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Down come the twnings. Turkeys in good demand tt 14c. retail. Company A have a hop at the armory to-night. John Hughes of Scio had a horse stolen Sunday nijjlit, and ofllcers are on the searcu therefor. The Knight8 Templar have in contemplation a series of goeials to be held during the winter mouths. Thanksgivlng services at 8t. Andrew's church Thursday a. m. at 9% o'clock. It is probable tliat Canon Farrar will address the congregation. Blue ribbons, with "Justice" worked thereon with fancy embroidery, is very fashionable just now with the high and ward school girls. Next Sunday eveninjr, at St. Andrew's cluuch. Bishop Harria will deliver the the second sermón in the course for young men given by the Hobart Guild. A new floor is being laid In the drill room of the masonic temple. It is of 3 in. sugar maple, highly polished, and the boys will be Me to keep step more easily tliereon. Tlie young ladies of the M. E. society ere making arrangemenU for au old fashioned New England supper, to be served in the church on Wednesday eveniiiK Dec. 2d. The sun threatened to shine for a moment this niorning. Should the threat ever be carrled out we advise the people to prepare gome smoked glass lest the rays ruin tlieir eyesight. The great question agitating the minds of Ypsilantians just now is, " shall we have water works? " Why, certainly, of course. Ann Arbor has them and it U a good and commendable exanjple to follow. The Detroit Tribune refers to " Judge Joslyn of YpsilauLi," and this place as " Ann Harbor," in its last Sunday issue. It's all right, of course, but Judge Jonlyn U a resident of this city, and Ann Arbor is no Harbor, at all. The Ypsilauti Commercia 1 has the followlng item: " Gone.- Mr. Mark SteTens caine this week and packed up the books, records, etc., of the Indian Agency, taking them to Flint. Capt. Allen has a big armful of businesB just the same." The house of E. E. Kellogg on Cemetery st, just outside the city limita, was bumed Sunday morning at about % o'clock. The house was a new one, havIng been built only a few years, and was entirely consumed togethe with the contents. Iusurance $2,600, loss f4,500. The people of Ann Arbor do not yet fully appreclate the fact that In a Tery short time now they will be able to step on the cars and go direct to Hiimburg, Howell, Owosso, St. Louis etc., over the T. & A. A. R. It's northern extensión. It will be a grand thing for Ann Arbor. There is a branch lodge of Knlghts of - well, of something, in this city. There were three charter members originally, but now there are four, a new one being inltiated the other night with sun-bonnet and mouth-organ accompaniement. If you should desire to Join this new mystic mystery, apply to Will Hatch or Will Bufluon. Round trip tickets to San Francisco, Cal., via St. Louis and Southern Pacific R. R., will be sold by the Mich. Cent. R. R. on Dec, 14, Jan. 11, and March 15, for $120.15, good for six monthg from date. On the return, lay over privileges will be granted at any point. Ten dollars extra gives a passenger the privilege of returning via Ogden and Kansas City. Monday evening the common council held a special meeting, going into cxecutive session immediately upon coming to order. The city attorney, Hon. E. D. Kinne, reported bis action In the caae of the students arrested for cuusing a disturbance at the post-offlce, and said actio'i was approved. He was also directed to defend the city in the case of Wit. Burke vu. the city of Ann Arbor. The liquor bouds of Henry Binder and Christian Gauss were received and approved. Thanksgivlng union services will be Jield at the PrcBbyterian church, to-morrow at 11 o'clock a. m., Rev. W. H. Ryder, of the Congregratlonal church preaching the sermón. The collection to be taken up will be devoted to one of the best causes that money was ever given to: our home poor. The Ladies' Charitable Union composed of ladies from all the protestant churches, will have the expending of tlie money raised, and auy person who knows of the grand good work done by them, can heartily wish them a large collection to-morrow. Through some error, the mystery of which we have not as yet been able to olve, a notice of the death of Mr. Wm. tiweeney, of the 4th ward, was left out of our columns last week. Mr. Sweeney died on Saturday evening, Nov. 14th, aged 51 years. He had been ill for about one year, witli cancerous tumor of the stomach, and had been a great ufferer. Tlie deceased was bom in County DonneKl, Ireland, in 1834, and carne to the United States when a young man, settling In Marshall. Here he remained for a number of years, engaged in business, running a grocery, bakery, etc., and was geuerally esteemcd by hls fellow citizens. Some six yeara si nee he removed to this city where he resided until bis death. He leaves a wifeand slxchlldren, fourdaughters and two sons to mourn the long of kind and indulgent father. Hig remains were taken to Marshall, and there i nurred in Oak Ridge Csmetery. The Good Templar took in upwardi of 925 at tliere social in the old BaptUt church last nlght. Mrs. Mury L. Fo8ter aaki for a new trial in her libel guit against the Detroit Post and Tribnne Co. One fare and one-third for a round