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il II I II- - " MOST PERFECTMADI Frcparl with npeoiiil remi to beultti. No Atumonia, IJ aio or flum. PRICE 3AKIN9 PQVJDÏR CO., CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. ifjjwj SPECIAL Mextracts MOST PERFECT MADE Pu rost and fltronffpot Natural Fruit Flavora. Vanllla, Lemon. OranKc AJmond, Rom, eta, Baror au dulicuMy and .:turlly a tht'fmlt. tm „. price Baking Powder Co. ST. LOUS. Invaiids HoteliSurgical Institute BUFFALO, TTrganlzed wlth a full Slafr or eiRhteen Experienced and Skillful Phyilclans and Hurgeons Tor the trratment of all ( lirouir Diseascs. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chronlc nal Caltrrh, Throat and ¦ .¦hik Oiapaxes, i.ím r and Kidney DiHeaHen, Bladder Dlscasett, DiReaftes of Women, Blond Dixea.os and rvous Af ïe tioiiw, cured here or at home, with or without Het'ing the patiënt. Come and soe us, or send ten cents in stamps for our "In valid' Guidc Knok," which gives all particulars. Nitvoiik Debililr, InipoI n. ...._ I tenoy, Nocturnal IjOssok, LÍGATE I an(1 allMorbid ConditloiiH I _ I Cllll8Cd li Y'OlllllfUl I ipIIniFkP IlicH and Peruicious SollUIOLBJLO. tary prartlcei are speedily ¦¦¦¦"¦¦"" and perman ently cured by our Specialists. Book, poKt-)ail, 10 ets. in stamps. rmmmmm- Ilupture, or Dreach, radiü i rally cured without the knife, I KIIPTIIRF I without trusseg, without pain, uuriunu. im(1 without danser. Cares "¦" ïuarantecd. llook sent for ten centa in stamps. PIL.K Tl ,'IOKS and STltK Tl Kis treated under Knarantoo to cure. Book sent for ten cents in stampR. Address WoRia)'s DtspENSAnT Medical association, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. ____ The treatment of inniiy „.„., __ thousinds of cases of thosb UISEiSES OF uiseascR pcculiiir to nUWtW. ftt tho invalida' HotW and ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ Suríricai Instiíute. has affordeil larjrc erperienco in adapting remedies for their cure, and DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescription ig the result of this vast experience. It is a powerful Restoratlve Touie mwl Norvilio, impRrts vigor and Btriith to the system, and cures, as if by magie, Leueorrhea, or "¦¦, rooi--o flo in, palnfiil nicnstriintioii, 1111natural HiippreHHiono, prolapüiiü or falliiiK of tlie utcriiK, weak back, anteveroion, rctroverKlon, beariiiKdowu Keii:itioiiK, chronlc coiisteKtioii; iiiflji 111111:11 on and iilccration of tbc womb, iiiflanimatloii. pain and tcihlcr in - in ovarieK, intcrii:tl beat, and "fcmalo weakneiw." It promptly rulieves and cures Nausea and iïdikiio of Stomach, In line - tion, BloatiiifC, Nervoux ProNtration, and SleoplcsxiiC88, In eitnor sex. DDinc 9 f nn R 6 Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Tieroe's larife Treatise on Diseases of Women, illustrated. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main Street. BUFFALO. M.Y. g SICK-HEADACHE, wMy& Bllions Headache, B. Ha. Dlzzinefls, 'oiiHtipaxif. JV tion, Indigestión, jjfT' yT!n nn1 Blliona AttackH, xfr ÊtJif pniinptiy cured by 2r. JwWkVlf-r' Pierce's Plcasant '.Jik Br Pur(fative Peliet. ¦L¦ MMUNITYfromANNOYANCE _i , In V Pat. Q3t.30th, 1383. [t'j Made onl.v of th fluesf nndbPHtqnnlity l i.lusH for HitlistiiiiiliiiK beat. Every good thing ia Counterfeited, and consumera are CAUTIONED against IMITATIONS oi these Chimneys made of VERY POOR O-LASS. See that the exact label is on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright Glasa. Jlauufaclurj'd OXLT by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Plttmburgh L- d Ihhm Work. FOR SALE BY DEALERS. 5! i gi2 i SPw 5 i3 5 S ?" I s i iSvl ü „-r 7 Blblos at 1-2 iad 0 : c # ' I I r I V TVctami-iiU "' I' czyU L I l-3thri'rii-eofU 5f (Tllsll Mllti.'IIH, UIHl ¦¦!' -1 'MIDI O I ff,Stn "" Kiwllsh In t , mi: viSEDJm' ;?„JZL' Mf VERi VTO AT ÊB chanca for aent to nu.'.i' Mf noJUv-Mg rtmncy. s.n.l !.(xj u,r out ] ly JA Utnry Jtül '" f'..., 1W7-1H11.


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