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A WORD OF INTEREST TO ETERY BODY. The COÜRIER office lias reeeived witliin the past rew days a largc in roice of new type and prlntiiiL materia for its job department. Upwards o $500 worth oí new job type alono has been added, niaking it onc of the fines equipped offices in the State. We are prepared to print iu a nea' and tasty manuer anything' In the line of commercial work. Our merchants will here flnd a largc line of letter am note hfiiils, bill heads, enyelopes, bnsi ness cards, individual cards, circular and stationery of erery description for their nse; and at prices thatwül com pete with any to be obtained in either Detroit or Chicago. Eyerytliing; nea and tasty, and warranted to give satis faction. We inake a specialily of fine work and hare a beautiful line of wedding statioucry. Party and dance iivitations, progrrams for suppeis and entertainiiieiits CTOtten u in tliu ik ui -tí Mjltr wf I in printer-'s art. In coarscr work, such as dodgers, posters, house programs, anction bilis etc., etc., the COURIER office can picase if any one can. Hnviiur premes especially adapted for tilla class of priutiii?, and excellent facilities for rapid tnrningr out of work, wc can give botter prices than offices not 80 provided. Our book and pamphlet dopartment was never In beitcr condition than ai present. With new type, and eycry conrenlencc for publishiiiur hooks uni painphlets, we are prepara to makt estímate on any sort of a job, from a two-page circular to a (.'reek text-book. OUR BOOX BINDERY. In connectlon with the prlatUw ollici is a book binaery h.i vinir eyery facility for good and substantial work. V( ask you to bring your periodicais to us and examine our 50 cent binding. When you Deed a frtend, select a true one. Dr. Jones' Red dover Ton e is the best friend mankind has for :ill diseases o the stomach, liverand kidneys. The bost blood purilier and tonic known, 00c. Catarrh Is a constltutlonal disenso, caused by scrof jlous talnt in tho blood. Hood's Sarsaparill, telng a constltutlonal remedy, puriflej the tlood, bullds up tho whole system, and per. inanently cures catarrh. Thousands of peopla who suflered severely with thls dlsagreeable Uease, testlfy witn pleasure that caUrrU Canlbe cnred by taking Hood's SarsaparlllaMri. Alfred Cunnlngham, Fallón Avenue, ProTlJence, K. I., ays : "I have suftered with catarrh In my head for years, and pald out hundreds of dollars for medicines, but have beretofore recelved only teniporary relief. I began to take Hood's Sarsaparllla, and now my catarrh Is nearly cured, the weakness ol my body Is all gone, my appetlte Is good - la fact, I feel lik another person. Hood's Sarlapartlla is the best medicine I have ever taken, and the only one which did me permanent good. I cordlally recommend it." A. (eotleman In Worcustcr, Mass., wlio wai Cured Of catarrh by Hood's Sarsaparllla, says ; " t would not take any moneyed consideraron íor the good one bottle dld me." If you ar a sufferer, do not put off taking a slmpla remeüy tlll your bronchlal tubes or lungs are aSected, and consumptioa lias gained a hold upon you. Be wise in timo I That flow from the nose, rlnging nolse In the ears, pain In the head, lnflammatlon of the throat, cough, and nervous prostratlon wlll be cured IX you tak o Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all drngijlrt. Jij 8tx for J5. Proparea by ü. I. HOOD CO., Apothecrle, Lowell, Mm. 100 Doses One Dollar RINSEY & SEABOLT'S iiiíljíillil AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep conntamly on hnnd, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale nnd Rctiii! Trad. shail also keep a snpply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Deltal Floiir, Kyo I'lour, Kik kuilt al I lour. Eorn WTeul, Feed, Ku%, At Whoioeale nd Retaü. A general stook of GROCERIB aiii PSOTISIÜNS Conetuntly on hand, whlch will be sold on ai reaounli! ti'rms at any otber house In the city. P'1.'ií,{L'1 f0r BUTfI'KR. KGG, and COUNTRY PRODUCE een.Tully. Ooods d.livered to any ?art of the cfiy withont eilra charp'. BINSST & SEABOLT.


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