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Short a.lvertlsenH'nla not to xoeed thrce lmes, of Lost ana Fouud, Houses for Sale or Bent, Wants, etc. lnserted thre weeks for ü.ïr.-Mls. Situatlons wanted. lree. R SALK CHEAP- PewNo. 68 in center row In M. E. Cliurcli ; one of the moni deslrable in Uw ohoroh. Kufus Cte. Ann Albor. 73-3 LOST- Dn Thompson Hlreot, ¦ watch. The fliuU-r wtll be llberally rewartled by leavina at Ooram Offloe. 73 2-8 FOR RENT- Good room for offloe on Main sheot, $3.00 per month. Two story frame doom on Kounitiln Street, Srd ward, and one on Mosely Stieet, 2d ward, and two story )rlrk house on Ann street, $8.(10, $12.00 and U.(Xlper moatb. Enqulre of J. (. A. NesNluuh. Attortiey and Real Kstate Agent.Offipo iu National Bank Block, Ann Arbor. 73-3 HOUSE and Lot near post-offlce. Luoallty convenh-nt. Wlll be sold cheap. Apply to O. L. Matthews, Real Estáte Agency. Ann Arbor. 73-6 LOGS Cnt.h lor Oak, Ash, Whltewood", Baaawood and Maple logs' Persons havIns ( imlMT or logs In the woods are requested tooall early and see me at the Ann Arbor Sleam Saw Mili. J. T. Hallock. 7S-S C0AL8T0VE FOR SALE CHEAP. Apply at Hiirkuis' store, or Ueo. Staach, Courier Ufflce. WANTED AGENTS- Energetio Men and Wonien to OuiviiMs for Dr. E. Woodrul's Kiimlly riiyslelan throughout the East. See Clroular in this orneo. Address Murían U Whitncy, l-ü Anderson Street, Stockton California." t-72 T7OR SALE- A cholee Vacant building Lot. I Also aquantlty of household furulture and lour sioves. ltnfuK Cate, No. Maynard Street, Anu Arbor, Mlch. 372 FOhTsALÏ! A House and Lot on Thompson street (No. 11), Good locatiou. Fine Neighborhood and ¦ ÜARUAIN. See W. W. WHEDON, or J. E. BEAL r RENT- A Nice Hult of Rooms, heatd by lurnace at No, 41 Liberty street. NEW FIRM- Haviug recontly entered into partnership, after inuny years' exprlence li the business, we aro uow prepare! to sell choice meats of all kind- both fresh and salt- at the loweHt market priee. Meats dellvered lo auy pari ol thu city without extra charge. Try usand be couvlnced that we do what we say. Corner of Hroadway and Wall street. PERKINS & liOWEN. 3' ALLACE'S HEAVË KUMEUY for sale at the Urug Stores. -i LOST- A Bunch of Keys. The flnder wlll receive reward by leaving at the Coukier Oince. _ FOR SALE Durock Jersey Pigs. and Jewell sirawberry PUuts. w. F. Bird, West Hnron Street. S__ FOR SALE OR RENT- 2 houses, 1 new with rooms, sonth of the campus. One near the M. C. U. K. depot. Inquiry No. 19 N. Unlverslty Ave., s. 1). Allen. THE BARRY HOMESTEAD For Sale or Rent whole or lu part, Centrally iocated, Convenient to the Untversity, Public Schools, Markets and all parts of the City. For Abstract ol Tille and other Information, apply to W. W. Whedou, Aiiu Arbor or C. A, Barry, Jackson Mlch. - - -- -- - - - . A Fine 320 Acre farm good buildings, near Aun Arbor, Michigan. 6- FURNITURE- Oood bargalns in bed room ¦Dit, bedding, etc., at the Couriek office. LOANING- Money to loan on Orst-class Keal ltato MortgageatCurrent ratea of Interest. Satlsfactory arrangements made with capitalista desiring snelt investmenU. Kviry conveyance and transactlon In abstracts of titles carefuily examlned as to legal effect. Z. P. K.INO. Ann Arbor. TTOR SA LE OR RENT- Barry Homestead. Jj No. 28 4th street. Apply to W. W. Whedon.Aun Arbor or O. A. Harry, Jackson, Mioh.


Ann Arbor Courier
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