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KING'S EVIL Was the name fonnerly given to Snrofu'a becaiue of a superstition Uiat it could be cured by a Vlng's touch. Th world U wloer now, and knows that SCROFULA can only be cured by a thorough purlflcntioo :t the blood. If thli Is npgleeted, the distase perpetúate! IU talnt tliroufrli frcni riitlon after geueratlon. Among IU earller ymptomatla developmeuts ar Kcrema, f'utaneous Eruptlons, Tumors, Bolla, Carbuncles, Kryslpcln, Purulent Uleers, fiervous nd Physical C'ollapse, etc. If allowcd to coutinue, Rheiumatism, Scrofulons t'otarrh, Kidner and Liver Dlscasos, Tubercular Consumptioo, ind vaiious othcr daoseroui or fi'l maludies, aio produced by it. Ayers Sarsaparilla Is the onlypowerful and alwavs reliable blood-purifying medicine. It 1g o efl'cclual un alterative that It oradltates from tbe sT5tPm Heredltary Scrofula, and thr kindred poixooa of voDtaglous dNeasea aud niereury. At the same time it enrlche.s nd vltalizes the blood, refltorluar healthful actlon to the vital onrana and rejuveiiatijix tbe eiitire system. Thlsgrert Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the eenuloe Honduras Sursnparilla, wlth Yellow Doek, iStülingia, the lodides of Potastium and htm, aud other ingreulents of creatoïeuoy, carefully aod silentlöcally compoiuiaed. Ita formula i geutniily kuowu to tlie medical professlon, and the bwt phylclom constantly prescribo Ayks's Saksaparilli in an Absolute Ciire For ali diseasej oaused by the vltlatlon of the jlood. It is concentrated to the ot practicable degree, far bevond any o: iur preparatlon for which llke pfferts t,r I....!, uia la tliorafnm tho chcapc-. ..¦ we'.l as tho best blood purifylnj ia'.dlciue. iu Ihe world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PRF.PARKD BY Dr. J. C. Aer & Co., Lomall, Mass. 'Analytlcal Chrmiats.] S;j by all Dnugists: Price $1 ; Six bot tica i'or $ó. THE ANN ARBOR SAYIN6S BANK, ANK ARBOE, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. - CAPITAL, $5O,000. Org&nizod ander the General Banking Law o( ttiin State, tbe ttockuoldors are individnHlly Hable fnr an additlonal amouut equal to the stock held by tbem, theretiy creating a unarantee Fond for the benefit of Dopoaitora of $100,000.00. Three per cent. intereat la allowed on all Saving DcioeitB of one dollar and upwards, accordlng to the rules of the Dank and intereat compuonded seml-annnally. Koney to Loan on nnlncnmbered roi.l i'nwie and othr good aecurity. DIRECTORS : gUKWTIAN MAC. Wh. D. HARRIMAN, I W. W. WINE8. DAN1KL HI8COCK WILLIAM DBDBKL, WILLARÜ B. SMITH. DAVID RIN8ET. OFFICERS: C. MACK, rrca. W. W. WINB8, Vlce-Prea. C. E. HISCOCK.Oaghler. ÉVERY LIVËMERCHANT IV ANK AKKOIt. Should advertise in THE COURIER. TUIS PAPER E?w Kewtpaper AdrertUlnf Boreaa (10 flpruo irssrara NEW YORK.


Ann Arbor Courier
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