Should advertise in THE COURIER.


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