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THE LINE 8ELEOTED BY THE U. S. COV'T TO CARRY THE FAST MAIL. BH It Is the only line wilh lts own track trom CHICAGO TO DENVER, Elthor by way of Omaha. Pacific June., St. Joseph, Atchlson or Kansas City. It connects In Union Oepots with throuqh trains from NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and all Eastorn points. It is the principal line to SA FRAKCISCO, PORTLAND 4. CITY OF MEXICO It traversos all of the si great States of ILLINOIS, IOWA. MISSOURI, NEBRASKA. KANSAS. COLORADO with branch lines to all their important citics and "rom CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST LOUIS. It runs every day In the year from one to three elcqantly equippod through trains over itsown tracks between Cnicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Council Bluffs, Chicago and St. Joseph, Chicago and Atcnison, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Raplds, Chicago and Sioux City, Peoría and Council Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For II points In Northwest, West and Southwest. ltsequipment Is complete and first class In every particular and at all important points Interlocking Switches and Signáis are used, thus Insuring comfort and safety. For Tickets. Rales. General Information, etc, regarding the Burlinqton Route, callón air, Ticket Agent in the United States or Canada, er address T. J. POTTER 1st V.P. &. Gen. Moa., Chicago. HENRY B. STONE, A88T. Gen. Mor., Chicago. PERCEVAL LOWELL, GLN. P8S. Aot., Chicaoo. ComiiiKsioiit'iV Notice. STATBOK WICHIGAN.Oountj ol WaabtmiHW,. ¦nderalgiuM) having been appolnied bj tb Probate Court for tald Ctranty, Commiselonera o reci'ivi', examino and ailjut uil claim and demtlids "I !1 penooa urlnt 'be etaw "t Jm Db II. Itirks, late "f -aiii countY, decaaied, barebjglre i.otlce ihataixmoDtba Itoa data are Howe4, by ordei of ¦ald Probate Cnurt, for crodlton1 to prewnl thelr rialinï anlnal the eitate ol s;ii'l deceased.and tiiat ihcy vi:i im-t-t M the 1'rohnie Ofltett In the city of Ai ii Arhor, In mi'1 c rantjr. on Tuesikiy, the Üth day ol Jnmiary, and in Monday, , i ilay ui April Bert, al ten o'elock A. A. u eacb of eatd dayB, to rechtte, orcmine iiudndjmt said cUini-. 1 .led, otober, -i;, t85. HENUY I' I'LAI 1,1 BI N-l. Blovvv, W.'umniin-loiiers. J. EVA KT SMITH. ) Keal Estáte Tor Sale. CTTATKOF '¦'. U llIUAN.l'ouutyof Wuslit' ' In the Mattsr of the Bátate of Mnrgaret U. Kin, dectwred. Noties ii hereby ttiven, that In pnrraftncc of au nwteilto Urn oodentsaed .-i'lnn nis Irator of the eetaU) of Mid decenad,nj the Hou. Ind _e of Prohïtn the Cnnnty of WaihtenaW, on tl iiay ol oitott-T, A.l). 1H.S -. ib re vi Ibe atilda' puhiic vriidui'. t'i the hiel ¦ liiddi , a' tne Bul m-nt dñnr of the Court Hoa,1i th City of Ann Arbor, in tlu' CoUMtj. ol' vVashtenav [ luid Btau-, os l-iy, ilr I2th rfuv ' Dc ra'ir, A. IV 1885. al tcu ' lock in !he fórenoou o: 'lui day (uliject tonli!' by moruage or nthetrlMi exitii".' : the time or t li - - dmti ¦ f ïii'l n'-ceaed) ihv folio. lus Ocecrlhud reu - ite, i-1t: lui two (5), tliroi (8). funr I), liw (5'. -ii (}, .mil -cvi'ii (7) -il hlnck 'ii c (11, Idlttnn to city ui .mi Arbnr. Vvashleoiw loimy in Michigan. BI N' MIN il. It VI), U niuiatrmtOf Daled Oct. 28,1883. Be) Èsiütü lr Sal'. SP AT KOF olillilAN lonnly of WshtenSvW, ss. In tiie mallet 'i ii." BHtaU "1 AblgaU L. Uaynard au lucompetcni persou. NOTICK is ii.n iiy elveu, m-.ii In paran iiiiuti oran order urauletl to u derHlgued Kuar dian, of Vtilgall 1.. : narü, i.y Ihi Hou .luilm' ¦! Probate tor the Connty of Wuslite uaw, "ii Ibe '!ln iliy rf October A. D 18S8 ihcn-wii! be nold ii publti; vendhe W tin liijthexl bidder, at Ihe eatii froul üuorol ilu Uourl Hou in Ihe City ol Anfi Arbor, In (loa il ty of ':ish it-n;i u In Hald sian on Tiifsdiiy. tin; 'ú üh.v ol December, l' 188ÍÍ, il i o'olook in tbe i o day (Kiilijcct to : 1 BncnmbraDces bj mort nr otherwlse exUtlDJt at tbe Umeof thi ile), .ili ibe riniit. ut and