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General Conway

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of Brooklyn, in an interview with the Cincinati Commercial reporter, liad the following to say regardlng the St. John democratie conspiracj'. " It is a democratie eonspiracy," the General replied, "disguised under the name of prohibition. T'iink of it! There is St. John hiuMelf, a disappointed and disgruntted republlcan, who, desirous ot stabbing hts party because t relused to place confidence'iu him, and not laving the man li Dees to deal thu blow as a detnocrat, but wrapping liimgelf in the mantle of :i new prohibition prophet and ;riesi, thinking thereby todeal 1 deudlier wound, strikes at the only bolltical party u this country that ever took high and stronjf and pracfical grounds iu favor of ¦vronged and outraged bumatiity. Had ie been the lmuianitarian that bis protes-ion wonld seem to indícate, he would iave remáined a republtcau, but instem) f that be plays the rkliculftus part of a prohibition tal] to the democratie kite. "Theodd thing about it is that the iemoerats, insteadot crylng : ' Who wiil leliver ns from tlie body of this des thf seem to enjoy it. In their adoption of the m. John tail, they are as clownish as is vr. John as a prohlbitionist, helping to ut the government of this country into lie h mds of the democratie party." "You do not tliink, thtui, that the oom)inii!iou of St. John and the demócrata s likely to cominee tothe progreeg of the canse of teinperaiice '' " "' ('oinbination ík a good word. I often ee it on circus and theater bilis. Bninum iad liis, and (he demócrata tutd tlielra Phe latter is the most eoinii-al o( all. Take the states of X. Y. and Ohio, tbr xainple. Do not St. John and Hoadly ' ¦! Hill of oür own state make a grand ;." '.'on ? The deniocr itic party and e ,p, '"L 'on partv straggling together bothattractive and úrn." tS man tmust. must point „ ,„or.-,l K,,u, ü .„i,„.,,o I.J.CilV küi. John is the tail. Xow liow an .-ucli a eombinaüon eonduce to temerance ? It were bosh and nonsense to magine such a tliinjr. As well BUppose bat e could have helped the abolition of tlavery by a unión oí abolicionista and laveholders for the purpose oí defeating he republican party in LsiiO, witli Abraïam Lincoln at its head." " Do you mean then that the democrats and nrihibitionits are unitel ! '' "They are the Siamese twluaof modern )oliliv. The Siamesttwins had different leads and different legs, and different stomachs, but there was asort, of hip joint mion. So with the St. John people and he demócrata. They have different ïeads, arms, legs and stomachs, and they ear différent na mes, but tberuiia polltical synipathetic and friendly hip-joint, sort of combinatioD, by whlcli they alm ;o best tli. republicans. St. John and lus followers make thedetVatof tlie re[lublicau party the burden of their cry. The democrats have been nervtd on by the same uiirposc for a quarter of a century. The cause of teinperaiice bas to laffer from the antics of. ils professed champlons. The time wem to have gone by for holding meetings for rousing the consclence, inspirlng selt-iespect and selfcontrol, forming sound public opinión, distributing tlie pledge and in other ways saving scores of unfortnnate men from iuebriety. Now the order sveiui to be to iv[e a war of bate, vitupeiation and viniüctiveness, and the wol. der to me is that so BMtiy sensible peopie are blind to the tact that the cause ot tatnperanc is blndered and not belped tliereby. "The St John people aim lo put the most prouounceil iuui'k sof i li.u cause in power, but hen 1 ask tlièm to teil me Eiöw that is goliiL' to help temperance they are ;i dumb as oystera or m linpudent :is the old slaveholdera used to te hen we a.-ked llieni unplciisant Ollestiom. OecasioDally we muy hear this: - ' Well, we h,.d rather ne honest enemiet iri poweitlmn lukewann or false frlends.' On this line of re.isoning, if it be goad, we may expeet to see Colone] Eobeil O. lugercoll placed in cODtiOl ol llie Foreign Mis.-ionary Soeiely, because an avowfd eneiuy ot ChrWtlanlty uwy btter be trusti-il with ils interesls than s.nne lukewann or unfalthful frieud whoe f'aull i that he dors nol tul inüorae the idea Ihal the best way to convert the world is to organi.e a pollllCal pociety that sliall eo-operate with the pion democratie party for tl al purpose. St .louu'i aim aud the aim ot llie demociais is to break down the republicau party. 'Í'" assisl tlie Cüose of tcniiicrance is a (ecoDdarv matter. So long as the democratie treasur, rematni tul I St. John will be fullof zeal for prohibitiou. He is that sort of a man."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News