trip home is what the students are paying on the railroads this week. About live ton of irou anchora have been put in the Catholic school building, It ought to be substantlal. T. Matthews has fltted up the wooden building next north of Duffy's block, and opened a meat market therein. The Democrat credits ex-Sheriff W allace with being a candidate for supervisor of Saline nsxt spring. Rather premature. Some folks object to the doublé "n" in Canon Farrar's name as spelled on the tickets of admission. But it should be remembered that Canon Farrar is a big gun. Charles Champion, president of the fresliman class, has been appointed representative of the Michigan división, L. A. W. George Keek has been appointed consul of this city. The good Peter Dignan, received the gold-headed cane at the Catholic fair, he receiving a majority of the votes cast. He is going to take it down south with Iiim to kill alligators with. The T., A. A. & N. M. R. R. Is projectjecting a line of railroad from here to Hamburg, thus making an air line between this point and Howell. A consummation devoutly to be desired. An invitation, very neat and tasty in design, bas been received for the flrit prize masquerade and fancy dress carnlval, at the Priucass Skating Academy, Detroit, on Wednesday evening, Dec. 2d, of which W. W. Watt, is manager. A meeting was held at the M. L. church last evening to form a young people's society, the nims of which will be social, literary and devotional, and a commlttee appointed to draft constitution and bylaws, of which Dr. Ramsay was chalrman. Tne cominittee is to report at a meeting to be held next Monay ulght. The Franklin Square Hbrary, of which Boughton & Payue are the agents, has 143 members at present, and the library contains 163 books. All of the subscribers feel well satisfied, and this enterprise bids fair to prove not only ver}1 successful, but also instructive to the members, furniahing good reading cheap. At Ypsilanti the library has 159 members. Floyd Williams, a brotherof J. D. Williams, E-., of A n n Arbor town, died on Monday, Xov. 23d, at bis homa .in Independence, Kansas. His wife left there with the remains Tuesday, and will probably reach this city to-morrow, when the body will be interred in Forrest Hill Cemetery. Mr. Williams was a former resident of this city, having built the house on State streel, now owned and occupied by E. J. Knowlton. He moved to Kansas some tliirteen years ago. He leaves a wife and three sous, the lattcr all arrived at ma u's estáte. Another little incident carne to light the other day as showing the value of a certain receipt in Dr. Chase's Recipe Book. A lady in this city recently received a letter from a fnend in Scotland who enulosed a very valuable recipe for a washing fluid which was beiiifi solil in that country. At the same time she was admonished to keep it secret. But the lady being familiar with the Recipe book, recognized It at once and was rather amused that it should be sent back to Ann Arbor with so niuch secrecy. Col. John L. Burlelgh in Cherubini, the Bohemian, was greeted with i good audience last night. The operu house lias been seldom so well-fllled with our best people, even to the trallerie. It was quite noticeable that for the iirst time, .iluiost, in the history of the opera house, Ihere was respectful silence In the gallertes, and not a disrespectful word, whietle, or uncouth noise was uttered dnrinj; the entire evening, a compliment seldom paid to an actor in tbis city. The actiDg was a Burprise to most of the listenera, being far better tliau was anticipated. The play was a tame one, and only good artists, for the support was excellent, could relieve it of teiliousness. But all was attention, and the general verdict that Col. Burlelgh had struck his forte and has a grand future before him. Should the Colonel return and give the people some of the standard playp, he would doubtless be giveu a hatidsome reception. The man who told us about it agreed by all the almanacs ever published that he wouldn't inention the incident for the world, but he did just the same. The joke is on a prominent member of the prohibition party residing in the 5th ward, of this city. Accustomed to early rising, of couree, last Friday morniug he awoke, spoke to his wife, and both agreed that it was time to arise andcommence the day's work. It was almost light enough Uien to eet along without a lamp, but not quite. So they got up built the fires, dressed the children, and comraenced getting breakfast. Pater familia thought it singular that it was so long getting daylight, and for the firsttiine looked at hts clock. Au expression of horror stole over hls face as he did so. The hour hand poinled at 2, and the other hand at about 3 ! Could hc believe his eyes? There must be some raietakel He looked out tloors and saw the moon shining brightly but no sigm of daylight brvaking. A council. was held ; the breakfast was taken off the stove; the fires allowed to die out ; the children undressed and put back to bed; and the parents, after kicking themBelves vigorously forseveral minutes, retired, after first solemnly pledging each to the other never to lisp a word to a human being about it. Just as if it was possible to keep such a pledge !