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Primary School Fund

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Coniity Clerk Robison has received notice of the fiit apportlonment of primiiry scliool funds ander act No. 181, session laws of '85, which turii over 50 per cent. of the money receiveil from the sales of state swamp landl to tliit piirpose. Tlie average to each clnld is 72 cents as follows: The Salino Observer Is authorlty for the stalemeut. that ouions are excellent braln developers. Ha! Hu! Been robblng some one's onlon patch, eh? - Ann Arbor ('ourler. No, we rauulii the breath of Pond wlien passing the r uiirr building the other day, uinl we know that paper is a gool one-ly far the best in Washtcnnw.- 8allne Observer. After sueh n grnceful compliment as Uut, worked out of such an oderiferous subject as onions, what argument eau one use, but the oltl, old slang pbrase You're another? When a man poes out west anti strikes luck, the world has to be told of it. And now It happens that an editor has been pounced on by good fortune, if we are to believe tbil Item K"'"g H'C rounds: "A Kansas editor is verv mueh eliittd over his cliange of fortune. He recen ti y drew a prize in a lottery, and the very same day his wife had twins - both boys - his mother-in-hiw was killed by lightning while in transit to pay him a visit, and a man who had owed him nine dollars for subscription sent in the mouey." The present lufamouH llcense law Is the brat of the Kepublican party. Ithugslts bnit as a dear little darllng.- Ypsilantl Commercial. And the Ypsilanti Commercial wasonc of the authors of tliat " brat '' f tbi; above be true. It stood by the repnbHoan ]arty in those days. But that was before sorae of the so-ralled teinpeiaiice people had tumed cHts-paw, for the democratie party, before they bad gone clean daft, In fact. The concert to be given by the Quartette choir of the Central M. E. cburch, of Detroit, at the Methodist cburch, Monday evening next, will be one of the musical events of the season. The followlng are the names of those compusiiig tlie choir: Miss G. Forsythe, soprano; Mrs. M. Tilden, alto; Mr. C. V. Slooum, tenor; Mi. G. E. Thompson, bassj Prol Henrich, pianist. This concert will be under the auspices of the Ladies' Benevolent society of the M. E church, and il! be well worth the time expended in attending, side from the fact that the proceeds are to be Uevoted to a good cause.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News