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The Jap wedding at the ïork church realired $23.27. The Saline Obscrver has changed hands four times in 18 montlis. An oyster supperat Eli Smith's, West Salem, to-morrowevenlng. Mr. Ramsdell, of Xorthfleld, is teaching the school in Dist. Xo. 3, Salem. The Southern Wash. Farmer's club meets at the residence of F. Englisb, Dec. 4. Horaoe Laflin of Ypailanti, and Miss Amelia Smith of Bridgewater married Nov. 15th, 1885. Wm. W. Welch, of Scottville, MIch., married Miss Rose Thomas, ot' Milan, Wednesday last. H. D. Warner steps out of the finu of Quy & Warner, Milan, and Frank Quy will carry on the business hereafler. The residence of Dr. Palmer, Chelsea, was destroyed by lire last Thursday, caused by & defectivo chimney. Conteuts sa ved. Rev. D. J. Odell, of the M. E. church, is to preach the Thanksgtving sermón at Milan, to-morrow, in the Presbyterian church. Chelsea Thanksgiving services at the Congregatlonal church. Rev. J. A. Mcllwain, of the M. E. church, preaching the sermón. And now Milan is all broke up over a murder reported as having occurred in that place, and reported in the Friday evening papers. Ttie Baptlsts of Monroe, and also of Walled Lake, have both called Rev.W. P. Tompkins, formerlyof Milan, says the Leader. He has not decided which to accept. Chelsea and Ann Arbor are noted for rtighing: Chelsea for its rushiug trade. Ann Arbor for rushing studente, some of whoni get arrested for thelr l'olly.- Chelsea Herald. Fred Blosser, of Manchester, has a captive turtle that has cominenced Inving eggs for hlm. Who knows but the hen monopoly may yet meet a foe worthy of its shell, etc. The Bonum Est Quartet, of Ann Arbor, will probably give one or two concerts here during the winter. The quartet conipose the same meiubers as last year. - Milan Leader. Orant Sutton who lives in the south part of this township claims to have raised 435 bushels of corn on three acres of grouuü. 145 bushels to the acre is a big yield. - Manchester Enterprise. Tne itrigiitiMi miwuu ïi boen oid hj J. 1). Ellinwood to Henry & Fred Coe, two youiiit men of that place. Fred is ii practical printer and will have charge of the paper, Here's to their vory long lite and prosperity. Jacob Schaible, of Freedoin, and Miss Rosa Bristle.of Sharon.were married Nov. 12th, at the residence of the bride's parents. There were about 125 guests present, and the list of presenta was long and the presente elegant. Fr. Considine, of St. Patrick's church Northlield, changes pulpits witli ,Fr. Duhig, of Chelsea. The people of Northfleld consider these movements of the Bishop, far f rom right, as they were much pleaaed with Mr. Considine.- White Lake Suu. The Milan Journal haa been sold by O. E. Hawkins to N. W. Wilcoi, and the Saline Observer has been purchased b3' Mr. Hawkins. One thing is certain, the people of Siiline will have a " rattling good paper," for Mr. Hawkins gets out that sort of a Journal. The new East Milan school district contains a total of about 65 children of school agc, of which number 68 are in attendance at the school.- Dundee Reporter. That probably is the very bet record in America. The overplus is probably accounted for in twins. At a special business meeting of the Light Guard Wednesday night a commlttee was appointed to purchase a. target gun coat not eicecding $15.00, and 10Ö0 cartridges. Target shoóti will occur every month or two. Sides will be chosen and ntcresting tiuies had thls winter.- Ypsi. Commercial. For gome time past, thieres have been quite numeroua in this vicinity. but perliaps the most honeet of these thieves visited John Bentley's last Wednesday uight. He made a raid on the barn and stolt' two bushels of Bohemian oats. He returned them a nijrht later and took bis pay in wheat. - QraTcl Run cor. of Whituiñre Lake Sun. In writing up the "severe pouuding " adaiinistered to R v.W. P. Toinpkin lust weck we stated that the platc of 43 silver dollars was contributed by menibersof Wolverlue Lotice Xo. 17, I. O. O. F., alune: we wish to correct the error; a goodly number oí shiners were contributed by members of Yictory Lodge at Moorevüle, and one from a memoer of n loclge in New York state. They were all froui I. O. O. V. boy, however. - Milan Leadtr. We citn't wlsh thos men success who htive Invested ttieir money In Bohemian oats or big returns for the same, because we realize that the wliole sclieme loudda of fraud and swindle ; and that, though tliey may be lucky enough to get big returus on tlxir iiiTeítments, a evere loss fallí, of natural cousequenc-;, somewhere; and the money, big though it be, comes from the hard earnings of some hardhunded fellow farmer. It is not a scheuie partakinK of that straiglit-forwardness of nature wliich cömme'nda ltself to us as wortby of a good wish.- Stockbride Sun. And Editor Oildart never wrote more truth with the same uumber of words in his 116).


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