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Letters From The People

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IThlscoluran Ik opon tothopeople to expross Huir opiniĆ³n upon any subji'et of Interest to the pabilo, and oorrapondenoa npou all sides of all suIiJivIm Is delirad. All wo ask of correspondent! Is in fcesp out of personalitus, and usti ai'Kiiuii'iit Inatead of abuse. Reooni'isc, don't hm' mor wordi than Qwauaryto expreu Ideas, The puliltsher of tlieCoiRiKK doei nol hold luiuuelf respousible foroplulous expreuHeĆ¼.J Those Gallery God." Ki'itor Courikr:- In tlie Tast issue of the Ann Arbor Courieh I noticcil au arlicle in reference to the rowdies wlio attend the open house, and muite the evenings there hldeous by groans, shouts, hisscs, cat-calls, und various otlier noisy emanatlong frotn theirgood-sized mouths, whicii arealded frequently by thcir hands and bet wlien the mouths seeui inadequate to deafen the audience 11 the seats below. Tliis noise and racket has always been generouslj' heaped upon the shoulders of the students. How often have I heard it reniiirked that "those students In the gulleries better go back home and Iearn common decency," or "those iniserably rowdy students ought to be ashamed of thomselves," und so forth. At the cunip-lire laat Friday night I was present, and I was astonished to liear the s:uno old racket in the galleries. There were no students present that night to lay the blanie upon. The galleries were lilled by town boys, and the fanilliarity of the sounds led me to believi; that the students have been louded down witli a burdeu unjustly. Now, Mr. Editor, as to the remedy. You suggested that Mr. Snwyer should close the {ialleries entirely. I do not igrefi with you. There is a better way in my estimation. If I was the manager of the opera house (a posttion I in no way envy Mr. Bawyer) I should adopt anny taetics, and have a few of the more reckless, the leaders of the lawlessness there, placed in the guard house. It would not take more thau three exampies, at tlie most, to have a sootliing and quieting eflect on those galleries. I would not have my audience insultad by rowdies if there wks an ofRcer in the city with sand enougli In him to make an arrest. Iustead of driving away lirst-class oom pan les, 1 would make the opera bougie n flrst-olais place of entertainment, which the tirst-cla-s people of the city would not feel afrairi to enter as thev are


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News