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I ROEIIM & WRIGHT, i EWELERS AND OPTICI ANS, IMPORTERS OF DIAMO2ÍD&, WATCHEá, CLOCKB, BHONZES, MARÜLE STATUARY, ART l'OTTERY, OPERA GLAS8ES. FANS, BRIC-A-BRAC, ETC. JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF BLGIN AND WAI.THA.M WATCHKS STKKLINU SII.VKHWARK, AMERICAN CLOCKS, TRIPLE PLATED SILVKKWARK, KINK CUT GLASS, ETC., ETC., i miikeUjAS. lio WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. SOLÉ STATK AÜENFS FOR PATEK.B PHirkppï: & ces celebkated WATCHES. THE BEST Halr rcstorativo In the worlJ Is IUll' Hair Henewjr. It cure all diseaseg of the scalp. and stimulates the hair glands to healthíul actlon. It stops the íalling of the hair; prevenU lts turnins gny ; cure baldness, and restores youthful color and íresbncí.sor appearance to heads airead HSÖvö HALL'S YegetatilB Sicilian HAIR RENEWER: - Me. HtntíBíRBT, 844 Fnmkll At. Brooklyn.lf. 1 '., alUr ever attack of Ery. ipelii In the hcad, fonnd her hair- already gray- fnlllng off ao rapldly that ahe oon bramo quite bald. One botlle of Hall' Hair Kinewsr bronght It back u aoft, browa and tliick a when be waa a arirl. jay Mr. Kkslijco, an oíd farmer, near Warate, Jnd., lmd carly any bair left, and what Hule there wua of It bad beeome nearly whlte. Onebottleof Hlli's EUlR Rxniwir itopped )t fallinjout, and gave him a thlck, luxuriant head of bair, u brown and freh aa ha ever had. Mrs. A. T. Wali, GreenJUld, Outhire, JCng., wntea: "I have found tbe greatest benefltfrom tho uu of Hall1 Haír ItErflewiR, it Imvinj reatored my halr, which waa rapily Xalli ug off, and returned lu original color." I. Kri. Bm, DttroU, JficK., fmUflea that "IIall's IIaib Kxneweh la excellent for hair erowln);, nd eive back tbe natural enlo tu fadt-d and v'' huir ,-, vil. 8. E. K1.1.TOTT, Glrnrille, W. Va., ays: "One botüo of Hii.L'8 Hair Rihiwi rt-htored my hair to ita natural, youtbíul color." Ko Injurióos mibstancei enter Into tha composition of Hall's Haik Kenkweb, and it is not s dye. Its vegetable Ingredients render it in the highent depree beneücial to the scalp as a preventivo of dl- 1 :im. Ita effect are natural and lastlng, and it does not mako the halr dry and brashT, liko the io-called restoratlvea oompounded wlth alcohol. Buckingham's Dye j, FOB THX WHISKERS ís, tn four reapeets, aoperlor to all othen. lst - It win prodoca a rich, natural color, brown or black, as deaired. 2d - The color so produced is permanent, rannot be washed off, and will not oil any tbing wlth whlch it comes In contact. 3(1- It i.s a single preparatlon, and more convenient of appllcatlon than any other hair or whlsker dye. 4th- It contains no deleterious lngredlents, as do maay prcp&ratloua offered íor liko use. rRKPAXKD BT B. P. HATX & CO., Nashns, ï. H. Sold by all Dealen in Medicines, ]7l.AKETMAHOPAc7rN.'' Y. MY DAUQHTER WA8 VERYi BAD OFF ON ACCOUNTl OFjA COLÓ ANDaPAIN ON' HER LUNG3 DR t THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL CURED HER IN 24 HOURS.ONE'OFTHE BOYS WASCUREDOFA SORE THROAT. THE MEDICINE HAS WORKED WONDERS IN OUR FAMILY. j.ALVAHPINCKNEY. iIT8 SPECIALTIES."_ DR.-THOMAS'ECLECTRIC OIL FOR COUQHS, COLDS, C ROUP, DIPHT HER IA, SORE THROAT, CATARRH, AND BRONCHIAL TROUBLES QIVES IMMEDIATE RELIEF.' T THE MOST VIOLENT'ATTACK OF NEURALGIA WILL RECEtVE IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT RELIE f" in f act, as a CURE FOR NEURALGIA IT HAS NEVER FA1LEP. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! 'o. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency In the city. EstablUhed over a quarter of a century a{O. RepreseutinK the (ollowiug ilrst-class companlBB, wim over . OO0,000 tapital and Aitscti. HOME INS. COl, of New York. ( ( )NTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRA11D INS. CO., of Phlladelphla. (iHIlONT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. 1.1 Vl.lilM )!.. LONDON and GLOBK. WASHINGTON FIRE aud MARINE of Boston. RatP Low a tlie Lowest, LoRse Llber ally Adjusted aud romptly l'ald. 0. H. MILLKN. THE ANN ARBOR nu nirn re iKiw ready to recelve applicatloo frora partiCHdeslrlnts U use water. For tliinH-i kou the Company wlll Make thf tlonnec 11. .11 uiih the Malns and lay l'ipr t the Hidewalk Line ¦Jb-LJbJ-ttïApplication jshould l madr at tb ofHce of COR. HURÓN AND FOURTH STS 135wl


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