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WORTHY Of Confidence. VCD'C Sanaparllls i a medicine tht. A f tn o during nearly 40 yeart. In all parta of the world, hu proved IU efllcacy aa tha best blood altoratlve known to medical sclenoe. SARSAPARILLA the root of the genulne Honduras Sanaparllla) li IU base, and ita powers are enhancd by the extracU of Yellow Doek and Stllltngla, ths Iodldes of Potasslum and Iron, and other potent Ingrediënt. IQ yur blood vltlated lv derangementi [ '9 of the dljfestlve and assimllatory tlonsr la lt tainted by Scroful? or doe It contaln the polson of Mercury or Contagious Dlgease? Yup leadlng phyuiclans of the United Int States, who know the composition of Atkr's SijtSiPARiLt-A, say that nothinz pise o Rood for the purifleatlon of the blood is witbin the range of pharmacy. (1111 V l)T th use of thl" Ttmedj lt UHLT )o8s(ble for a person who has corrupted blood to attaln sound health and prevent traasmlssion of the destructWe taint to posterity. TUnonilCUI V fectlve renoratlo InUnUUunLT of the syatem must Inctade not only the rtmoval of corruption f rom the blood. but lts enrlchment and the strengthcnlng of the vital orgaos. dci iiDir wltneaiei, alt over the KbLIADLt world, testlfr tbat thls work is better accorapllshed by Aybr's Sarsaparilla, than by any other remedy. ( Dl nnn tnt lg corrupted throughdlDLUUU ease Is made pure, and blood weakened through. dlmlnutlon of the red corpusclea U made strong, by AïïR'S SiRSiP ABII.LA. I DIIDICVIIIC lhe 1)looJ ni1 building rUnlr Tliiu up the systera requlre time In serious cases, but beneflt wlll be derived from the use of Aras'i fiARSiriRiLLA. mor speedlly thaa from anything else. urniruur i r whleh Hke effeets are MEDICINC. fataely clalmed, Is abundant tn the market, nnder many names. the world's confidence, ü Aer 8 Saraapartat rKSPAKSD BT Dr. J. C. Ayer A Ce., Lowell, MMS. Sold by all DnifglfU: Price $1; Slz botUe for %i. ANN ARBOB SATINGS BANK, ANN AKBOK. MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $50,000. OrrsaUd nader te Oeaenl Bnklni Law of ! thls sute, the ttoekholdors nu indiviiinslljr lialile for tn sdditlonal imoml equal to the stock held bj them. taerebj creatinc s Gnsraatee FnnA for the benefit of Depesltoni of $100,000.00. Taree per ceat. Interest Is allowed on all Savinic i Deposita of one dollar snd npwsrdi, sccordlnx to the rale of the Bank and interest compounded rmi-annually . Koney to Loan on nnlncambered real eittte and other food secnrlty. DIRECTORS : CHKISTIAN MACK, Wil. I). UARK1MAN. W. W. WINE8, DANIEL U1SCOCK, I WILLIAM DBÜBEL, WILLARÜ B. SMITH. i DAVID RIN8EY. OFFICER8: C. MACK, Pres. W. W. WIN BS, Vlce-I'res. ! C. K. HISCOCK.Cashier. Trial provea that honesty is the best policy in medicine as wcll as in other tliings. Ayer's Sarsaparilla ia a germine prepamtloti, nn unequalled blood purilier, decidedly suprior to all others. Wm. Black, Abingdon, Iowa,was cured of cáncer of the eye by Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic, which eures all blood disorders and diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneyd. The best tonic and appetitzer known. 50 cents.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News