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The Palladmm will be printed at the Courier office this year. Fred Travis of 8t. Jolina waa lióme Satiii-.l.,,- „:..::..„ .!¦! J ¦--- ¦-¦ Prof. Knowlton is xail to be second to no " quizzer " ever In the law department. Cannon Farrar delivers the uext lecture before the Student's Lecture Assoclation, Nov. 25th. George Wliyte tukes the place of Jesse Shattuck as manuging editor of the CUronicle. V. C. Wyckoff of Iowa, pharmic,'8i, was m.irried yesterday in Xebraska to Miss Sarah Eng. There are 723 picture in the Lewis collection, and six large rooms are wanted to display tlieiu in. Prof. W. H. Payne deliTered a lecture at Three Rivers, last week Friday, upon " The new EJucation." Next Friday eroning the members of the Methodist church will give a reception to the Students Curistian Association, in tin M. K Clinrch narlors. Miss N. D. Jayne and Miss N. Daniels go as delegates froin the university to attend the Gamma l'hi Beta convention to be held In Syrucuse neit week. Dr. Samuel G. Arinor, M. A., M. D., LL. D., professor of Institutes of Medicine and Materia Medica 1861-68, in the U. of M., died recently at his home in New York City. President Noah Porter, of Yale College, has resigned after 13 year's service. Prof. Frothinghani has cloged in on the unruly boys, and will have things a little quieter hereafter. John C. Shields, of Alpena, appointfd Chief Justice of Omaha, to succeed Hon. Sumner Howard, of Flint, is an old Livingston Co. boy, and a graduate of the law department, class of "72. The freibmen dents have organized a class lyceum, to meet each week, offieered as follows : President, J. P. Eddy; vlce president, W. E. Moulton; gecretaTy, F. W. Gordon ; treasurer, C. N. Leonard. Last Saturday the sophomore class elected the followinjj board of editora for the Oracle: Arnett, Psiüpsilon; Mann, Alpha Delta; Hawks, Zeta Psi; McNaughton. Delta Upsilon; Comstock, D. K. E.; Helnmann, Rosenthal and Bolen, and Misses Elsie Jones and Honta B. Smalley. The Senior Homeop's elected the followingofflcersThursdaylast : President, H. B. Reynolds; Vice president, E. H. Pond ; Seeretary, R. C. Rudy ; Treasurer, Miss Elizabeth Uncapher ; Historian, H. B. Wilson; Toast-master, G. C. Caron; Essayist, Mrs. A.E. Clark; Prophetess. Miss H. M. Swathel. In an interesting article on "Later aspects of woman's work" in the Northwestern Advocate, the U. of M. receives much commendation for iU liberal spirit in regard to education and the broad class of studies it presenta to the lady students. Tliere were last year at the Northwestern University, 214 young women: at Michigan, 187; at Boston, 155; Vassar, 300; Smith, 296; Wellesley, 515. The last census showed that 18,061 young women are pursuing collegiate conrees of study. The University Musical Society ha decided to offer a course of flve Chamber concerts thls year as follows: Mendelsonn Qulntotte Club, Januarjr or Ii'uir.iló (uartette. November. HunKrlu Band, December. Choral Union, Mease 8olnnelle. byQounod ' and Krl Klng. February or January. i B. JosefTy, April. Subscriptlon tickets for the course will be sold at the rate of $2.00. Subsciben and their friends only being entitled to the Mendelssohn Quintette or Buffalo QuartetU entertainment. FIELD DA.Y. Saturday whs a beautiful day, and many of Ann Arbor's residents took advantage of it to visit the fair grounds and witncss the lifild day sports, which were givcn undcr the ausplces of the Kugby Association of the University. The referee for the day's spoi U was Prof. Scwall ; judges- Profs. DePont, Thomas, Ayere, Kmgsley; timers - Profs. DePont and Harrington, and E. H. Sinith; measurers - Profs. Pattengill and Dorrance; starter - John Jaycox. Wrestling- There wore four entries In (¦.atob-uM-catnli-oiui. vlz: P. Hendorson, F. (totUchalk, A. M. Parks, A. Juttner, Won by Henderson, aftera well contested raatcli. Broad Jump- Standing ; tw entrles: Bonlne, law and Carpenter, medlc. Von by Carpen ter In tbroe trials, coverlug U feet 9 In. Fenolug- Four entrles : Jnycox, Mi lier, DennlH and Hyde. Won by Jaycox. Half Mlle Run- Four entrles: Haley, 8baw, Mc all, and Uoag ; colora: red, brown, white and gray, and flest color respectively. Won by Haley- lime % IS. Mlle Walk- Two entiles : Nordyke aud Worcester. Won by Worcester In 8:01(4. HaminerThrowing- Klve entrit's: Nordyke, Bonlne, Mclntyre, Juttncr. and Pfeffer. Won by Boniue. MortDg eiiity four feet. Heavy Welgbt lioxing- Sprague 153 Ib; Jaycox 180 Ibs. Won bv Jaycox. corlng 20 and 31 pol ii ts to Sprigur.'a 10 and tl. Hunuing High Jiimp- Two entiles: Bonlne and Carpenter. Won by Honlne, clearing b ft. 4% in. 1ÜU Yards Dash- Two entrles : Bonlne and Jocelyn. Jocelyn elven four yards start. Won by Boniue In 1": ; seconds. Horizontal Bar- Two entrles : Prlce and Mahon. Prlce the winner. Leap Frog- ntrlcs 10 men eacU from ttie claasof 'm and '89. Won by '89. Hop, Slilp mul lump- Two entries : Carpenter and Morrow. Wou by Morrow, coverIngï9ft. 4 In. Tus of War- By 16 men each from class of '88 and -89. Won by '8. Llgbt Welght lioxlng- Two entrles: C. N. Banks, 137 Ibs.; E. L. Hmítli, 18S Ibs. Won by Smlth. liurdle Race- Two entrlea : Bouino and Morrow. Won by Bonlne.


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