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Cousninption Cnred. An old pliysician, retirej f rom practice, VegSKWë remedv for the apeedv and permanent cure of Conaumptloa, Bronchitis, jHtarrb, AsUiin.-iand II throatand Liinir Alleeriiin.-, also a positiveand radical cure tor Nemas Del.iliiy and all Xervou Cmplaint8, nfter liaving tested iu wondeiful ounitive power n thousands of cas-s, hat. feit it his to make it known to nis sufferin. f'ellowg. Actuated by tuis motive and a desire to relieve human suftering, I wlll send free of charge, to all who desire It, tliis recipe, in Gercnan French or Enjrlish, with tul] directions for preparing aud using. Sent by mail by ad dressing with stamp, naminz this paper, W. A. Noyes, 149 Powers Block, Rocbe.-U-r, y. Y. 127O-H22. 1886. Harper's Bazar. ILr,TT8TRA.TB]r). Hakper's Bazar is the only paper in the worid that combine the choicest llterature and the flnest art, lllustrutlons wilh the latest fashions aud metliods of housebold adornment. It weekly lllustratlons and descrlptlons of the newest Paris and New York styles, wlth lts useful pattern-sheet uppieinents and cut patterna, by euabling ladiet to be thoir own dressmakere, save mauy times tbc cost ol subscription. It papers on cookIng, tho management of servan ts, and housekeeplng iu is various details are emlneutly practical. Mucü attentlou is glven to tbe intorosllng topic of social etiquette, and lts Uluslratlons of art uepdlework are acknowledged lo be unequalled. lts literary merit Is of the hlghest excellence, and the unlque character of its humorous picture has wou for it the mime of the American Punch. HARPER'S "FÊRIODICALS PEK YEAIt: IIARPKR'S BAZAK „. 4 „., HAKI'KKS MAAZINK._.Z" 4Z HAKI'KKS WEEKI.Y 'ZZ. 4 00 HARPEK'S YOUNQ PEOPLE " t0 HASifS'S ,K"ANK1-1N SQUAReTi" " UKAf Y, One yuar (52 Nuuibere) 10 00 a5ZWLiïL M '' h. unuea The volumes ot the Bazar begin wlth the flrstnumberfor Jauuary foreachyear. When no time Is meutloned. It will be understood that the subscrlhor wiahes witb ti ¦ Dumber ncxi aflerlhe receint, of order BOUnd volume ,.i Haiii'eh's Hazah, for threryiarh, hink, In neal cloth binding wlll l5ent by mail, postnge paid or bv expres, Wee 01 xpeniw (provided Uie freight does nd expedoae dollar per voium, for $7 00 per volume. r Cloth Cases for eacli volume, sultable lor SlSSpWlloo1"' by maUi )Os"ja"1-1' U.-inittauce slioul.l ho mudo by Post-Offlce Hope; Uider or Drult. U) avoirt clmnce oí lona. ¦Uiptiper ure nol (o ,-„;, this atlvertisement without the txprea urdtr or'EK A BiumiI5K.S. Addrens 1IAKPER A 1JROTHERS, New York. 1S86. HARPER'S YOÜNG PEOPLE. AN ILLÜSTRATED WEEKLY. The posltlon of Uaki-kr's TOCHO PXOFU as the leadini; pcrloilical for young reader U well eslabllHhed. The publisbers spare no pain to provide the best and most attractlve readiug and illuütr.itlons. The serial and short storles have strong dramatic Interest, whlle they are wholly free from wliat Is pernlciousor vulgarly sensational ; the papers on natural hlstory and science, travel, aud the facts of Ufo. are by wrlli-rs whone nauies glxe the beul assura-ice of accuracy and value. I .Umi ralcil paperH on athletic spoi ta. gaines, and pHtlnies Kie full inlrmtlon on thewe subjects. There is luiihin:; obaap aboat It but lts prke. An epitome of tverythiDK that attmetiv and desirable in juvenile literature. - Boston Couricr. A wcckly fcust of jjooti tilines to the boy and girls in every ümily which it visit;, - Brooklyn Union it is wonderful in its wcalth of pictures, infonnatiou and interest. - Christiuu Advocate, N. Y. TERM8 : Postaiare Prepald, ?2 PcrYear. Vol. VII, vommenreë abumbtr ;, UU. Single uumbers, S cent each. Remlttances shonld be made by Post-Oftioe Money Order or Drafi, toavoid chiuicf ol Un-&. Xewspaiiers ar? not to copy ths advertlsemcnt without the exprets ordvre ÍIaktek Jfc BkothAddre HARPER & BROTHERS, New York.


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