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" MVMO.VIC UIKEVTOKVASS KliOH COXMANDKttY, No. 13 mi'l'ts fir8t Taesday of eacli inontli. W. Q. Doty, E. C: W. A. Tolchard. Kecorder. Washtknaw Chaptek, No. 6, R A. M.- MeeU lirst Monday each month. Isaac Handy, H P.; Z. Uoath, Secrelary. BUSINESS CARD8. BE AL EST Al E A.XU IN8ÜRAN6B AÖEN6Y. J. Q. A, SESSIONS ATTORNEY A.ND NO TAKY PUBLIC Real Estáte mild or renled and rents collectud od reasonable terins. None out, old and ftrsl-clans Insurance Companle represented- with Insurance capital of $10,U00,00O. Kates as low h any uUier Insurance corapany aud losses promptly pald. Oflleo in Nalional Bank Block, Main streel, Ana Arbor, Mlcli. W. II. JACKSOS, 13 HBIHNTirTlilUSIITII. OFFICE : Orer Rach & Abel's Dry (Jood Store. Xntranoe noxt to National Bank. W1LLIAM HEKZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! I'aperiug, GUzlng, (iildiiiR, and Calciminlnp, aud worli of every decrtntkn dono in the bi:8t Btyle, and warrauted to (lw satiifactiou. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St„ Anr, Arbor. W. W. & A. C!. MCIIOL.S, Rooms Over Ann Arbor SaviiiRs Bank, Masonir Temple MM. GAS or VIT ALIZED AIR Adminlatered for tho patnless eitracm "Í teelh. JOSEPII BRKKl, The Practical TA1LOR hm CÜTTER, Ot tho late flrm oi WINANS & BERRY. has located hi place of busincds at NO. 7 HTTROJï" STREET, WITH A Fl LI. UMI OK Suitings and Trouserings, Aud would eay to nis old friendo aiid D that if thewart a GOOI) FIT uid NOBBV FI I tt KEA8ONABLÜ PK1CK8, cali on hiui and Ihcy will be uure to eet oue. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,OOO,0OO. Security Held for the protection of the pojicy holdere. CHRISTIAN MACK BcDresent ihe followluü flrnt-cla-s companief, ol whith one. tbe jfitna, has alone paid $5ti,U0U,000 üre Iomi- in Biity-llve yeare: Etna, of Hartford $ 9,192,044 Kranklin of Philadelphiu a,l 18,713 Germania, N. Y 8,100, 129 Geruian American, N. Y 4,066,968 Lomlon Awiurance, London.. . 1.41(i,788 Michijrmi V. & M., Detroit. . . 287,008 N. Y. Ünderwriters, N. Y 2,596,679 National, Hartford 1,774,5115 fhcEDix, Brooklyn 3,759, OliG I.oisr liberally adjusled aod promptly pnid. Policies isued t Ihe lowest rates of premium. HKltf LÏTMBER! LUMBEK! LÏÏMBER! It you contémplate building, cali at FERDON 1,11118 l'ïlt! Corner Fourlh and Depot Sts., and re our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lamber and guaranree AERY LOW PRICE8 4t#Gve us a cali and we will make it tn your interest, as our Urge nd well grnded stock lully ¦ustains our assertion. Telephonc ConneLtions with Office. T.J. KKEC1I Supt JAMHSTOLBKRT, Prop É fflrfoaJi é Rrt+tt " Oíd Itatbi Rowd. ¦ L lx fc. cwuUn. E. J. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor, Mlch. A COUPLETS ARRA.KNOMENT FOB_ Pijsiciia ud Families. Neiter md Cheaper ANII 11ORI coisrvBisriEisrT THAN A 8TATI0NARY BATH TUB, WITH KO KXPENSE OF" BATH ROOM AND FIXTURK8. I MTTim 8end 10 centa postnfte. and we A I' I Ijl 1 1 will mail your aroyal, vali ItI H I uable, sample box of goods fl I I that will put you In the way - of rnaklng more money at once than anythlnu else In America. Both sexes of all ages can Uve at hotne and work In apare time, or all the time. Capital not requlred. We will start you. ImmenRe pav ure for those who start at once. Stinson & Co., Portland, Malue. H. ü T" T XJ H 2D ! $UAM'S IMPERIAL TRU8S. Thli nw Tnjn hu tfiral tpnni mud niiniinnfUMiU; ykltl l" iwy uulkni. rUiri!u[ tfaf hfraU alwKM. Worn day and niyAl wltfa comfort. AvatosTrUI. Kuclot 8uaip for Circulftr. Uwd In botk UBlTrflt7 HoptuU. etiirs mrtRiAi rituss co., o ut. -. trbor. Mal. Office, Hamllton Block, Ann Arbor.


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