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For tbe fiscal yiiu' andad Juno :1O lust the expeuditures on account of tha uuvy amouuted to over $17,00 Thb reglstertM tonda of the TTnitwd Statos amount to $1,071,000,000, of which lesa thau ilü,000,ÜÜO are held iu foreign eouutries. While the vote was being counted in the Romo (N. Y.) pólice station on the 3d the place took fire, and two prisoners who wëre conflued in the lock-up lost their lives. The exhibiüon of the Nntional Horso Show Associution val opmed iu Mudison Square Garden, New York City, ou the 3d. One of the postal stations in Chicago was burued on the uight of the 3d, and all the 'ïail matter was destroyed. Aqb.nts in Indian Torritory having reported that large uuinbers of freighters were crossing the border from Kansas, Secretary I.iruar on the 3d requested the War Department to remove the boouicr. Miss Katie Tabu, a prominent Louisrille girl, set her olothlng aflra whfla kneeling in prayer befoie a grale the other night, and was fatally burned. Four Arctic whaleis arrived at San Francisco on the 4th witb '2,"0i) barrels of oil and U,0M ponnda OÍ whalebone. The Sui„'t'un-üeneral of Iho ariny, in his annual report made on the 4üi, says that the strong probability of an invasión of cholera before tho close of the year demands a provisión for pr'vention of the spread of that disease in thaarmy. Thkke wereseventy-ouedesertions from the army of enlisted men in the Department of Texas during the quarter ended September 30. All the Chinese, both laborers and merchants, were driven out of Taconia, IV. T., on the 4th by tho cit.zen. The Secretary of the Navy on the 4th purcha9edof John Roach thesteainer Dolphin, whose vagarías on her trial cruises were the subject of so much public interest. The Grand Hapids & Indiana Road on the 4th sent a physiciau along its track, in a special train, to vaccinate every employé at the expense of the company. A natural gas company, coveriug several counties in Pennsylvania, with a capital of about $6,000,000, was formed on the 4th at Pittsburgh. It proposes to pipe the gas to other States. The iishing schooner Daisy Spraiker, of New London, Conn., with a crew of eight men, was giveu up for lost on tho 4th. ü.s the 4th a Natío al Association of Watchmakers anl Jewelen wasorganized at Chicago. At Galveston, Tex., on the 4th ixteen hundred Knights of Labor struck for higher wagres. They were employeJ on railroads, wharves, steainsuips, etc. Thk combination of tbe New York Central aml WeatShore Uiiilroads wasriitified by tlie stookhoMers of the tormer company at a special meeting at Albauy, N. Y., on the 4th. An accident on thp Kast Tennessee Road, near Childersburg, on the 4th caUfted the death of two mon and the fatal injuring of four othrs. ('yrus Yandkh, of St. Paul, shot liimself dead on the 4th on the freshly-made gravo of his father, who had been his inseparable compauion. Thn youn man shrank from the task of scttlin an estáte of ii,uoo,ooo left to blnualf and Bister. The Ciovernor of Arizona reported to Washington on the "ith the shlpment of nearly 10,000,000 worth of precious metaU during the year. The populution of the Territory was estima' el at80,000. A lad named Wlllie Mo Allister esoaped from the Orphan Asyluiu near Troy, N. Y., and soon becamo imhpdded tothe ears in :i bank of soft clay, whero he struggled for twenty-ío;tr honra until relie ved on the Tth of his sufferings by donth. A QUANTITT of blastiug-powder explodod at Atlanta, Ga., on cha üth, blowing two negroos to atoms. A plant for the conversión oí natural gas into better illuminatiug material was nrannlatad BOrt Pa., on tho 5th, with the idea oí extending pipes to New Tuik. On the öth 250 Mornion converta arrived in New York from Europe, en route to Utah. Charles Herman oonfesaed at Buffalo, N. Y., on the 5th to murdering his wife by rutting hor throat, and said he had slept in tho same bed in which the body lay for three nights. Keven members of the Knights of Labor and others were arrestod at St. Louis on the öth for placing explosions on the street-car tracks, and they cofessed their guilt. The losses by fire during October in the United States and Canada reached $5,750,000 - about $2,250,000 less than the average for Udober in the past ten years. In his report to Washington on the 5th Governor Swineford estiinated the population of Southeastern Alaska at seven thousand natives and nineteen hundred whites. The gold deposit on Douglass Island was represented to bo phenominally rich, and the vegetation in September exceptionally