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OYALISWJIJ B fes POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlspowdernever varíes. A marvel of purlty.strenntli and wliolesomeneas. More economical than the ordlnary kinds, and cannot be sold lu competí tlou wlth the multitude of low test, short welght, Blum or phoxphate powders. Sold on ly in cana. Koval Huitín" Powdor Co.. 1O6 Wall st.. N. Y. UIMIlBLOODHUMORSl KL MlUATiNOïEruptions, Itching and BurnIng S&ia Tortores, Loatbsome Sores, and every vpedM of Itchtne, Scaly, Pimply, IntieriU'.d. ScrouluiB, and ConfagloiiB DUease of the Itlnod skin, and Scalp, wlth Lokh of Huir tr.-m iufan.y to oíd age, are pottttyeiy cured by Cüticura the lm tt Skin t'ure, and ('uticura Soap, an ex(juipiie skin beaotlfier. ¦'X'emally and Odhoxtra., RaoloTkmt, the Ntw Hloud Purifier, interually. rOYEKED WITH SORFS. I have teen afllicted si nee tast March with a Skiu dUease the doctor cailcd Eczema. My tace m covTid wlth fcah'and pores. and the i te hing ¦ind bnrnlng wen; almot unbeamble. 5eeing yoor Cl'ticuiïa Rhmkdiks so hlphly recommended. I CODClndod lo mvv them a tria!, alng 'he Cntictiri and thfi Caricura Soip extemally, ti'id líi-e 'Jvent intt'rually, for four montlin. 1 cali my:eli rored, in ratitude for which I make this puollc statt'inent. MKS. CLARA A. FKKDKKICK, Broad Btook, Conn. SCALP, FACE, E ARS, ANO ?íECK. I v i alllicteíl .vi'!! [ioze aa on th Scalp, Kace, K un 1 Neck, which Ihe Drugniet, where I (fot u trv jour CUTiorjKA Kkmkdiks, and utterfive dav' %se my i-cii);i aiul p:ut tjf my frtce wcre en'iired, and "I hope in anothi r week to have my iníCk, nu", üikI th : other part of my fac enred. HEKMAN SLADB, UO K. 4th St., New York. TTTHIXJ DISEASES CURED. Cutirura standf at the head of ltc cla.-s, e-peclallv la i' i the c.-e wlth tlie ('atlcuiapoap. llave híd an urttignally Kood fale thls snmmer owlnir to the prcvalence of an íicüravati d fnim of Itch throngb Bomo locaHtlai in the country, in whicb rhe Cuticnrn remedies provi'd satistactory. W. L HAUDI'JO, DKU8GI8T. Union Town, Ky. CURE 11V EVEKY CASE. Ynnr Cntúnra Remedies outell all other medicines 1 keep for skin di.-eaees. My cnatomers and pal esta ?i lh'-y have eflVcted acare in every inHtance, where otber remedies hav fuiled. H W. BROCKWAY, M. D. Franklln Falls, N. H. CUTICURA REMEDIES. are sold by all drngíiste. Prlce: CuTirim, 50 C'a.; Kksolvnt, SI; Soap, 26ct. Prepared by the PoTTim Dkuo and Ckkmcal Co.. Boston, Ma-s. Scnd lor "How to Cure Mtin Diseasee." T3TTATT'"'Y tbe 'omplexlon and Skin by ÍJÍjíí, U mi the Ccticuka Soap. CATARRH Complete Treatment, with Inhaler, for Every Form of Catarrli, $1. A8K ron SÁNDFORD'S RADICAL CURE fsj Hoad Colds, Watery Dlsffj? charles from the Xose tefe and Kyi'K, Klnglng Nolse ¦vSv" in the Hi'ad. Nervousand jJ} Headache and Fever lnffflie "'"nty relleved. f ini'int)vain' cl"anícd and _4=J hiiilcil.liriiilhswictcue'd. - snifll. tttíte, and hearing r'Htord, and nraffea cfaeekad. CoiiRh, ün.ncliitl, l)roppiii(ts lnto the Throat.Patns In the (hot, I)y8i-pi. Waatlng of Strcngth and Flein, Loss of Sh-i'p, etc., cured. On. bottl Iladlcal Uure. oue bol Catarrhal Solvcnt iind one l)r. Sanford's Inhaler. Ín ono packagc. of all drugglíS. forll. Ank for Sanford1 Radical Cure, a pan illutillatlon of Wltch Hazel. Am. Plne, Ca. Kir, Míirlk-.ild, Clover lilossoinB. etc. Pottkk Kküu ad CHIIIICALCo., llOKtDTI. 1'oikt IruK and Chemical 'o., Boston. KIItNlV P.V1SS." and that 4HQ w íiry sensatiou ever praxent with thof e JV of imintul kidneys, weak hack-, oyer{ iH woik or worn out by utandhiK, walkiuif, ¦¦ .,r the wwing machine, cured by Cuti Jctka ami-1'ain PLABTitR.a new orieinal eii-uunt and speedyantidotn to pain and ltiflainmation. A t dniKaiei. Se ; ttv for íl.Wi. Malled free Po th Uhuu and Chemical (Jo., Boton. ifPüfíCGÍLIYER OIL And HypQphosphltes of Lime & Soda Almost as Polatablo as Mílkl Th0 only vnpñu of COO I-IVKR Olí, that cin bo tul.en iv.u.:. imü loiiiiitod for a long tlia KrïïnrïTiïï7rATT':::.Tii). asakmia, ík„,1. m l;n;r; í. ClIi'tiüS A.M THUOAT AF. rrifllJi::'1 "AsriMi nis(i;ut:BS ik ft is n:irvHlom in itH resolta. l-n-scrihe-i aña en-lomed by tho bual Phyaicia luthocoun' orld. FOR SALF! PY ftLL DRUGGISTS. TTT1T n fr worklni; people. Send 10 cent li I Jpo-UKe, and we wlll malí you fr a H H I r royal, valuahle sample box of goods lililí that wlll pnt you in the way of makXÜ- )„,, more money In a few day than yon erer thoucht posslble at any buelne!. Cap! tal not requlred. You eau live at home and work " M,are time only, or all the time. All of both me,, of II -''. (?rni'y uccoêful. 50 cent. to SuaW wed ¦very eveninit. That all who want t'.rk may teet the huslnesü, we make thi unpara ¦ iV-lod off.'r: To all wbo are not well atliBed we wi „Viirt 1 I" Py fr the tronhle of writing u. Full nariicul; dlrcctiond, etc., sent tree. Immense EVrttoluMlr -nre lor all ho at once. Uon't delay. Adnree Btini-om A Co.. Portland. Malne. r UT more money than at anythlnRelue by tak 11 I W tog au KttMJ lor the best BellinR book II I I out. Beginners succeed grandly. None II 111 fail. TcrmB free. Hali.itt Book Co., PortlaD, MaJne.


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