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I mct a gin oí me . And gently took her tjf I tluiiiKlit I' Pop the í Bul. I diclnt huve the S&. - St. Joseph llerald. Harry Sales, the great evangelist is holding meeting at the Baptist Dexter. When tliere is no moon the electric street llghts oujrht to run imtil 12 o'clock at iiifjht. There was an average of 82VL paupers taken cure of at the county house instead of 28 as ven sinfcularly stated last week. City Engineer Davis thinks the bridges over the Iluron river ought to be re-palnted immediately, and lie thinks about right. "Curf Davis liad his foot srnashed in soine manner, wliich your deponent hath not been able to learn, at the M. C. depot Honday even ing. The council offers a reward of $50 for the arrest and conviction of any person breaMng or carrylng off any of the street lamps of the city. The loss at C. H. Millen's by burglary notetl last week, consisted ot clothing exclusively, the silverware having been put away, and amounted to about $100. The deed has been made and recorded transferring the store No. 12 Washington st., from the ownenhip of Motet Seabolt to Oliver M. Martin, for the sura of 3,000. Sheriff Walsb took Justus Seabourn, convicted of larceny at the recent session of court, and sontenced to nine months at lonia, to his temporary residence yesterday. Joe T. Jacobs is having three new transom lights put in on the north side of his block, to give more üght to Fall & Henilrick. We never thought they needed it, however. One of our bankers waa horriBed the other d.iy to receive a shipping "bill and bill payable for two barrels of wineand been Besaythehat nousefor tk ituff. Tlie Democrat suagests the idea of appointing Capt. C. II. Manly to the office of Pension Agent at Detroit. A good suggestion, but the republicana seem to have thiit oflice well Post-ed. The deed transferring theold jail property to Hon. John J Hobison is in the hands of the county treasurer, and the deal will be made as soon as Sheriff Walsh can move out of the old house into the new Before it freczes up the bank on the ouler edge of the stone walk surrounding the court house square ouglit to be levellec oft so that water can run off the walk into the gutter instead of accumulating ou top of the wulk as it did all last winter. Offlcer Cole, of Saline, brought a man named Wm. Duncan over to the county jail, TuesLlay, on a charge of stealing a gold locket and chain f rora the house of a Germán named Henry Boettener. Hewill be taken back for exaniination Friday. Tl) ere is an item lloating ahout the county to tliis effect: "The Michigan State Democrat, recently started at Detroit by M. T. Wooilruff, formerly of the Ypsilantian, has climbed the golden stairway. The long feit want for t fuiled to materlalize." The water works are progressing finely. The pumps and engine liavo arrived, are in place and will be connected with the boilers In a. few days. This is one month and a half in advance of contract, and l(i miles of pipe instead of 14 have also been put in. At the animal sermón of the Young Ment Christian Association, at University hall, for the tirst time the pulpirs of the Episcopal, Unitarian, and Lutheran churches were represented. This shows a growing Christian spirit among the protestant churches. The old Baptist church catight fire Friday afternoon, caused by a defectiye stove pipe, and wasconslderably scorched and Miiokcd up, hut not so bad as to prevent the temperance people from holding tlieir usual meeting there Sunday. The building is owned by Wm. Burke, and he places his loss at $10. A little five year okl son of a Polander ¦named Stepuonneiski, wlio lives at Itiver Kii-in, was accidentally killed last Fridiiy mornlng. He got out of bed and Kttempted to pull a gun standing near over the top of a trunk, when it went off, the charge taking effect in the top of the child's heat), causing Instant death. The flags on nearly all of Adh Arbor's public buildings were placed at half-mast Friilav in reswot to the memory of Gen. Geo. li. McClellan, wlio died at li is home in Xew Jersey, Oct., 29th aged 59 years. Tlie Ri'Utti cntrance to the court house was 1I30 tast ily Probate Register Doty and Oeputy Clerk Kobison. J. J. Hanse has a buttornut tree that now -iitvsiiiiH'i nul 1 iiiclit-s in clrcumierence, three leet from tlie gvouud. !Ie net lt wben u llttle sproul, liut Hboul three feet hlgb.- Pluckney Ulspalcli. Wliieli leadl us to remark what we hare often remarked heretofoie in the Courieu : M Why will not people set out these nut hearing trees tor shade trees? " The buttarnut, hickory nut, black walnut, che.stniit, and even tlie beech uut trees make just as handsome ahade tre9 as do the maplM and elmt, mul irlwn grown thuy are valuatile as nut bcarers, and tor ílieir timber, algo. Jacob Walpert was admitted to citizenship at a sesion of the court Wednesday. The sermon of Rev. Dr. Eells, at the J. of M. hall Sunday evening, was very nteresting. The Salvation army have sent a ncw detail to storm the sin crownod battlelemente of Ann Arbor. Frank Minnis says that he is back to this city once more, and that the Minnis orchestra are ready for business, balls, etc. Misses Wilson and Garrigues have a lancing class of little íolkx which ineeta n the Ladies' Library building every week. J. W. Knight now has a business place n the north office of the Hamilton block, brmerly occupied by the Ladies' Library Association. Jerome Freeman lias moved his barber hop from under the Cook house office to he basement of Fall 3k Hendrick's store, with Tom Black burn. Capt. Connitt, of this city, was eilief of olice in Chicago in 1885, and, by the way, the Capt. isn't very slow to-day, even if he can't see very well. The oíd and often abused saylng of "a rose between two thorns," s now quoted y the revised edition of Young America as "a rose between a prickly pear." Pupils attending the public schools will íave to be vaccinated if they have not al ready had that operation performed. 