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WORTHY Of Confldence. AVFR'C Sarsaparilla Is a medicina that. H I C n o during nearly 40 yean. In aJl parta of tha world, has prored lta fflcacy as the best blood alterstlve Imown to medical scienee. SARSAPARILLA SFÏÏÏÏtZ ponulne Hondura-) Sarsaparilla) li It base, and iu powers are enhanced br the extracta of Yellow Doek and Stillingia, the Iodldes of Potasaium and Iron, and othcr potent ingrediente. IQ yur blood vitlated by derangementf O of the digestivo and assiinilatory functionsP Is lt tainted by ScrofuU? or does It conUIn the poison of Mercury or Contagious Disease? TH F leatlin physlclana of the United int States, who know the composltlon of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, gay that nothing else so good for the purification of the blood in wlthin the range of pharmiu'y. nul V by tne use oi ü"a rniedy Is lt unui possible íor a person who hai corrupted blood to attalmound healtti and prevent transmission of the destructlve Ulnt to potrlty. TU non IIP UI V eTectiverenoratloa InUnUUunLT of the sytem muit include not only the removal of cor ruption from the blood, but lta enríen ment and the strengthenlng of th vital organ,s. i DCI IA Dl C witnesse, all orer th ntLIADLC. w1rl(i, teattfr that thU work iabetter accompllsheu by ATin'a Sarsaparilla than by aiiy otlier remedy. ri nnn tbat 'g (orrnPto(1 throughdiDUUUIJ case Is made pure, and blood weakened through dlminution of the red corpuscles U made atroog, by Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I DIIDirVIUP tae olood and building rUnlr TlnU up the system requlra time In serious caites, but benefit wlll be derired from the use of A.TU'1 Harsafarilla more speedlly Uuui f min anything else. urniOlklC forwhlch HVe effecti are mCUlOlliC. falsely clalmed, U abun.i-ii.t in the market, under many name, but the onlv preparatlon tbat has itood theteit of time, and provcd worthy of the world's coufldeuce, la Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PRXPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer A Ce., Lowell, MmiSold by all Druggists: Fric $1; Slz bottlei for 6. a?HE ÁNN ARBOR SÁVINGS BANK, ANN ARBOR, MICTOGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL$SO,OOO. Organlzed ander the General Banking Lw of hls Stato, the etockholdore aro indivlduallr llabl br an addittoua] amount equal to the stock held by bem, tliervky creating a Uuarantee Fund for the booefit of Deposltura of $ioo,oqo.oo. Three per cent. interest Ie allowed on all Savlni 3cpositp of one dollar and upwarilg, accordinjf to the rules of the Bank and interest compounded eeml-anoaally. IVioneyto Loan on uniucumbered real estáte and other pood security. DIRECTORS : CHRI8TIAN MACK, Wm. D. H ARRIMAN, W. W. WINEff. DAN1HL UISCOCK, WILUAM DEOBEL, WILI.AKU B. SMITH. DAVID RIN8EY. OFFICERS: C. MACK, Pre. W. W. WIN ES, Vice-Pre. C. E. HISCOCK.Oaghler. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS .Speciiil attoiitiou given to ollectioa of Hents ui Llanangement of I Real Estáte Interest. For Non-Residents. Entlre Satisfactlon to Owners Guaran teed. A. DEFOREST. FIRE INSURANCE! I ara agent for a Une of Old and Stauueh American asá Fcreigu Fira Insnranca Coap's Lowest Kates, Honorable Adjustments, and I.OSKB8 Promptly Pald. -A.. DEFOEEST. . 1


Ann Arbor Courier
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