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The Cat Out Of The Bag

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The following quotation is from the Center, the prohibition orRnn of Mlclii.111. Kead it : "The probabtlltles are thnt Mayor ol eet Marvin H. Ohainherlatn, of Detroit, (wholealo whisky seller) wlll be uoxt year's demorat Ie nomlnee for governor, and- tlutt he wlll be olected. Is II not alo a foregone eoniHKion that Michigan' next legislatura wlll e democratie, and that Don M. Dlcklnsou wlll succeed Mr. Congcr as United State enator? Under those clrcumslances, nilulit t not be the part of prudvnoe for .Inini-s K. oy, James H. Btone, Robert K. Krazer and other foremoat republlciins to eall at the kenter olflce and Inqulre on what term8 last all's 2ia)7 pruhlbitiouUt (present numbar not less than :,000, to be lnoreaHed a year henee to al least 40,0:X can be Recured for the republlcan party T However, the cali wlll De UMJless the prohlbltloulsts of Michigan are not for sale, and can be nelther cajoled nor compelled. DlKtlnot party line have by us ¦nilriiwn and wlll by us be malntalned. f the republlcans wlsh to Joln us we will congider thelr ploa. Meantlme, Iht u-kUky abomnatiën of Michigan must be dtstroyed." And so the policy of the prohibitionists is outlined: to put a " Wholesale whisky sellcr" in the governor's chair of Michigan ! That is a peculiar way to " tiestroy the whisky abomination" isn't itf To sober a man fecd him whUky, Is the prohibition plan! To promote tempernnce f)Ut liquor sellers in power ! Huw absurd. But, "the prohlbitionisls are not for sale 'm the republiciins," of course not. They llave a missioii to perform. Uepublicans mud be defeated, whisky dealers must be placd in power !


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News