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POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powdernevcr varíes. A marvel of pulty, streueth and wbolesnmeness. More eooomical tbau the ordlnary klnde.and cannot e sold In oompetltlou wlth the multitude of ow test, Bhort welght, slum or phosphate nm-diTs. Soldonly in cutis. Koyal Itukluc ¦o der fo., 1O Wall st., N. V. CKIM ES7 UIXll IBLOOQHUMORSI HUMII.IATlNG lEruptioní, ltrhiu" iiud Kurnlog Sülu Tortures, I.oalhsome Sore, and very spedes of Itchlng, Scaly, Piraply, Inhered, Scrofnlous, and Contai?loue DlKUtl of tbs lood Skin, and Scalp, w ith Lose of Hair Irnm inamy to oíd age, are positive'y enred by Cijticura ie ijreat Skin Cara, and CtmolRi Soap, an xuieite Skin beautltier, exrermilly and Uutiiuba, oluv-nt, the New Blood Furiücr. iLternally. , COVERED WITH ROEF& 1 ü. . i)L.en afflicted oiure lnst Murch with a kindiseas. .he doctore called Ruerna. My lace as cmvn-a wiu .cabs'aDd sores, and the itchintr segúrate; "5nT s mended. I concluded to siví ,D" m a ,dal UBT he Caticar and the Cuticura,1,11 '''"!"! nd Re lvent intemally, for toor mo.";e aJ'J myell cored, In gratitude foi which 1 niaV ,L:' obllc statement. MUS. CLARA A. FJíEDBKICK, Broad Brook, Cunn. SCALP, FACE, EAKS, AND K( K. Cur anrt Neck, whirh tbt' Dragsllt, wtiere I uot our remediei, ptenonnead m ¦ of ttie moral bat bad roniu ander hix iiotice. He advicod m oyvvour CUTicruA REMEDÍS} fin&if er five rely caredTaSirt hope in anoth.r .fKjve my neck, eare.and tb j other nnrt of mv fue enrud. HEKMAN SLADE, 120 B. 4th St., New York. ITCHING DISEASKS CÜRED. Caticura stands at the luad of lts claes, e"peially Is iMb the cuse i Ui the ('utlcuiasoap. Huve iad mi umisually aood eale lhi ominar iiwlnií to lo prcvalencK of an amravattd fiam of It h ïrouiih iome localitiup in the country, In wbich ie Cuticara remedies provd saticactory. W. L HAKDIUO, Druuc;ist. T'nion Towd, Ky. CURE IX EVERT CASE. Your Coticura Remedies outpell all other mediineul keep for skin dbeabes. Mycnetomeraand atienl sj tïry have effected a cure in every intauce, where other reniedii's have failed. H. W. BHOCKWAY, M. D. Franklin Falls, N. H. CÜTICURA REMEDIES. re sold by all druRKlsts. Price: Ctmcrm. 50 V.'v.; Rksolvint, Sli 8oa, 2kt. Prepwed by the 'OTTKR IlRlll AND CheMICAÍ. Co.. BO-tOn, M"B. Send lor ' Howto Care Skin DlMUM." T5t7ATT1IFY 'he ComptoxloB iind tkin by jJiüU uing tbe CUTICVBA Soap. CATARRH Complete Treatmont, wiili Inhaler, for Every Form of Catarrh, $1. SAiniFORB'f RADICAL CURE - ysj Ili'ad Coldi, Walcry I)l f f cliargeo froin tb' ioafl .-v and Kyri". IünKiiiK Nut-.' -CjljiQH"'l!whe nrt Kever In, 'VEfcJatantly relleved. ¦ jjff ChorKnnicusllsloied, -jr$T membrana cleanaed nmi -, hi-alert, breath swt-i't' ln'd. rJ' imtU, kute, nd bearfng mr.'il. andraTtaoee4. Cough. Broochltli, Dropping Wto the TbrOBt, Palm n Ihe Cbest, Uyêprpila, Wastlng uf Stnnglli and flolb, Los of SU'ep. elc, cured. One bottlc Radical Cure, onc box Catarrhal Solvent ndooc Dr. Sanforci'B Inhaler. In nno packatii', of all lrugKlst. for 1. Aak for Sanford'n üadlcul Cure a puredietUIatloBoi Wltch Haze), Am. Ptne, Ca I ir. UrlgoM, Clörer Hlisom. eic. Potti Dal ¦ m Cukmi' -.i. i " -. Boatoo. l'uli i-r llrui: und 'lieralcal Co., BOMton. iT "KIDNKY PIX.- und that flHQ woiny scnsation ever present with Wb of paiulul kidneys, uak . JB „„t ,„. Worn out bj tanding, walkini;, ¦¦ orthe si-wlng marliinc, coreo DyCUTI JLOI KA ANTI PAIN PLASTK,a ncwoncnal,.-,.v.intHnd pocdyai.tldote lopain and tañjimmatón. A X drumlaU, C ; tor MHed re-. Po Tin Dm:u and ChïMical Co, Bi ifTBiEcpfimónr And Hypophosphites oíüme & Soda Almost as Pa!atable as WIHk. Tho only MpuMloa of CID MVER OH. that .-he tikon ¦ 1.1 and tolerated ícr a lonB tima „parate ,ton.,iy roysntpT10X, . Lt. Til""1 _21HU-i THItOAT AF. f#fin... r-Jj1MTngrnr,i w 7;ir lllil's itU Hiiim-llwiiJliJlUiyJIS' ireaenbed and cmloreej ly tuo bot l'hy.loiana H H I rroyal.valuable sample box ol good I I I 1 1 tbat will pnt yoo iu the way ol makllJJiJ in2 mOre money in a few diyo tban Hcd off": To al! who aro nol wol! Mtl.nVd .¦) ind 1 to Day for the trouble of writlug na. Full óa flcalar,: lrectlons, etc.. sent free. Immewe nnv absola ly sore lor all who atart at once. Don t üefa? iddreea Btiksom & Co., Portland, Malne. ¦ ¦7 IMT more moncy tban at anythineele by tak II. I f ine an asency for tho beat elllng book 11 I 1 imt Beginners succeed grandly. None II 111 gul. Termt free. Hau-itt Book Co., rr ¦. Mail.


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