'Don't touch my arui ! " will soon be the word. There has been a lot of refuse piled along the edge of the roadway leading from the M. C. R. R. crossing to the bridge on Pontiac st., tbatought not tobe al lo wed. Chelsea's villae marshal arrested one Wm. Higgins Sunday, who had escaped from Jackson two weeks previous, on a liarle of stealing a gold watch and otuer valuables. Kcv. Mr. Gage of Nashua, N. II., will occupy the Unitarian pulpit, for thocoinng two Sabbaths. Rev. Mr. Bixby, of Gloucester, Mass., will follow him for four Sundays. Chief Fall had a forcé of twenty-five special pólice on duty last Saturday night to prevent any great outbreak of superibundant Hallow'een enthusiasm. Two arrests were made. The jury in the libel Klit of Mrs. Mary E. Foster against the Detroit Post and Tribune Co. was impanneled Monday, and the case is to be called tomorrow, in the Wayne Circuit. Membera of the pomological society, in fact, everyone interested, is invited to make an ezbibit of fruits and flowers of the season next Saturday, at the basement of the court house. Hannah R.,youngest child of Fred and Hannah Maser, of Aim Arbor town, ared 3 years, died Monday morniuer, Nov. 2d. Funeral to-day, at 2 o'clock p. in. from Zion's Lutheran church. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Sunderland wen given a reception by tlie ladies of the Unitarias cliurch Mondiiy eveninjr, in the clmrcli parlors. Tuesday morning they bth left for Chicajjo, tlieir future home. Geo. H. Khods has rcturned from New York, and reporte splendid crops of applea and pears ia the vicinity of the Iakc9. David Henning is in the New York m;irket also eupplying his western trado. The follovhi2 ure the afflcera elected the Z'oi oborch Sunday school: Superintendent, Fred Sctitnid; vice-super intendent, Wm. Merkle; seeretary. Miss Amanda Mack; treasurer and librarían, F. H. Belser The school is divlded into 28 classes. - Democrat. A number of the bicycle club rode over to Saline Wednesday evening, to attend the opening of the rink. They were hospitably entertained by Flave Ford, the genial manager. It rained as they caine home and thelr machines were a sight to behold the next day. When you are on Bach & Able's corner, take a look at that artistic sign on the outside wall of Heinzmann's lately purchased store on west Washington gt. That roll of sole leather and trunk look as if they were the real article, put p there to atlrict the public. Frank Wood has brought from the northern part of the state quite a curiosity in the shape of a potatoe. It is a large one 8 inches long and has 8 large tubers on its sides, one of them on the front a'most a perfect picture ot an lndian's head. It can be seen at Cropsey's store. During tlie pa8t two weeks, says "the Washtenaw Port, 10,00 barrels of apples hare been shipped from thU county to England. The fiivorite apple in England is the "King" apple, which sell for $3.84 per barrel, whlle the "Bildwins" are $3 60 and the "Greenings" $3.36. The cost of packing and transportation is about 11.44 per barrel. The Ladies' Library Association desire to acknowledge the receipt of the followlowing donations durinji the montli : Mm. Dr. Wells. $25.00, Mrs. Rathbone $5.00, W. D. Harriman $10.00, Mrs. F. Parker $5.00, Mrg. C. K. Adams $50.00, Mrs. H W. Hogers $50 00, Mrs. ö. Henriques $10.00. Mrs. Dr. Paluier $25.00, Mr?. Alfred Hunt $25.00. A woman claiming to be on her way east from California, and who stopped off to see the place, had her right foot run over by the wheel of a wagon which was being recklessly driven by a farmer, Monday p m., in front of Ca.per Rinsey's. She was badly scred, but not so badly injured as to prevent taking the next train for Detroit, ío which place she had a ticket. The Rev. James Eells, D. D„ of Lane Seminary, Cindnnati, Ohio, gave one of the most eloquent and telling discourses at the Presbyterian Church last Sunday morning, ever heard in this city, to a large and appreciative audience. His lecture before the Y. M.C. A., at University Hall Sunday evening, to a very large audience, was a masterly cflfort, and the Y. M. C. A. deserves great credit fr seeurlng a speaker of such scholarly attainments. F. J. Hogan, the young man who had been writlng visiting cards in the postofflce for some time, got lnto troublo last week by practicing with another man's name on the back of a draft, getting Frank Hanksterfer's signature so natural that he could scarecly teil it from the original article. He is now in jail, and practically admits his guilt, we understand. The draft wu for $90, and by presenting a forged letter was cashed at the Farmers' and Medíanles' bank. Eider Davis has two specimens of the water pipes that were laid in 1837, when many of the residents of this city were supphed with water from a spring near what is now the German park. The pipes were made of tamarack, onc being nine luches through, and the other five inches through. These sections of pipes we re dtig up in laylnji service pipe, tin; smallest one in front of N. H. Drake'i, the other in front of Seyler'. There were ievoral ponstocks about th city.