luxuriant. On the evoning of the Gth two cyclones ewept over the eastern and western portions of Illinois, nearly two hundred miles apart, and it was reported that numerous lives were lost and many houses destroyed In White, Pike, Logan and McLean counties. A LO9S of nearly $400,000 was incurred in Chicago on the flth by a firo in the old Farwell block on Monroe street, occupjed by several cloting and shoe firms. The jury in the famous Walkup poisonlng case at Kmporia, Kan., rendored a verdict on the 6th declaring Mrs. Walkup, the accused, not guilty of her husband's murder. KAnoH well was struck on the Cth st Findlay, O., which flowed three hundred barrels a day. Great excitement provailed in the town. The Missionary Committee of the Methodist Church, in session on tho (ith in New York City, appropriated f20ö,13R for forein mission work. 8now to the dept h of ten inches feil on the 6th at Ellendale, D. T., and the weather was extremoly cold. A fire in the St. Paul & Paciflc Coal Company 's doek atConnor's Poin'. , Miun, a few days ago destroyed ten thousaud tons of coal, valuod at $75,000. Mrs. Mahy Ktover, a blind woman at Benton Ridge, O., was burned to death the other day, her clothes taklng flre while he was workin about a stove. Her husband, also blind, was severely burned while tryiug to savo his wif. Patmaster - General Rochester, in hls annual report to the Secretary of Wat, shows that the disbursemmts by his bureau during the last fiscal year amounted to $13,483,727, including $197,000 to the signal service, $12,000 to the military academy, and $12,.'i4!),44:J on army pay-rolls. The escape of gas on the night of the Cth in the residenee of John Knell, at Baltimore, nearly caused the death of a family of five persons. It waa thouht that three of the sufïerers would survive. The steamers Mountain Girl and Jamos W. Goff collided off Spit Rock, on the Ohio River, on the Öth, the former sinking iminediately. She carried a circus and variety show, two of the meinbers of which and teu horses were drowned. Anotheh fctrike of coal miners was inaugurated on the 6th in the Hocking and Bunday Creek Valleys, O. The men demanded an advaneo from flfty to sixty cents per ton, but the operators rcfused to concede it. Nearly four thootand men ttiïiiti'.l in the strike. A lovator eontalning 150,000 bushels of ilax collapsed at Manicato, Miun., tba other night, scatteiing lts contant over the ground. John Peterson, an oíd and wealthy citizen of Manstiehl, O., was swindled out of tJ,iW0 on the 6th by the bogus lottery game. The eighteenth anniversary meeting of the Freedman's Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church was held in New York City on the 6th. The report of the Board of Managers showed that the society had 2,0OO,iK)0iuember8, had expended $1,637,018 since its organization, had taught one hundred thousand student, had graduated fifty physicians and educated huudrods of ministers. Tiikkk was great danger on the Gth of ft snow blockade on the Union PaciBc Road atLaramie, Wy. T. Fourteen luches had fallen at Ogalalla, where a fraight train was stalled in a rut. '1'iiKitK were 1SÜ business failures in the United States aud Canada during the saren days ended on the (ith, against 191 the previous seven days. The distribut ii ui was as folio ws: Middle States, '28; New England States, 20; Western, 59; Southern, 29; Paoitic States and Territorios, 20; Canada, 'J4. PERSONAL ANO POLITICAL. The National Woinen's Christlan Temporánea Union at its sesslon in Philadelphia on the 3d adoptod a resolution condemning the use of alcoholic wiues in eoramunion service, and recommeuding the use of unfermented grape juica. It wu recommended that Congress be memorialized in the interest of universal suffrage. In accordanca with a law passed at the last session of the Massachusetts Legislatura, nearly every saloon in that State was closed on the 3d, election day. Several women who had been registered tendered their votes at the polín in Mew York City on the 3d. The ballots were refuspd, and the aggrieved suffragists proposed seekiug redrass in the courts. At the Cook County (HL) election on the 3d the Republicans elected the Judges of the Superior and Supreme Couits and two of the four Commissioner. The new Chicago City Election law was also successful. Bishop Sharp, in passing through Omaha on the 8d, admitted that, by pleading guilty to polygamous living and proniising to obey the Edmunds law, he had gained the enmity of nien with whom for a life-time he had been associated. H thought Mormons