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The sumnoer warmth has left the sky, The Bummer songa have died away ; And wlthered In the footpatlm lie The fallen leaves but yesterday With ruby and wttb topoi gay. - Whlltier. Tliose eTortutlng taxes are looming up agnin in the near distance. There are bet ween 60 aml 70 more scholars in the high school tlian last year. Rev. Dr. Eanisey delivered an excelcent discourse in Dr. Steel's pulpit last Sunday. John V. Spoor, of Ypsilanti, and Mis. Ann Williams, of this city, were married recently, Justice Clark tying the knot. Tlie Ladles' Society of the Preabyteriao Choreta hold a social next Wedncsday eveninfi, from 7 to 10 o'clock. Everybody invitcd. The new parouhial school building being ereend tbr St. Thomas' parish, is nearly enclosed, and presenta a fine outwanl appeaianee. J. H. Johnson of Detroit ha- been appolnted ('hief Consul and J. E. Beal cecretary-treasurer of the Michigan División of the Ij. A. W. Joh Reynolds paid $30 damages Monday to Mis. Alvina Warner, tor periuitting her sous (hoth minors), tn play pool and drink liijuor at hi bar. The Lidies of St. Thomas' cuurch are bolding a fair and bazaar, at Fireman's. hall this week, the proceeds to be devoted ti) the building fund óf the society. Adam Goetz, a brother of John Goetz, and a resident of Brown strect, J st ward, a native of Wurteinburr, Geimany. The erop report for November lst shows 149,059 bushels of wlieat marketed In thi8 county during Octuber as reported by 16 out of 25 inills and elevators. Miss Caroline Wilkinson has been euiployed by the school board to read and correct terra ei6;iys in the English course of the high school, for tlie balance of the year. Bishop Ilarris vi!l preach at St. Andrew'i church, uiider the auspices of Hobart Guild, on the last Bunday in N'ovember. On the second Sunday In December, Bishop Wells, of Wisconsin, will preach. Mrs. John Braun, of the 3d ward, received of ihe benefit fund $480 from the Workingmen'sAid Society to-day,through Wm. Herz, secretury of the society, bel late husband being a meinber of tliat organizatioo. The wheat market has fluctuated considerably during the weck, oue day goIng up two or three cents and then ander bear influence being brought down agaln. To-day's quotations are 90 for No. 1 red, and 89 for w hite. Moses Seabolt has not only built a new barn, hut has purchased a lirst premium carriage, and a new harness. All right, Moses - it is about time you put on a little style, and began to enjoy the fruits of your long years of toil. The celery erop in this vicinity has been a large one this year and ol excellent quality. P. G. Sukey has marketed 600 tubs - containing 30,000 heads- aUo 10,000 heads of dressed celery, and ha yet on ham! 10,000 heads, making in all 50,000 héads. llrs. Jacob Schaible, of Detroit street, died Wednesday night last, at 9 o'clock, and was buried Saturday from Bethlehem church. The deceased was 29 years 8 uiotiths and 15 days of age, and was a native of this county, having been born in Lodi. Bhe leaves a family of three chlldren, one being a babe of five days. Samuel Post, who is displaced by Maj. McKlnstry, of Jsicksou, has been pension agent for a period of thirteen yi ais, and in all that time he has not lost a penny of government money, neitber have his settlements with the government been at fault a partiële. The best u i-li we can make for the new appolntee, is that his record may be as grand a one. The Adrián Record man thus sums up the situation: "The engine and pumps for the Ann Arbor water works have arrived and are being placed. This is consldered prompt work, as the time for the completion of the contract has not yet expired. Let Ann Arbor rest easy. There is plenty of time yet for the expi ration of the contract. The time for the completion of the Adrián water works expired two years ago, and the council 8nys the iigieeiueiit is not yet fulfilled." The Ypsilanti Sentinel takes ap aquarter of a column or more in telling how a Detroit traveling min got left twice by changing his clock to standard time. The story as told by the Sentinel is quite charming but extravagantly unrensonable. Traveliug men are usually shrewd, sharp fellows, but this one must havo been a regular mutton-bead, without even the least bit of that demruble commodity called " horse sense." The idea of keeping hi6 clock by solar time purposely so not to be too late for the train, and then changing said clock to standard time without changing the alarm also, and expecting to have as much time as he had had before, is a little too much to ask one to belleve of a traveling man. He Is either a " fresh " oue, or else the tory is purely imaginary.