lotcresl f solí iii'-omi" i' mi peiBon, tbe folión mtí de-scrlbei R'iil l'-li'i. l.i ¦ Lo nuraber ave In B'ook namber ii. ¦oiitb raugi two eait, In tbc city oí Ano Ar lior, W'a.slii.ii.i w County iu Micblgan ; alsoa slrip ol laml tour roda wlde, nortü anu soutl lylng cllreotly east of atd i djntnlng iUi lot niirniifr iive, and extendlug easi to weH iiin-oi range three eavt. m tbe oltyof Am Arbor aferenald. Alnolota DumuerAve am 8ix In black namber outb and rangi lliiniber oln rast in the -i!y 01 Alin Aii'oi afbreaald. Alao lot Domber one In block number slx in Fort-st liill Cenietery, Alw all the riglit tltleand Dteresi ui Ritd Incom petenl (the snrnt' belng an nodlvided i 7ih ooe-aeventb). i tne wuth ii iii pf Iota six au eleven and all ol Iota seven, elght, nlne am ten in Bloeh tbrea v.mtii range iim at, li the city of aiiii Arbor, Waablenaw Couutj in Michigan. FHANCIS K. I,.NSIN(i, Uoardian. DatedOct. ::i), IM ii t iiiiirc Sale. DEFAUI.T l ivin:; b.'i-u Hinde m the courlitiiin of a certaln moitgase estented by Jacot boffatutter and Gertrnde fioffatetter, bil in-, to Christian n ffsti-t er, dated Ihe Ofib day of May I'-84, and recorded In thèofllceol tbe afttMKto Deed for the CVunly i f Waoiitenaw in the Sit.' o Mnliigau, on the Blxtb nny oi Muy, 1881 in [ibe 6-1 ol AortgageM on page 814, iiy wbich said iiefuul the powar of ate coniaUied Lo tald ,niorteave hai h.'cnine operiuive and no proo edinfl in l.uw o Kiiuity ImvIuk been instluued to rt-civer the dabt pbOured by said morhge, "r anj uarl ibereof, um ibe slim of one iboasandaAd nlaètj dollara beini. now claimen to b: on aucb mortgag The tiiiid uiortg'11 bereby declarld : hta intenilon u con-ider to waolif amonat oJ ttetrioolpal min ii suid miirtgage mentloned to bodau (ccordiiig ii the corefaani tin-rein cjniain.d, Notice ie, there iur-, bei eb glveD, tbal caid mortgnge wiM K l reclocc-d by a ale ol th mortgaged prt-inlpt'8 iliciein dt-c( ribid ur 8ome pari tbereof, vi : Al tnai certaiD pioce or parce] ol' land e uuaie aud hefiii in theCnumy ui a-i,ttuaw aud Slat. ol gao uid deöcribed hs fiiliowa, to wit ; Betn I." (."il in 'look two (2) South of Hu ron Street Raugti ix : ng to recorded i'lat o ihevulage (no city)of Ann Atbor. Michlean, a pubiic VL-udiK' at Kact door ol tbe ( ourt Uoua iu tlie (,'ity ot Anu Arbor on tbe twenty-elghtb rta; ol January i,i-i . ;it l. n opdoek in the lor, hoon o that day. CHKlaTlAitt UOFFS1LTTKR, I. F. IjAWIII Aitom j lui Hortgasee. 1271 1281 Dated, Sov. :), i"NDEËARCTIci - WITH - DOUBLÉ THICKBALL. TwoYearsB TEST 1 % Y The "Cíndkk '" RtTBEEn Co. give a betterRnb ber than can be obtaincd elsewhcre for the fiamo money, with their great improvement of Uu DOIBLK THICK BAI.L. Tho extra thieknoss o rubber rightunder the tread.givcB UOlltLK WKAB. Ak to ee the " CALDEE " Donble Thick Bal Robber in BooU, Arctice, overehoes, Alaukas, 4c A Common Sense g M H lm tal tu tlie tradc bj R. & J. CUMMIMJS i CO., Detroit. ,000 AQEHT5, M& Ai;D WOMEN 'ohJOmiB.OOUQH'Sontii Jusi publisha ia" LIVING rRüT..S.H i i-.',ri.-t troaeurj ..[ (ood thlngsi a rtIm of UFB . CTURES iHünted us uniy John Ii. Gough L2fek citn pnt ti ' I yPWSJA, most M ir: in,' ,ia 'iiti.. toK6t,ht JV JËmSm viih , m-ï ;¦ -i raLVnMrf M'ii'tl i ciiiiiuí.í'tncis. never befur SSv publtfibed. Tn iciuíimui-ís i.r hl ¦Tri í.s'VUÍi [ ¦ indthesplee ot bit hmnu j jj ui .¦¦,':¦!" 1. 1 . i tibio. A ma ¦ .,..¦¦ . . ¦w1 Tra?í taininff nRT'ty 700 pagee and ii ' UC VW 'f fl!T ] (1 (1 mor rntorprio 1HBi Yft TT All I it.K. inU'iiik''ni i-"ii i k to th Try ¦ h'j ¦ w o are wuftini ((¦r it. Nu ei inp t It'on, uu ets 10 to 1. Utnigtora, Kdtton, Cri Iveit thei unqnaliiUd endonorami and wi-i. Afcnts Mff i yvitr tiiE U nnYl " ¦', titul ut Lhf FJUJie limo citrulat n thorou-jhlv fi-n-riiit Nk ) I Iton and verj Hiwciftl Ti-rmn idven. senl ftr l-irv( illustmted ¦irciilan .¦iit.uniiiK fulQrticula. AddreM A. Ü. NETTLETON Ac CO.. Pubs-, 87 N. Clark St., Chicusro. IU


Ann Arbor Courier
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