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Amusments, Entertainments, Etc.

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The subject of Canon Farrnr's lecturc Wednesday oveu'g Nor. 25th, is "Dunte. Keniember the cainp-lire Friday even ing, aud don't go alouc, bul takc you; wife and family, sister or sweet-heart, fo; they will enjoy it aa wcll as yon. Rev. Frank B. Crossey, of Detroit will address the White Cross Club, Suhday eveniug at the old Baptist church, on Catherine street. Studente and young people in general are cspecially invited to uttcntl. The Ann Arbor Schutzenbuud has arrauged for a grand shooting match, lo take place on Thanksjjivlng Day, ucxt week Thuisday, at their park. Competition in inarksnian ship will bc open to the public. The Good Templara have a uecktie social at the old Baptist church on Catbarine street on Tuesday evening, Noy. 24. Admission will be free. The ladies wlll please bring a necktie enclosed in an envelop and wear a badge to match. All are invited. It is a fact that Canon Karrar drew tho largest house in Chicago ever drawn together there by a lecturer, and the criticlsuis of the press wcre very kind towards hiiu. Kcmarkable thlng for Chlcago, provlng that he must be a far more than ordiuary lecturer. The salvation army is to indulge in an oyster supper Saturday eveniug, Noy 21st, at the barracks (Cropsey's hall). After the oysters have been devoured there will be a hallelujah jubilee meeting at the old Baptist church, led by Capt. White, D. O., Brigade C:ipt. Wescott, the sa ved cowboy, etc , etc. Col. John L. Burleigh, who is well known all over this city, county, and we might add state, and who deserted the profission of the law, and went upon the stage, will appear before an Ann Arbor atuHeoee Wednesdiiy evening, Nov. 25th, in thegreat play " The Bohemiau," which was written especially for htm. Everybody will want to see and hear Col. Burleigh. The date on which Canon Farra r is to, Nov. 25th, will render it impossible for ruany of the students to atteud, as most of them will be absent at their homes on a Thanksgivlng tion, at about tliat date, and but for the great desire on tho part of many townspeoplethe lecturewould have been throwu outentirely. buch being the case, city people ought to üll the house that night and give the distinguiahed gentleman a warm reception. The lecture will be well worth the price of admission. Canon Farrar is to lecturc in but two placM in Michigan, Detroit and Ann Arbor, and in tliis city the admission fee is but one-half of the fee in Detroit. Those living n the surrounding country will be accommodated by special rutes on tlierailroads. The opportunity will probably never again occur of seeing and hearing uno miuijus iiiiiii, as tuis ís nía íirst and only visit to America. As he is eoon to take his seat in the Brltish Houso ol Lords, it may be worth your wliilc to hear and see a real live Lord. At the fair now in progresa at Firemaii's Hall, under the uispices of the ladies of St. Thomas' church, there Is a raft of things to be dispo.-ed of by chance. The Two Sams have given au overcoat, to be jfuessed lor. Then John Muehlig has given a handsome bedroom suite; Eberbach and Harkins each a stove; Duffy a china tea set; ¦Bauingartiier's a china chaniber set, all to be rarlled off; there is a gold headed caue to be voted for; sevèral barrels of flour to be sold by tickets, 0tc., etc. Oysters are served, and many inethods of amusement adopted. The fair will continue through the week, The G. A. R. i rigram for the campfire Friday e veiling, Nov. 20th, presenta a very attractive front clear along the jpe. It will be "front face" that night, and the "attention (of the) compauy1' will be promptiy gained and kept. The address of Col. John Atkinson, of Detroit, will be an eloquent one, and President Angelí never fails to be happy in in bis remarks. But to attract the eye the tableau x will be the grand things, and no pains or expense is being spared to make them beautiful,while the (inging by the Glee Club, as also that by Mr. J. E. Harkins, will surely " bring down the house." It is only necesaary to add the instrumental masic will bo furnished by the Haydu Band. The Chicago Quartet whicli opens the series of chauiber concerts, nest Friday evening in the law lecture room is well known and has gained a widc popularity. The press and the musical critics are emphatic in praising the delicacy, evenness and power of their execution, togcther with the enthusiasm whicli kindies their playing and communicates itself to their audience. The Quartet is composed entirely of ex-members of Thomas' orchestra and wasorganized by the two well known popular leaders, Austin and Rosenbecker; and they have become great favorites everywhere. Indeed, the Buffalo Courier calis their performance: "the great event of the evening," and is saylng a good deal in a town which prldes itself oí a like organization of unquestionable excellence. With such a record, the subscriber8 to the concerts are sure to iind their highest expectation more than amply met. For the flrst time since adopting the stage as a profession, Col. John L. Burleigh will appear before an Ann Arbor audience, on Wednesday evening, Nov. Sötb, in his great role " The Bohemian," a play writtten expressly for his peculiar talents. In tuis rule he has attaiued success wherever he has performed, being greeted with crowded houses in all the great thentrieal centers of the United States. Col. Burleigh's genius for his tiew profession is rapidly developing, and his star is gradually ascending. The people of Ann Arbor will be greatly interested, and extremely desirous of attending tuis performance. Col. Burleigh firstcameto Ann Arbor as a student in the law department, then he settled here and made it his home. Aflerward ho founded the Ann Arbor Democrat ia company with Louis J. Liesemer and Henry E. H. Bowcr, subsequently becoming the sols proprietor. Then his dashing, brllliant nimmer made liim a favorito in political circles, and he was nominated by the democratie party to represent this county in the senate and was elected, serving one term. After this he went (o Chicago and with Rev. Miln adopted the stiige as a profession. He was a man whose geuialIty attracted people to him, and he made either warm friends or bitter eueinies, but the friends largely predotninated, and to-day there are many here who have an affection not chilled by absence lor this warm hearted, generous actor, and we feel certain that he will be given a reception certainly equal to If not greater than that tendered Keene, Tuesday night. Reserved seate without extra charge at Boughton nrl Payne'i P. O. newsdepot.


Ann Arbor Courier
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