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OVEP.TAWTioN MUMd iIik Natiiinnl Bauk of Plankington, D. T.,tn gninto liquidatlan on tbo 17th. Dapoaiton and stockholders ncmlil be paid in full. Iv the Colby mino, on the shore of Lake Superior, foitr men were killcil on the lTtli by the fall of a lar?e seetion of ore. Ox a bet of i 130, thrce carrier-pigeons were turned loose at St. Louis on the 17th for Crystal City, to mnlco thiriy miles in half an hour. The flrst liinl was two minutes late. Thb dynamitcrs who atterapted to destroy 9treet-cars in St. Louis were lending members of Cleveland Assembly Knighti of Labor. The charter of tho lodge was reroked on the 17th. A novel exhíbition, consistí nf of tlmu Hands of crazy-qullts, opened in New York on the 1 TtliSniciDïs wero reported on the 17(.h as follows: H. B. 8mith, at Hutte City. M. T. ; Reiuhanlt Kamp, nt St. Lonifl, Mo., and Oliver P. Terry nml Mrs. Thomas Casey, at Middlotown. N. T. The discovery was made on the I7th that thousands of Michigan soldiere lmd been swindled out of bountios through forged assignments, purporting to be duly iigw d anil witnowsed. The animal report on the 17thof the Cl d of the Bureau of Statistios showis that the United States stands fourth in tbe list of nations in respect to foreign coniinerce. Great Britain leading, Gerniany seeond and France third. The total value of our foreign trade during the last fiscal year was $1,547,030,316. At a hamlet in West Virginia, the arrival on the 17th of several thousand dollars for arreare of pension started a flght in a family bearing the name of Drake, and the old man dropped dead from heart-disease before he had touched the currency. WniLK repairing a furnace on the 17th at Johnstown, Pa., J. B. Smith. being ovorcome by gas, feil into the red-hot receptacle. In attempting a re.-cue eventeen men were rendered unconscious by tho s;as and had to ho dragged away to places of safety. The explosión of a tank of oil on tho 181 h in a refinery at Philadelphia caused the death of four men and the fatal wounding of three other persons. Johx E. Wktuehiikk, a prominent member of the Suffolk County (Massachusetts) Imr, coninüttcd suicide in nis office at Boston the other nicht by taking poison. On the 18th (ieorgeand Ellen Barker, busband and wife, were arrested at Clevoland. O., while in the act of manufacturing spurious coin. The colored female seminary at Quitman, Ga., was destroyed by an incondiary flre early on tho morfilng of the lSth, the inmates fortunately escaping. In an affray on the 18th in Edgefield County. S. C, Robert Jonfls killed Eihvard Presdey and bis sous, Edwarri and Charles, umi thtn snrrendeied to the authorities. Near Batavi. O., a waon containing (ivo persons feil from a bridgo on the 18th mul threo of the party, one a woman, were drowned. Anxik Lyons, a cook, was arrested in Boston on the ixt'.i, charged with poisoninf? ten persons in tho family of Charles W. Parker. Bla.vciie Edwards, of Portland, Me., who promulgated the yarn about Joseph N. Dyer dying and afterward coming to lifc, confessed on the lSth that the whole thing was a fabrication. There never was such a person as Joseph N. Dyer. At a large meeting of the eitizens of Omaha on the 18th a eommittee of twentyflre was appointed to org.inize a law and order league. The long strike of flvo tbousand coalmiuers in tho Monongahela (Pa.) Valley was compromisod on the lSth. Tuk engine and eighteen cars of a freight train tumbled into a creek near Indianapolis on the lMth, and four persons were fatally injured. To clear the track it was found neces3ary to burn the wreek, freight and all. The Chief of tho Secret-Service División at Washington reportad on the ldth that 444 arrests were made during the last year and $305,580 in base money was dostroyed. The counterfeiting of coin, especially of nickels. was said to be on the increase. TnE annual report of the Cbief Post-ofilce Inspector, made on the lSth, shows that during tha past year 539 arrests were made and 2Üo convicted ; 439 offices were robbed. 