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BACH & ABEt'S COLUMN. ' QÜAL1TY AJiD PRICE MAKE THE DKITE. Good mouey and good Cloaks art cbanglng hands licre daily and at a rapid pace, becausc of the conlidencc. We are detennined to inereasc the trade oí every past season. Tliiuk of buying a Plush Cloak with as much coiifldencc as a yard of muslin. That is wliat trade is coming to here. Missea' Cloaks, such an assortmcnt as no other house Las (is that of auy account) f Cau't afford to givo any more particulars, it would flll the paper. It is an educalion to Wander through the Cloak tangle and listen to the story. 25 Black and Brown Newmarketg trimmcd with Astrachan $11.00, last week $15.00. 20 Boucle Newmarkets, Extra quality, haiidsoinely triimncd, $9.00 last weck $14.00. 20 Mattclcsse Newmarkets trimmed with Astrachan f 10.00, last week $14.00. 15 Plain Bcavcr tailor uiade Newmarkets 12.00, last week 16.00. In Plush Cloaks wc undersell thein all Huw do we do it ? We give you rejiable good. We give you a perfect lit. Wc givc you stylinh gtrmenU. We guaraniee all we ncll. Plush Cloaks froin $12.00 to $60.00 These are illustrations of the great Stocks with which we are equipped for the Winter Trade, and they speak of our idea oí' cheapnesa with trustworthiness. Queer tumblo. Auiericati Black, Gros Grain Hilks of several kinds, down trom 20 to 50 cents. They were low before. Price Last Week : Price Thit "5c. 60c. 1.5O. $1.20. 1.75. 1.50. 9.50. .90. Tlie strictly fashionable Drss Goods are Homoapuns. We sell the 54-inch, best quality for $1.00. Last week 1.25. Also the thick rough goods, ff you haven't seen them here, you scarcely will see them in Ann Arbor, as a Store that has but little Trade can'ttouc7i them. The cheapest Dress Goods in the store is our Colored Tricots at 50 cents, valued at 65 and 70 cents. The nest is our 80 cent Cashmere at 00 cents. The next is probably our $1.00 Ladies' Cloth at 75 cents. The cheapest collectiou of Blaukets in the county is here. We piek out the cheapest of them all. Two yards and a half in width, uve pounds of wool- no there's half a pound of cotton warp in it, and yet the nap so covers the blanket you will look in vain for the cottou warp except In the border. This blanket will cost you $5.00 a pair. We hafe blankets at a dollar a pair, and they are the best valué you can get for the money. If you are going to buy a blanket, buy one big enough. The most extravagant blanket is the süngy one that Iets you take cold in the night. This flve dollar blanket stands for what we are after. There is blanket wisdom in it. There's housekeeping wisdom. There's economical wisdom. There's every sort of wisdom a blanket can hold. All this la said with the idea that you are reading, are wüe. Horse blaukets cheaper than ever. The only place you will find a strictly allWool Horse Blanket, 80 cents a pound. BAflH & ABEL m oui Kid or goat button- solid and reliable. Overlap quar wor leed holes. The best fitting and wearing shpes ever ofFered in this market at price. Every pair suaranteed. fiOODSPEEJ'S,r,r=: Program of the Chicago qunrtet for Friday evening, ïïov. 20th: 1. Quartet.g Minor Haydn Adagio and Scherzo. 2. Vocal. (a Serenade Haydn 3. b Nachtgesane VoioC icTheMfü.... gal 4. Vlolin Solo, Legender Wicnainku 5. Vocal . 6. Theme aud Variation from Quartetina, Major Beethoven RINK N0TE8. The first masquerade of the season is announced for Dec. llth. Master Frank Paddock, Z% years old is the attraction for Thanksgivini: matinee and evening. He weighs only 35 lbs. Last Friday evening, at the rink, Mr. Cbas. Tuttle won the two mile race. There wcre three cntrles. The race will be repcated every Friday eveuing iluring tlie season. The judges appointed Saturday evening decided that Mies Eva Herbert was the most praceful lady skater present The medals to be awarded the second ' Frklay and Saturday in March are on exhibition in Watts' window. They are trying in Oermany to fiud a substitute for India rubber. No one who has used Dr. Uigelow's Positive Cure desires a substitute, and it is eminently successful in coughs, colds, and all throat and lung diseases. GRAND OPERA HOUSE! WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25tL ONE XIGHT ONLY. THE HiHUI A romantlo soolety drama In four act, by the well-koowii and siicoeBslul lirnmatlst. Charles Gayley, wlll be Intrepreted by a STEKLIXG DRAMATIC COMPANY, Comprlsing the very best artistH, who have beeu selected In vIpw ui thelr high profesBional poHltlon and iloir peculiar fltness for the varloiiH roles they have been called upou to créate. The tltle role, "CHERUBINI, THE BOHEMIAN," Wil i be I ntroprotod bj JOHN L. BURLEIGH, (for whom it ma espolall7 wrltien), au artltt of the highcbt abllity, vIiohi poHltlon as one of the bestand mostaccompllxhed exponenta of the legitímale mul romantic drama, Is everywheie rccognlzed. New, baauttful and charucterlsüc sceuery. Scale or Prices, - 75, 50, and 35. Keierve Seats now on Hale at Boughtoo' I l'ot.oülce News.Depot.


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