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I cheerfully recoimneud Red ('lover Tome to tboÑÉuffering froto troublesot the stomach and llver. I un now ou ny second bottlc, and r ninkcs me fcel lila a new man, ü. M. CuxxQK. Kasliua, lova. ÖÖÖ7OÖÖ READERS. TUR WK.KKI.l IM'IK O I'. X cllscd its first year with 10,000 suhscribcrs. It eloses its fourteenth with IIOOOO. The paper has grovn steadily and rapidly in pop-, ular favor unlil it has a rMaing constitueney of 50 0,0 0 0, Becausc it has leen for fourtcen ycars THE BEST NEWSFÁPEB, THE BEST REPÚBLICAS PAI'EU, THE BKST FAMILY PAPEB, TUE BEST SOLIMER'S FAPEB, THE BEST FARMERS PAPEK In the United States, and lias been growingbetter every year. AMOXG ITS SPEC1ALTIKS ARE STOBlES AHEBIG&I AÜTHOBS, INCLUDIMi Elizabi'th Stuart I'hclps, Charles E:bert Craddock, Julián lli tlioriic, J. T. Trowbridge, Frank B. Stwktoa, Sarah Orne Jewett, G. P. Lathro, II. II., AND OTHEKS. Illustrated Letters by Jenny June; LetterstoA Mugwuuip, by the Author of the Siva Lelurs; írom Abroad by Theodore Stanton, Wm. E. Curtís and others ; Woman's Klngdom ; Our Cur.oslty Shop: Curb'Stone Crayons (Soldier and other anecdotesj; IllustraU'd Blographiet; Fsrm ;md Home; Gcneial Litcralure. THE INTER OCEAN, ís tlie only Political and I.ilerary Weekly that airas to cover c.ick weak tlie uholc lield of Foreign aml Home News, It tells every week the story of that weck, clearly and fully. The price of THE WEEKLY INTER OCKAN a only ti.oo per year, postage pren:iii. THE SE.HI-WEhKLY INTER OCEAN is published every Mondav and Thursday, In addition to the features mentioned above, this cdition every Monday coutains the sermons of Professor Swing and other leading divines. The price of THE SEMI-WEEKLY INTER OCEAN is $3.50 a year, postale prepaid. THE INTER OCEAN offers a number of premium combinations. which we belit-ve to be the ui on líircicu oy a newspaper. iïelow wc givc a sample of them : alone Law and Lawyers $i.So f1.20 Needie Work, by Jenny June 1.35 50 Knilline; and Crotchet, by Jenny June, 1 ie co Boys' Usef ui Pastimes.... ........... i.6s 1.00 Fainous l'eople of All Ages 13c c0 Talks with Homeiy Girls 1.35 50 Burt's Selected Gems of Song 135 50 Ropp's Calculator and Account Book, 1 .35 75 National Standard Encyclopedia 1.60 1.00 National Standard Dictionary 1.50 00 Lives of Our Presidents.. 1.75 1.00 Popular History of Civil War 1.75 1.00 Ladies' Manual 1.3o Mythological Dictionary i.y 50 Dictionary of Synonyms 1.35 50 Usage oí Best Society 1.35 50 What Everyone Should Know 1.56 85 Dr. Danielson's Medical Adviser 1.S0 1 10 ínter Ocean Watch 1.50 1 to Little Detective Scale 3.00 a.80 Family, or Union Scale 4.J5 400 Our Curiosity Shop 1.35 30 To find the price of THE SEMI-WEEKLY with any of the combinations. add $1.50 to the combiaation price for THE WEEKLY. U'l'HK INTER OCEAN has subscribers in every State and Territory in the Union, lt paid postagc on circulation in 18S4 to the llmount of Ü5,41.OjL. There is a continuous issue of the Daily and Sunday cditions of THE INTER OCEAN every day of the year. The price of THE DAIL INTER OCEAN, exclusive of the Sunday edition, is tio.oo per year, postage prepaid. Inclusive of the Sundy cdition it is $12.00. THE SUNDAY INTER OCEAN alone is $2.00. _ Sample Copies of any edition sent on appheation. Remittances may be made at our risk, eitlier by draft, express. post-otfice order, or registered letter. Moncy sent in any othcr way is at the risk 01 the person sending it. Address THE INTER OCEAN, 85 Madiion Street, Chicago IUfi OU jfcLNOUGH" "Wm Lampa ar Bjfc Irf tho fillingtube ever offered to FAMILY OIL CAN. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE ONE, M ANUfACTuiïr n nv WntWd ímnu$mturina o., _N Dropping Oil on theFlooror Table; No Faucet toLeak or fret knockeriopen to waste tontentsor cause Explosione. No rkn to Lose. Clows Tcrfectly Air Tight. No Leakae-No i Rvaporntlon-AlMiOlulPly Rafe. A inivt'rsal I Ion. ,¦,,, 1.1 Nrcexaity. For Sale in Anu Arbor by Henry Weisch. c. Kberbach. H. O. Horn, F, o. Schlelrher. Klnsey Aáeabolt. 1271-1284. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S iiíSlIoi AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC., For WholcHalc ud Retall Trade. We shall aleo keup a eupply of SAVIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Dellii Flour, Rje Flour, Buokwlicnt riour. toril llal, Fced, Ele, At Wliulei-ale and Ketall. A goncral stock of GROCERIES and PR07ISIUNS Conelantly on hand, which wlll'he sold on at rtsasuuahlc turnio a at any othur honne In the city. Ch pafd for BIJTTER, KGGS, and COUNTRY PKODÜOB generally. Uoods dclivered to any (wrt ef tb cuy wlthont extra charge. RINSET A SEABOLT.


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