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Dr. Reynolds, of red ribbon celebrity, ealls clder "the devil's kindling wood," 'tiv cIm-k not seem to know that oíd eider, when lt gets rlght down to lts "work" ciui make a barrel of; whisky feel ashamed of ltself.- Ailrlan Hecord, Some one must have told the Record scribe about that, of course. How very sensitivo some people are on the " bloody-shirt " business, so-called. Col. Atkinson, in his speech at the G. A. R. camp-fire last Friday night, asseited that the old soldier was getting impopular now-a-days; that a discharge from the rebel army was a better recomniend at Washington th:in was the loss of an arm or a leg in the union army. And for this he was accusetl of "waving tlie bloody shirt." Well, who made the shirt bloody? The English sparrow lias been imported to this country, and is rapidly monopolizing the space in the air devoted to the feathercd tribe. Now the Germán earp is being imported to drive away all other flsh froin our streams. In the distant future som e of our dr leeing people see the sous of África out-nunibering all other races in America and aonthilating the white race here. Yeiïly, the future of Americ, from tlieëe sl.imlpoints is not a biilliant one for our children's children's chlldren. Jay Qould's gift of $5,000 to the Galveston siiilt'MTs was In aboul the same proportlim' to hls wealth as a gift of ñve cents would be to the wealth of an average cltlzen.- Detroit Tribune. True, possibly. But the generosity of the average citizen did not seem to rmpond as promptly as did Jay Gould, and the poor, houseless, destitute, hungry people of Galvestón will not seek to belittle the gift that gave; them bread because of the wealth of the giver. There are millionaires in Detroit but the unlortunate people of Galvestón will turn their eyes to New York's Jay Gould when their lips in gratitude utter a " God bless you." The following, taken from the Howell Itepublican, is very good advice indeed, and we coinmend it to the young folks: Spelling schools after the rannner of the olden time are fashlonable this season. Already they have been organlzt-d In ininiy place and the Kepublluun earnwtly hopes that Howell will cntch the craze and catcli il bad. Young people should remember that whlle it Is DO great credit to be a good speller lt is very diNiredltable not to Hpell wll. Many a youth bas lost a good-paying sltuatlon and many a young man, 11 in sald. has lost the chance of gettlng the best wlfe by falllng to make a proper Ktudy of hls spelllng-book and dictlonary. There Is no place where bad spelling looks worse tban in a love letter, wrltten by elther young lady or gentleman, will Kpoll a huudred romantio tete-a-tetes by nioonllght.and lock the whole thlDK up in chancery. By all meaus let us start up the spelling school rage, and not only have fun but linprove our orlhography. The editor of the Quincy Herald strikes the right key in the following paragraph. It is a dream, to be sure, but a dream that ia pure, and one that would be a glorious reality, could it ba made a reality: Were I rich, I'd publish a new kind of newspaper, that would be both novel and do a body good to read. I'd huve my correspondent, agents, wrtters and reporters hunt up all Ih e good they could flnd. I'd chronlcle the acts of devotlou aud bravery that aio belng performed around us all the time note the deeds of unselilshness, teil about the self-denlal that Is practlced by so many continua! ly, talk about all tlie good men and women instead of the bad; wrlte up the héroes and herolnes that we flnd in liuts and and palacen, everywhere, and Ine love that wreatlies ltself around the unhapplness lightens the labor, pardons unklndness and ni'iilirt, umi pervades all thlngs in lts beautltul, dllent way, Just as a rose fllls aroom with fragrance you can inhale but not dtvHcrlbe, and touches everything wllh lts Invisible hands; and (ñatead of weeping and walting for the aful storm to buist, my readers'should take a cheerlul view of Illtaud be thinking that lna llttlewhile luegray inlHts would cbange lnto the suushlne. Fall & Hemlrick have tarted out 'on anotlier great reduction sale of clothlng, and uny one who took advantageof their sale last year knows wliat that mean. t mean good goods at awful low piices.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News