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500,000 READERS. ¦ 11 ¦- WEEKIiV 1NTKK O('i:X closed ts first year with 1O.OOO subscribrr Itcloscs u (oiirtreutli with 11OOOO. The paper has grown stcadily and rapidly in pop-, ular favor until it has a reatUng constituency of 50 0,0 0 0, líccausc it has been for fourteen years THE HKST NEWSPAPER, TH F BKST RK PUBLICAN PtPER, THK, BKST FAMILY PAl'KB, THK BKST SOLDIER'S PAPKK, THE BEST FAR.HER'S IMPEK In the Un'ted States, and has been growing better every year. AMONO 1TS SPECIALTIES ARE STOKIES AMERICAN ÜTHORS, INCLUDING Elizubclh Stnart Phelps, aliarles Eiíliert Craddock, Julián Hawtliornc, J. T. Trowbridge, Frank R. Stoi-kton, Sarah Orne Jcwetf, tí. P. Lal liron, H. H. Bojesen, AND OTIIERS. Ulustrated Letters by Jenny June; Letters to A the Author of the Slva; from Xbroad hy Theodore Stanton, Win. E. Curtís and others; Wonuul'a Kingdom; Our Curioslly Shop: Curb-stone Crayons (Soldier and .Ulier anccdotes,; Ulustratcd Biograplues; Firm and Home; General Literamre. THE INTER OCEAN, Is the only Political and Literary WVekly tint aims to covir nek weak the wliole lield of Fofeljrn aiul Home News, It tclls every weck the slory of tluit (reek, clearly and tully. The price ot THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN ís only $i.oo per year, postage prepaid. THE SEUI-WEKKLY INTER OCEAN is published every Monday and Thursday, In addition to the features mentioned above, this edttion every Monday coutains the sermons of Professor Swing and other leading divines. The pnce of THE SEM1-WEEKLY INTER OCEAN is $3.50 a year, postage prepaid. '1 HE INTER OCEAN offers a number of prernium combinations, which we belicve to bc ihe best ever offered by a newspaper. Below we give a sample of the 111 : THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN ONE YEAR UMI liOQk Law and Lawyers $i.So fi.20 Needie Work, by Jenny June 1 .35 50 Knltting and Crotchet, by Jenny June, 1.35 50 Boys' Useful Pastimes 1.65 1 .00 Fainoua Feople of All Ages 1 35 50 Talks with Homely Girls 1 35 o liurt's Selt-ctedGems of Song 1 35 50 Ropp's Calculator and Account Book, l,$$ 75 National Standard Encyclopedia 1 .60 1.00 National Standard Dictionary 1.50 90 I.ives oí Our Presidents 1 .75 1.00 Popular History of Civil War 1.75 1.00 Ladics' Manual i .35 O Mythological Dictionary 1 .35 50 Dictionary of Synonyms 1 .35 50 Usaies of Best Society 1 .35 50 What Everyone Should Know 1 . 56 85 Dr. Danielson's Medical Adviser 1 So 1 10 I nter Ocean Watch 3 . 50 3 . 50 Little Detective Scale 3. 00 2.80 Kamily, or Union Scale 4-a5 4 00 Our Curiosity Shop. 1.25 30 To find the price of THE SEMI-WEEKLY with any of the combinations, add $1.50 to the cumbinntion pricc for THE WEEKLY. (TUE INTER OCEAN has subscribers in every State and Territory ín the Union, lt paid postage on circuiattoa Ín i3S to the amount of There is a continuous issue of the Daily and Sundav i ditions of THE INTER OCEAN every day of the year. The price of THE DAIL INTER OCEAN, exclusive of the Sunday edition. is $1000 per year, postage prepaid. Inclusive of the Sundy edition it is $13.00. THE SUNDAY INTER OCEAN alone is $2.00. Sample Copies of any edition sent on application. Remittauces may be made at our risk, either by tl r a ft express. post-office order, or registered letter. Money sent in any othcr way is at the risk of the person sending it. Address THE INTER OCEAN, 85 M;uli-ou Street, Chicago TJUJ2 'UUOJU JKJürOUOH" mmtmn ? ljmps are yl 1 1 'illiii iiir. I liy -JÏl II Without LlfttéSUuSEijfjh inS the Can,Buit helghth H'fNniirH H Thi ia th evor ollc-reil to the public FAMILY OIL CAN. EVERY FAMILY SHOÜLD HAVE ONE. MANUFAOTUREO BV 2pn$üld ffljanufacturing %C, ¦WAÈBEIT. OBIO. No Dropping OU on the Flooror Table; No Faucet to Leafi or eet knockedopen to waste Contenta or cuuse Explosión. No rks to Lose. C'loses Perfectly AlrTight. No Leakagu- No Kvaporation- Ahsolutely Rafe. A I 111 v. 1 -ni noimchold N'prexsltT. CXili jíTXJ SEE THEIÍ, For Sale 11 Aun Arbor by C. C. Warner, S. J. Bdumgartner. Henry Welsch. C. Eberbach. H. G. Horn, F. Q. Schlelcher. Rlnsey dkSeabolt. 1Í71-1284. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S ükljii AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC., For Wholesale and Retall Trade. Wc shall aleo keep a enpply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'8 BEST White Wheat Flour! Delhl Flour, Rye Flour, Buckwlicat Flour, Coru meul, Fced, Etc., At Wiiulexale and Kotail. A general stock oí GEOCERIES and PROVISIÜNS Couetantlj on hand, which will he oíd on aa reaíonRhle termf as nt any other bouce In iho cit . Caíti nald for DITTTKR, BGOS ar,d OOUNTKY PRODUl'K ({eii'-iaUy (iood d"llvered to any p;i rt uf thu ciiy without extra charge. UINSKÏ Sc SEABOLT.


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