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County And Vicinity

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Cliickon th eves at Cheleea. MUau has a new sidewalk' to the T. & A. A. depot. Chelsea boasts of a Buffalo Bill- and a Rad Bill, too. D. Heim, Jr. of Chelsea, is putting up a new baru 36x60. Tom Lacy, of IflUn, lias gone to Rochester, N. Y., to clerk for a hardware ürm. The ladies of the Milán Presbyterian church gave a cake social on Friday evening. Thos. Neat's lumber yard office was braken open oueday last week, and il 50 stolen. The Mlnnis family are down for a Strand concert at the Milan opera house in the near future. The district mueling.'of the W F. M Bociety of the M. E. cliurch, is to be beid' at Saline Nov. llth anü 12th. A new organ for the Germán Liithernn Church in Sharon, has been made by D F. Allineudinger, of Ann Albor. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Goldsmith, of Ypsilantl recently retiuned froui an extended trip to Denver, Col., aud the west. The "Fellows' bridge " In Sharon is to be re-built by Al. Peiry for $400, and is to have a 50 foot span, u-ith stone abuttnents. There ha been a good deal of petty thieving going on around the county and pcople have been on the watch for the scamps. - Enterprise. Some of th farmers in the west part of Salem are eomplalning about the T., A. A. & K. M. K. K.'s poor fences, and claim to have lost stock tbereby. L. 1). Watkins was In town yesterday for the rlrst time in tive weeks having been sick with fever which he thinks he contracted rulle in Florida lant winter.- Manchester Enterprise. Miss Ann J. Bignell, of Grand Flaven, for several years a popular and succesful teacherat the Normal school, was married recently to Rev. Geo. L. Pearson, of Tooibstone, Arizona, also a former Ypsilantian. 9am Guerin and brother Arl., John Cook and Fin. Whitaker have arrived home, after a ten days hunt In the northern woods. They had a good time and claim to have killed eigbt deer and other game- Chelsea Echo. Mrs. Zaeh. Taylor, formerly Mrg.Wheelhouse, of Chelsea, late of Unadlllii, dled at Hudderelield, Kngland, on Oct. 4th. She and her dauirhter, Mr, 4i.-.i i.„.i Hoiie io Mifrianiito visit their old home, when she was taken 111 and died. Mrs. Ackeraot Is expected tojreturn homesoon. ' hj Miro iiin Thesidewalks west of town are In abad condition and as the Corporation is responsible for any accident caused by a detective walk, wfiy not keep them in proper repair? Sidewalks are for tlie public's benefit and they should receive as much attention and be built and uiaintained the same as the streets are. - Manchester Enterprise. Though Saline does not have but one freight train a day considerable business is done at this station when one does pass. Yesterday's train from here carried a shipraent of three carloads of staves, three carloadn of apples, two carloads of flour, one of brand and one of wheat. - Observer. Can'tjust make out tbe "brand," brother. As we lutimated a short time slnce Truant Officer Ilutchinson hadsome work on hand. He arrested and took before D. B. Greeue, the Juvenile director, three boys, Moses Blbb, Stephen Harvey and Frank Shieff. This will be Frank's second term. Boys look out, be good, attend to your studies and make men. - Ypsilanti Commercial. The stearu heating apparatus placed in the school building tlm fall ig a complete success. Five pounds of steam is suffleient to heat the building in the coldcst weather - South h Lyon Excelsior. Hadn't the Excelsior man better walt until the thermometer jets way down below 0, bound for the bulb, before he brags too Ioud about t lint 5 lbs. of gteam. Saline has a new secret order by the name of "Nulli Secundus," which means, when twisted into the English language, " second to none." The membership is composed of the young kids of the villsgc, and we learn their tuture object - after the fun of initiation is over - will be the elevation of all morally and literarily. - Observer. The family circle is about the best place on eartu for a boy 'a " moral and literary elovation." A big lynx has been Men !¦ the neighborhood of Thos. Andrews in Green Oak, and upon bis farm by Mr. Andrews and others. It appear that this animal makes iU beadquarters in that vicinity as it h;is boen seen in different parts of the neighborhood a numberof times. Hisappetite is very delicate, they say, as he cbooses the choicest food from tbs farmers barnvarda. Partios from South Lyon have Ininted for him but carne back minus Mr. Lynx. - South Lyon Excelsior. There Is some talk now about organizi ti ir a fair association for Chelsea and Vicinity. Well, whynot? What Is the use of going 14 miles to Stockbridge to exhibit goods or productg when it could be done cheaper and much better at liome? It is worth considering. There is no reason why we should not have a probable and successful fair here every fall. 'l'niiro a il wi'iiiin i t' s'itutttrt' Imi in all directlons trom Chelsea, thnt wonld patronlze a fair. - Echo. Why certainly, certiiinly ! Why not, certainly ? Au incident illustrative of the brutaï character of the slugger, Sullivan, occurred at Dundee, Tuesday morning. While wititing for a train to pass, Sullivjui promenaded up and down the depot platform, and passing a poor umbrella repairer he itrabbed the latter's bundie of wlres, stays, etc, and hroke them into picces across his knee, tlirowing the parts away. Not much syrapathy would hare been aroused, if that u. r. had had a revolver handy and made good use of it. - Milan Journal. Right you are, Bro. Journal. An agent has been canvnssing the country round about Milan for a week past, taking orders for groceries, spices, etc, for a large grocery ürra in Detroit. He reporta a big trade. Our farmers should take warning of the dealinga of this class of agenta in othcr communitief, and when they cali show them the road and teil them to "git." It ha been demonstrated by a comparison of prices and quality of goodn that better gntisfHCtion will be obtained by patronizin? your home merahants ; wlio have vuur iiiterests in view and help pay your taxee. Do not patronize these fellows, but stand by them that stand by you.-


Ann Arbor Courier
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