threatened with the penitentiary ought to come to their senses. Advices of the 4th froin the recent Stata elections were as follows: In New York David B. Hill (Dem.) was re-elected Governor by about 10,000 plurality; both branches of the Legislatura are Re'publican. The Prohibition vote was placed at a',000. Fitz Hugh Lee (Dem.) was chosen Governor of Virginia by about 15,000 majority, and the Demócrata have full control of the Legislature. Williaiu Larrabee (Rep.) was elected Governor of Iovva by a majority estimated at 5,000, and the Legislature is Republican. Matthew Quay (Rep.) was chosen State Treasurer of Pennsylvania by a majority of 35,000. George D. Robinson (Rep.) was re-elected Governor of Massachusetts by a majority of about 22,000. Maryland Democrats electod a State Comptroller and a majority of the Legislature. Colorado elected a Republican Supreme Court Judge by 5,000 majority. In South Dakota tho Sioux Falls Coustitution was cariied and the Ropublican State ticket elected. In Kansas couuty officers oaly were voted for, the Republicans being generally successful. In Connecticut a new Legislatura was chosen, the Republicaus ha ving ten majority on joint ballot. In New Jersey the Republicans were Tictorious, the election being for members of the Legislature. In Mississippi the Democrats re -elected Governor Lowry and other State oflicers without opposition. In Nebraska the only officers chosen ware a Judge of the Supremo Court aud two regents of the University, the Republicaus carrying the State by 20,000 majority. W i - ¦¦ '" o..fc- ¦..- penaice Union concluded it convention ut i'i.;lu.l..lj,hia on thu 4th aud adjourued to moot next ;. ear at Minneapolia. M. Bartholdi, the distinguished French sculptor and designer of the great statue "Liberty Eulightening the World," arrived in New York on the 4th. The Government has commanced the erect.on of comi'ortable winter barracks for the goldiers on guard at General Grant'g tomb iu New York. While in New York on the 4th a pickpocket relieved Henry Ward Beecher of liii gold watch, valued at four hundred dollars. A. P. Edgerton, of Fort Wayne, Ind., and William Trenholm, of Charleston, 8. C, were on the 4th appointed to the places on the Civil-Service Commission mails vacant by the retirement of Dormán B. Eaton aud Dr. Gregory. On tho 5th the plurality of Governor Hill (Dem.) at the recent election in New York was placed at 10,285. The Republicans have a majority of thirty-two oa joint ballot in the Lrgislature. Advices of the óth state that at the recent election in New Jersey the Republicans secured a majority of nine on joint ballot in the Legislature - flve in the Semate and four in the Assembly. At the recent election in Dakota Huron was chosen as the place for the capital by about 4,000 majority. Quay's (Rep.) plurality for State Treasurer at the recent election in Pennsylvania was on the 5th placed at 44,716. In the election cuses at Cincinnati the Circuit Court r'ixlerod a decisión on the öth, the effect of which would be to reduce the Democratie majority about even hundred, and elect all Ropublicans, save one, to the Legislature. Dormán B. Eaton was on the öth reappointed on the Civil-Service Commisginn, having consented to serve for a few weekt until Messrs. Edgerton and Trenholm familiarizo thennelves with their dutie. The majority for Governor Lee (Dem.) at the recent election in Virginia was on the 6th estimated at 25,000. The Legislature would stand: Senate, Demócrata, 40, Republicana, 23; House, Democrats, Ü2, Repubiicans, 38. In Maryland tlia Democratie majority was about 30,000, with tho Legislatare as follows: Senate, Demócrata, 20, Republicans, 6; House, Democrats, 101, Republicana, 18. The majority for Governor Larrabae (Rep.) at the recent election in Iowa was on the 5th given at 6,878. The Legislature wonld probably bo: Senate, Republicans, 30, Democrats, 20; Houso, Republicans, 60, Democrats, 3!