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Z3I VAMJE OF EXPKET TEBT1MQN exact amount of reliance to be d upon tho testimony of Bo-culled wlicaJ experts in munler trials and other vvhere questionsof great impórtanos trolved, has boen the souroe of mm li ion whhinthe last few years and ÜW of some fceling betweeu doctors and lawyen. To sce two physiáana of raputation lakethe stand andswear directly contri ry to each other regarding some one'a Isanityor insanity, is certainly not ca] nl.ited to impresa the ordinary be!i 1 lor with any very due respect for the knowledge displayed, and no wonder that a l'iick-witted man of law finds inany an opportunity to make some cutting Hing at tlie proftadon when so muck yet remaina empirical. , In the complications of modern life, however, with its iuany features demandin special study and examination, expert iiny is a necessity, and its tme valuo is not affseted by dill'ercnces between do!lion questions which are us yet but imperfectly understood. The exl it enineer, chemiat, accountant and iliat of every kind must be looked to h hen any question demanding more than 'i n knowledge or experience arises, and hú word usually passes without cavil. The concurrent testimony of druggists, tlioreiore, upou the virtues of a remedy whoM good performances they witness daily, must be held as decisive. It is interMtingto see what the3e gentlemen say of Vthloi!ioro3. Afewof the testimoniáis follow. Kromcrs & Bangs, of Holland, Midi., ' 1, ist Maren one of our customers bad ere attack of inHanimatory rhcumai!, i. ivliicli heis subject to. At one time . - 1 lia'llv off tliat lic oould scaroely withoat almostscreamlngfrom pain. He tria 1 Bereral physiciaiu, bot they only him temporary relict'. He ncxl re1 to Athlophoros. Aftcr he had taken ilie flret (lose lie feit relieved nd : niiif; to take it he was able to walk after lie had oaed two boules." .1. I!. and S. E. Matthcws, of the City I)ru,r Store, Gregory, Mioh., say : " Mr. 11. I). Grieve, who in well known in lilis town and vicinity, wal troubled iri I) lame knee for the last seven or eiht years, bat coald ünd nothing that would e him until he used Athlophoros. 1 [p nsed one hottle and has not been trou1.1.- 1 slnce, and that was aboutsix months " Thcre is probably no remedy before tha public," savs James A. Leasia, of Williaraatown, Mioh., "that meets with such i!;it:i1 saii-t'acüon and pood rcsults. ularly in rheumatismand neuralgia, as Athlophoros. To my knowledfre inanv iliat failed to obtain relief from all ¦¦. itc rompletely cured by Athlophoros. 1 have for some time obserred its usc and cffects and muil say there is nothing like it. I could give ical a of cases of cir, bnt fcaa superflaons, as a trial will be the proofnd convictiqn." rr von ennnot eet ATi!i.orHOFos of yout drugpist we wtll send t oxpresi p lid. on recelpt of ir price- one dollar per nottlo. We preter thatvon bny it fnm your drngKtrt, but Ifhe hasnT lt, do not be pereaftded to tfy somethtne elo. but order ut once frun is. as directed. Atir , 11Í Wall Street, New Vork. Hrnii N. Biüiopt, alias Maxwell, til raigned in the Ciiminal Court at St. Looi on the 14th and formally charp;;l wiih the mui-der of Charlas Arthur Prellttr. He pleaded not guilty. Hoiïace B. Claflik, the New York mïBionaire morchant, died at his home in Fordham on the 14th, aged seventy-three years. Becadse of a quarrel with her hasband Mrs. Albert Fritz, of New York, eommitted suicide on the Hth after killing her two little children. Ten corpses were found on the Hth in the Buil Domingo mine at Silver Cliff, uoi., wuero tae buildings were recenuy burned by un explosión of giant powder. Owing to their goods being "boycotted" in various places Straiton & Storm closed their cigar factories in New York on the 14th, throwing two thousands hands out of work. Gei.arih, Sylvostri and Azari, the convicted Italian murdorers of Filippo Caruso, were bn nged in the yard of the Cook County Jail at Chicago at noon on the Hth. The Servían army was udvancing on Sofia on the 15th, and the Bulgarians were actively ongaged in fortifying the threatened city. A. J. Edoeuton, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Dakota, resigned on the 14th. Wiiile intoxicated a few nights ago Thomas Cairoll, of Boston, deliberately choked his wife to death. The distress among sufferers by the recent gieat fire at Galroston, Tex., wfl on the löth reported to be great, and appeals for aid were made to the entire country. The lastere employed in forty-two shoe factories at Lynn, Mass., went out on a strike on the 14th, taking six thousand em ployes with them. There were 235 deaths from small-pox in Montreal and the adjoining municipalities during the week ended on the 14tb, against 304 the previous week. The Supreme Court of Illinois on the 14th affirmed the sentono of flve years in the penitentiary imposed upon Joseph C. Mackin for perjury in connection with the Eighteenth Ward election fraud in Chicago one year ago. It appears that Charles Foster, of Indianapolis, who has gone to Germany to be Consul at Eberfelt, was not a citizen of the United States when he took the oath of office. He would be recalled. The Oommissioner of Indiar Aff airs stated on the 14th that there had been a great many boomers in Oklahoma, but they were being rapidly removed by the military oad serious trouble was not anticipated. At twenty-six leading cleaiing-housei in the United States the exchanges during the week ended on the Hth aggregated $1,064,764,557,'against $1,070,186,037 the previous week. As compared with the corresponding period of 1SS4, the increase amounts to 89.7 per cent. Cloves are not Uic fruit of the tree but tlie undeveloped flower, tin; stem beinjf the calyx and the heatl the nnblown corolla. The Strength lies in tho flower alune, although the green twijrs are reported to be nound op and atea as an adulterant, Tlie olove irea growi t'rom thirty to forty fcet lii{;li, and is ;reen tlie year round. It, It foand in tlie Molucca 1-lanils, in Siiinatni, in Straiyht's settlements, in Zanzíbar, Reunloo [Isnds.and ( ' avi'uiie. Tlie poorest comes trom Zanzibar. "Tlie bert on earfh" can truly be said of Qriggs' Glycerine Salve - a specdy cure for cuta, bruUes, Bcalds, burns, sores, pllea, tetterand all ki n eruptlona. Trjr tliig wouuar healer. 25 cents. Guaranteed.


Ann Arbor Courier
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