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Short advortisemenls iot to exceed turne line, of Lost and Kouud. House for Sale or Bent, Wants, etc.. lnserted tliree weeks for 5 cents, sltuatlons wanted. free. OAL 8TOVE FÓRMALE CHEAP, Apply al Harklus' store, or lieo. Stauch, Courler Office. WANTEU AGENTS- Energetic Men and Woinen to OanraM Uit Dr. E. Wooduft's Kamlly Physlclan throughout the East. 8ee Circular in tuis ofBce. Address Murliin L. Whltuey, 131 Auderson Street, Htockton California. -' TT'OR SALE- A cholee Vaennt building Lot. Jí Also uqunntlty of linusehold furnilure and four Stoves. Rufus Cate, No. 6 May nard Street, Ann Arbor, Micti. 37:! FÖrTsALÏ! A House and Lot on Thompson treet (No. 11), (Jood locatlon. Fine Neighborhood and a BARUAIN. 8e W. W. WHEDON, or J. E. BEAL. rrO RENT- A Nlce Hult of Rooms, beated _L by lurnace at No. a Liberty gtreet. XT EW FIRM-Having recen tly entered Into lN partneiship, afler muny years' exptrlence in the business, we are now prepared tosell cholee raeats of all kinds- both fresh and salt- at the lowest market prlce. Mentó dellvered lo any pan ol the city without extra cliarge. Try usand beconvlnced that we dowliat we say. Córner of Broudway and Wall streel. PERK1NS BOWEN. 8 WALLACE"S HEAVE REMEDY for Bale at the Drug Stores. LOST- A Bunch oí Keyn. The flnder wlll receive reward by leavlng at tbe Courikk OlMce. FOR SALE Durock Jersey Plgs and Jewell Htrawberry Plauu.. W. F. Blrd, West Hurón Street. TTOR SALE OR FENT-2 houses, 1 new V wlth 9 rooms, south of the campus. One fiêar the M. O. R. K. depot. Inqulry No. 18 N. Unlverslty Ave , S. D. Alien. THE BARRY HOMESTEAD For Sale or Rent whole or In part. Centrally located, Convenlent to the Unlverslty, Public Schools, MarkeW and all parU of the City. For Abstract ol Tille and other Information, apply to W. W. Whedon, Ann Arbor or C. A, Barry, Jackson Mich. A Fine 30 Acre farm good buildings, near Urass Liike to sel I or trade for smaller arm. O. L. Mailhews, Real Kslate Agency Ann Arbor, Michigan. 8' FURN1TURE- Good bargalns In bed room sult, bedding, etc., at the CqUbiek office LOANING-Money to loan on flrst-class Real Estáte Mortgage at Cnrrent rates o [nterest. Saüsfactory arrangement made wlth capitalista deslrlng such lnvestmeut Every conveyance and transactlon Ín aD slracW of tltlw carcfully exnmlnel as to lega ffect Z. P. KING. Ann Arbor. T70R SALE OR RENT-Barry Homestead Jí No. 28 4lh street Apply to W. W. W he don, Ann Arbor or C. A. Barry, Jackson, Mich


Ann Arbor Courier
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