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John F. Lawreoce spent the Fabbatl in Detroit Christian Gauss took a business trip te Detroit Monday. Miss Clara Gott went to Detroit Monday for a week's stay. Coimty Trcasurer Bclser uow rejijices in a pair- the last one being a girl. Mrs. Chas. Fuller went to Detroit Saturdny, to live witb her son George. Mrs. Mozart, of Washington, D. C, Is at home for a short visit to her daugbters. Frank O'IIearn has taken the place In tho postofflee made vacant by the resignation of Misa Spoor. Mrs. Edward Congdon, of Berkeley, Cal., is visiting her eister, Mrs. A. V. Ames, on William st. E. Martin Clai k starts to-morrow morning on an extended business trip in Michigan, Indiana itnd Illinois. Mrs. A. Widenmann, of Whltmore Lake, will speud the winter wlth her daughter Mrs. Trof. Kempf. fSands F. Mooie, one of Detroit's popular lawyers is visiting bis sister, Mrs. J. W. Brower, on Lawrence street. Mr. and Mrs. Burt D. Keith, of Jackson, spent a few days with fricuds and relativos in Dextcr and Anu Arbor tho past week. Mis. K. A. Wilson, of Jordán, N. Y., arrived in Aan Arbor Monday, to spend the winter with her brother, C. L. Pack, on N. Ingalls st. Hon. A. J. Sawyer and Prof. J. C. Knowlton were over to Howell a portion of last week giving Judge Newton sorae fine pointson law. Mis. Dotyof Poughkeepsic, bas been visiling Mis. K. A. Beal for the past few days. She !s on her way to visit a daughter in Kansas City. George Fuller, formerly of this city, at present the " handsome clerk of the Russell house," Detroit.was marricd lust week toja lady froin Kalamazoo. Dr. Chas. Howell of Alpena.formerly of Dexter, was a caller at the Courieh office yesterday, being on a visit to hiá old friends In Washtenaw. Rev. S. Earp went to Muskegon yesterday to preach the opening sermón before the senii-auniial missionary conference of the diocese of western Michigan. Judge Harriman, of thts city has been appointed "A visitor to tho Michigan Mining School, Houghton, Mich.'' Prof. L. N. McLouth is an associate visitor. Tlie Misses Donglassgave the members of Hobart Guild a reception Salurday eveolog, at thelr residence on E. Huron st. The Guild now numbers 102 members. j. i, ctaiiucH, wno owus me saw mili on Pctokanl ft., has been a resident of Aan Arbor ever since 1847, aiul cast his lirst ballot in Aun Albor lor Gen. Zachary Tav lor. E. V. Cliil.-on, of the Boulh Lyoa Pickett, dropped iu upon na tliis mornlng for a ileas;iiit halMiouT'a eUat. I!e bad come down the erenlng prerious to witness the splendid acting of Keene. Jiulge Joslyn, of this city, was tendered a reoeption at Fünt last Mocday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Oren Stone, whicli was attended by tbe greater pmtion of the Genosee bar, including Judjje Newton. Miss Mary McCulloBgh of Ypsilanti, left last week for St Augustine, Fla., where she i-xpects to remain for the winter, in the hope of benefking lier lieiikh. She was accotnparited by Miss .Mary H"eimanri. J. J. Parshall, of this city has not missed au election held In eitber the city or townshipof Ann Arbor for forty year?. To be sure hehas clungtenaciously to the demorr itic party all this time, but tbe record is a diffleult oneto match. Capt. John H. Palmer, fontierly of La peer, and whosc voice bas often been heard on the stnmp in ournorthern counties in tlie interest of the república!) party, i DOW :i resident of Ann Arbor, baring moved hete to edneate his fainily. Peter Dignan expeets toleave Ann Arbor soon for Florid:i, to be absent about four montlis, in the hope of bettering the condition of a pair of woak lungs thathe possesses. Peter is one of our honorable and upright young men, and we hope he may find in the bind of flowers, what Poncede Leon failed to lind, thefouutain of perpetual youth. Only one more leaf to be torn from the calendar of 1885! Court stauds adjourned nntil to-morrow morning, at 8 o'clock. Chicago Quartette! Coming oji Nov. 2ütb. Tbey open the series of concerté. A. C. Kellogg is building a m walk in front of his preuiises ou Crown stiijet, 5th ward. Hen's seem to havo struck for highcr wars- and gol it, tbat'a the yolk In the shell, eggsacMy. Will Watt?, manager of the Prlncess Rlnk, Detroit, has a picce of mufcic dedkated to hiw. St. Andrew's Episcopal Society wlll hold a chureb tea parly at the old Baptist churcli Wednesday evening nexl. Sherift" Walsh took Wni. Dunean, sentenced to one year for burglarly at Saline, to Jackson yesterday. Ulricb S:haible of Lodi, died Sutulay, of consumption, aged 42 years. Funeral from the Bethleliem church this tnorning. Henry Kellogg, an old resident of the óth ward, died Tuesday nighL lie liad been a resident of this citj' a half-ceutury or more. Mr. Wetherbee, of the 5th ward, has had bis pension increased from $8 to $24 per month. O. L. Mathews acting as attorney. Frank Minnisis manufacturing an ink for use in stylographic pens tbat simply takes the place of all other kinds. It is "asslickas apiu." The large window pane in the cast entrance door of the court house is being broken constantly. The draft througb the corridors shuttinu the door too suddenly wben opened. The recital at the high school hall la.-i Fiiday evening gave great satisfaction to the patrone of tbe school and others present, and denoted commendable progress on the part of the students. Monday, while a Northfleld farmer known far and near about hcre as "Old Öchlinimer," was driring along Main st., he drovc into one of the service pipe excavations, and it took considerable help to get his wagon and team extricated In good shape. The concert at the Methodist church Monday evening was a perfect success. The house was well tilled, and the program rendcred gare the greatest satisfaction to those atteuding. The entire proceeds were given to the Ladles' Beuevolent Society of the church, the members of the Detroit cholr rery generously accepting nothing for their services.