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Kev. Dr. Eelle was the guest of Prof. Prescott while in the city. J. Z. Batten, of Phlladelphia, gpent Sunday with C. 8. Millón. Capt Connitt is considerably under the wcatber at his hotnc on State st. And now Jerry Walsh bas joined the rankg of the fond parents. It's a girl. Oeo. A. Douglas goei over to Hillsdalc Co. this week for a short stay at hls old home. Ex-Ald. Rhodes has returned from hts eastern trip looking all the better for the vacation. Mrs. J. T. Jacob weut to Columbus, Oblo, last week, to vUit a gister who bas been very 11. Dr. P. B. Uo9e has been in town a few days the past week, getting acquainted with his family. Chas. ï,. Ooodhue and wife, and Wm. Birnieof Springfield, Mass., will visit Anu Arbor this week. William Johnson, of this city, returned lnst Saturday from a few day's visit with friends at Jackson. Miss Lizzie Kirk, of ïpsilanti, spent the Sabbatb with her uncle, Registor Jas. Kennis and f.unüy. Mrs. O. R. Williams of Milan, returned home yesterday, after a week's visit witb her mother, Mre. J. Spragne. Chas. II. Miinly went to Adrián, Chicago, or elsewhere Salurday. For particulars apply to headquarters. Mr. and Mre. C. Carinan, of Plint spent several days with their daughter, Mrs. Geo. H. Pond, during the week. Prof. J. R. Sage slipped and feil on the stone walk by the postofflee last Wednesday, hurting liimself quite badly. I!. Frank Bower has accepted the positiou of city editor apon the Detroit Eveniiig Journal. We congratúlate tlie Journal. Prof. E. Buur preached the anniversary sermón at the orphan asylum of the Protestant Zoar Association at Detroit last Sunday. C. W. Belscr, sou of Rev. H. F. Belser, of this city, was ordained a minister of the E vangel cal Lutheran church, on October 25, at Springfield, 111. Dr. Hopper a missionary of twenty years in China, connected with the Presbyterian board, visited the univorsily last week and üpoke on behalf of missiong. Tuesdny the tirst examination of candidate8, 43 in number, by the new state board of pharmucy was held at Detroit, Ottmar Eberbach, of this city presiding. Will F. Street, one of the rlsing young business men of Michigan' " thumb," located it Caro, spent Sunday in the city, and was a welcome aller at the home of ye local. Oscar F. Price of Galesburg, 111., general attorney for the C, B. & Q. R. R. spent a few days last week in the city vistinjrliis son and hiü alma mater, of whlch he was a gradúate in the literary class of '58, and law of "60. Mayor Kapp returned from the happy hunting grounds of Kalkaska last Saturday nitrtit. He reporta the killlngof three deer by li i niself, and several more by othera of the party. Several of the party's dojfs were left up there - dead.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News