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I ROfiHM & WlllGHT, .IKWELEKS AND OPTICIA.NS, IMPORTERS OF RIÁMONOS. WATCHH8, CLOCKS, BRONZH, MAlíHI.E STATUARY, AHT I'OTTKKY, OPERA ciLASSEH, KANS, BRIC-A-BUAC, ETC. JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF ELGIN AXD WAÍ.THAM WATCHES STERLING BILVKBWABB, AMERICAN' CLOCKS, TRIPLE PLATEO SILYKUWAHK, F1NK CÜT GLASS, KTC, ETC., UMBRELLAS. HO WOODWARD AVK., DETROIT OPERA HOUSE BLOCS, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. SOLK ST.VTK AQENIS FOR PATEK.I l'IIIUI'l'K CO'S CELEBRATEÜ WATCHES. I Híiw o'JbulCli Fe-ir oí i ¦ -: resorts to feite liair aud mi i e of con¦tut ítiixiiiy toher. Tliu very péñora froni wboiD !k' mosi ili-iro to hidi; tho waninr of ber churuis a:c thtí onrs most likely lo make the discoverv, But tlicre ls no reason v.iiy -.he ahoulil not riu:iiu and rétalo uil the beauty oí huir that wis herpridein youtli. Lel her use ayku's Hair Vigor, and, not ouly will lier buir cense, to fall out, but a new growth will appcar wh re the s;i!p has been den&ded; and locks that are turning gray, or have ¦otuaily grown white, il! return to tliWr prístino freslmesa aml briUlance of color. Atkk'sHaib ViOOBCurea Hercditary Baldness. Geoügf MAvr.n. Flntonia, Teras.was bald at ï'i vean of a-;e, as liis aiicestori had been for srvenil frenerations. Une bottleof Hait. Vigor starteU nprowth of oft, dpwny haír uil over liis icalp, which ioon becaiue thiek, lünr, aml vigorous Ayer's Bair Vigor ls not a (ly, but, by liealtliful stimulation oí tho roots and cnlor glamin, ppeedily restores to its orVjIfwl olo Jiiir that is Turning Cray. Mrs. Cathkkim: DkamkR, roint of Bocks, Mil., had her hair BuüdanlV blanched by fri;lit, durins the late vil war. Ayer's IIaiu ¦rüOlt restonnl It to its natural color, niul made it softer, frlo9ier, and more abuudaut tbau it liad beeu before. Scalp Diseascs Which cnuse dniie?1;. brlttlenen, and falllng of the tuur, dandruff, ItchJng, and annoying sores, are all quieklv curcd by AYER'aHAlIt VIGOR. ltcuredllERDEUT Boyd, l&inntapolis, Minn., of Intolerable Itehing oí the Scalp; J. N. Carter, Jr.. Occomian, Va., of Seald Head; JIrs. 1. V. S. LOVELACT, Lontlacevüle. K'.. of Tetter Sores; Hiss BESSIE H. Iíkdlof. Bvrlhrfjton, Vt.. of Scalp Iiseaso and Dandruff. Torpidity of t lití roota OÍ the liair, which, if neglected, niny renilt in incurable baldness, is readlfy cured by Ayek'8 Haiu Vigoe. As A Toilet Luxury Ayer'8 TIaiii VIGOR ha no equal. It ls colorli--i. cleanly, tliii:litf uliv ppríumed, and bai the effect of making the hair bofl, pllant, and glo.i.-y. Ayer's Hair Vigor, rREFARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer Tó Co., I-owell, Mass. BoM liy all WSLA.T IB XX t A strictly vegetable prepáratlon, eomposed of a cholea and skillful combination of Nature's best remedies. Tha discoverer does not claim it a cure for all the Hls, but boldly warrants it cures every form of disease arising from a torpid Iiver, lmpure blood, disordered kidneys, and whera there is a broken down condi: tion of the System, requiringr a prompt and permanent tonio, it never fails to restore the sufferer. Such is BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sold by all drugrgists, who are authorized by the manufacturers to refund the price to any purchaserwho is not benented by their use. PBICE. O1.OO. FOSTER, MILBURN & CO., Props BUÏFALO. NBW YORK. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency In the city. Establlshed over aquarter of acentury ago. RepreMeHtlng the fotlowlng ürst-class companles, with over 60,000,000 Capital and AsseU. HOME INS. ('OM of NeW York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIAdAHA INS. CO., of New York. GIRARD IN's. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. O iMMKKCIAl, UNI11N, ol I.oTidon. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and QLOBB. VAHHINGTlN PIRE and MARINE, f Boaton. KatoM Low as tito Lowest, Iosses Liberally Adjusted aml jiromptly Pala. THE ANN ARBOR Mi HPffl Are now ready to reed vo appllOktloni frora rRrtlesdeniriiiK to iikb water. For thliSe ion tbe Company wlllMakothe nnrrtlon ivItU the Mnin and L.ay Pipe l the Sldewnlk LlM FRBE. Appllcatloni hIkiiiIi! made at the ofBre of COR. HUROK AND FOUKTII 8TB. iaaw9


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News