(. The gold pen with whlch Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which was stolen froiu the house of .Mrs. C. J. Adams, in Chicago, some time ago, was returned to its owner oa the 5th, the pen being sent by mail to a newspaper office in Chicago. Geohge W. Cheves, a Georgia journalist, died on the 5th from melancholie. In the jail of Fultou County, wbere he had been imprisoned for the past year for killing Captain I. H. Pickett. Advices of the 5th state that the result of the recent election in Conneotioat girei the Republicans 132 and the Demócrata 110 members of the Legislature. Governor Robinson's (Rep.) plurality at the recent election iu Massachusett was on the 5th placed at 22,216. Josh Billi.vos (Henry Shaw) left an estáte valued at $93,000. His will was flled in New York on the Uth. The subscriptions to the Grant mona ment fund in New York had on the öth reached the aura of $94,000. Daniel H uuhks, the oldest man in Cook County, III., died on the Uth at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. G. Lewls, in Chicago. j ihe icti ar I fci e- - IE. W. Haskktt, reoontly rmov4fl trom ! the diatrlct attorneyship of Alaaka, wa killed on the tith by falling f rum a train at Needies, Cal., whlU on hls wav home. Judqe Ebcn Niwtos, the oldest metnber of the Obio har, dled on the flth at Canfield, Mahoning Couuty, aged ninety ou e years. PORCIÓN. THB British and French representativos in Havti on the 3d cabled to thelr respectivu Guvrnineutn for war-vessels to proteot fortign resident. The Princesa Roy al, a veasel carrylng a cargo of furs valued at $1,000,000, wal wrecked In a recent gale on Hudson's Bay. The total strength of the Turkish troopi moliilized was on the 4th 800,000. Groat campa were beiug formed on the Bulgarlan, Servían and Greek frontiera. Thb first through passenger train on the Canadian Pacific arrived at Montreal on the 4th froin Winnipeg In sixty-two houra. Consul Patton senda from Osaka the Information that the Japaneae Government hal forbldden the adulteration of teas. The new erop U therefore superior in quality to its predecessora. Six persou were arrested at Belgrado on the 5th for conspiring to overthrow the Servían Government. Tuk Norwegian bark Aqulla foundered off Gothenburg on the ñth, and twentytwo persons were drowned. Thihi were forty seven deaths frora small-pox in Montreal and its auburbs on the öth. In the flve weeke ended October 81 the deatha from the plague were 1,391. Vallajeie, the leader of the conapiraijr to aasaaainate the Kin of Servia, waa arrested on the 6th at Belgrade. LATER NEWS. John McCullouqh, the tragedian, died rathvr ouddeuly at bis home in Philadelphia on the afternoon of the 8th, agod forty -eight years. Two mum were rowing in a boat above Niágara Falls on the 8th, when they were drawn into the rapids, swept ovor the falla aiul drowned. The President on the 7th appointed James A. Bayard, son of Secretary of State Bayard, Secretary of Arizona. lx nu ns on the 7th sacked and burned the Missouri-Florida Cattle Company's ranch, uear Doming, N. M. The wife and elevenyear-old sou of Mr. Sny, principal owner, were shot and killed. The Government troops on the 7th captured one hundred settlers who went into the Oklahoma Territory contrary to the President's orders. The mortality from small-pox in Montreal and vicinity during the weok ended on the 7th was 303, a decrease of flfty-two as compared with the preceding week. Thk Knights of Labor of San Francisco have issued a cali for a mass-meeting, November 28, to demand the removal of Chinese from the city. Neak Fort Payne, Ala., a cloud-burst on the 7th swept away entire fields of corn aud epread destruction in every direction. In a recent battle between rebels and Abyssinians the former lost 6,000 aud the latter 1,500 men. The trial of Mr. Stead, editor of the PaU M-ill dazrtte, and others, on the charge of abducting the girl Eliza Armstrong, resulted on the 7th in a verdict of guilty in the va.e of Mr. Stead and Mrs. Jarrett. Kontence in the cases was deferred. In a recent Bpeech openinp; the poliWeal campaign in Birmiugham Mr. John Bright churjii'd both parties in England with bluudériüg in their foreign poli y. He said he was opposed to a war with Burmah auil did uot favor the auuexation of that Kingdom. Thb United States Consul at Palermo, Sicily, reported on the 7th that two thousaud deathn occurred in that city from cholera up to October 12, and stated that over sixty thousand persous had flod from the epidemie. Thb President on the 7th issued a proclamation commanding riotera at Seattle and other places in Washington Territory to disperse immediately. The order was for the protection of the Chinese. Complete returns on the 7th from PennBiiaitio giro yultjr, luti rvt'iMimi' cm '.¦¦¦.. date for State Treasurer at the recent election, a plurality of 44,127. Ctolonbs in the South on the 7th did great damage. At Dangerfleld, Tex., houses were dsstroyed, and a colored family of six persons were killed. At Decatur, Tenn., houses were blown down and trees uprooted. The village of Brownsville, Miss., was almost swept away and mauy cattle were killed


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