2ö6 offleos and 33 postal cars were burned. The sum of $58,3K was recovered froin deliuqnent postmasters. Oovkrnor Rosa, of New Mexico, in his animal report on the lSth places the population of theTerritory at ÏM.OOU, an increase of 15,000 in five years. P. M. L. Shephehd, who was canhier of the New York Central Road at Buffalo, and a defaulter for Í25.000, was arrested at Waldo, Fla., on the 19th. Twextt frame structuros at Hebron, Neb., including the post-ofSce and Journal office, were burned on the 19th. Dens clouds of grasshoppers passed over Helena, Ark., on the ldth, and thousands were disablod by striking roofs or windows. Br the fall of a burned wall of the Empire milis in New York on the 19th a woman was killed and six men were fatally injured. Tbe accidental discharge of a pistol on the 19th caused the death of Dr. Frothingbaiu, a prominent New York physir-ian. P. C. Kihklaxi), cashior of the Farmers and Merchante' Bank, at Oxford, Kan., and treasurer for several secret áecieties, roboed the bank on the 19th and absconded. The bank would be compelled to suspend. Thbie inches of snow and half an inob of ice were reported on the 19th in the Catskill Monntains, N. Y. Wii.liam Thurston, aged eighty ycars, a wealthy citizen of Bainbridge, N. Y., committed suicide on the lOth by hanging, while temporarily insane. Abtices of the 19th state that a vast tract of land in the vicinity of Red River Station, Tex., had been burned over by prairie flres, causing a loss of over $400,000 to cattlemen. The recent mysterious death of Benjamin Burton, a noted and wealthy citizen of Newport, R. I., was folio wed on the 19th by the arrest of his daughter and son-in-law for murder. Mart Oilcbbist, aged eighteen, shot herself in a public street at Baltimore on the 19th. Disappointment in love was the canse. About two hundred colored families in the Choctaw Natlon had on the 19th regi stered as members of the tribe, and would receive annuities of $100 each from tbe fund of $1,000,000 in the hands of the Federal Ooverument. All negroes who declined or were not qualified to register comprlting nearly slx huudrert familias, would be expelled by the military. The Surgeon-General of the Navy wants $165,000 for the support of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery during the next fiscal year. The hospitals at present, he sayg, are in an unsatiefactory condition. Hat-deai.r8 in New York and New England have lately been swindled to the amoant of $100(000 by means of drafts on bilis of lading falsely purportlng to come from Don Lefevre & Co., of 8t. John's, Quebec. At Watts Flats, N. Y., two brothers named William and James Thomas were robbed on the 19th of $8,000 in oash, which they kept in a trunk in tbe house, not believing in banks. Rabbi Isaac M. Wisb, D. D., said at Cincinnnti on the 19th that the object of tbe recent Jewisb Conference in Pittsburgh wan to Americacize the Jews, four-fifths of whom in this country, he aniel, were In favor of the project. Grkat distress still prevailed at Galveston. Tex., on the l!)th among kh sufTerers by the rnoont firp. The relief fnnd to date ¦uu unt"d to V".(Ht. and nvpr two thonnd ¦ At Washington, D. C, on the 20th Lotis Hnniorfleld, a Pole, shot and küled hia wif and a saloon-keeper namod Oottlieb Eisenbaum, in the lattor's place of business. Jealousy was the causo. Km men, inphiding two murderers, oscaped frorn jail at Greonville, O., on the 'JOth by removing the sheet-iron flooring. Aii?kasi: which swoops o(T hens by the dozeu made its nppearance in Wyoraing County, N. Y., on the 2Oth. Daxtft. Wii.kinson was hanged on the COth at Thomaston, Me., for the murderof a iKilicoman in Hnth, in 188& One hundred Munnon converts from the Southern States lett Chattannooga the other night for Utah. Four hundred have gone within a ypar. and ninetyeldors are now opornting in the South. Dp to the 20th heavy rains had fallen for five days in California, and (loods had done great damage in various portions of the State Tuk. business failures throughout the country for tho seven days ended on the 2Oth were 340, against 228 tho previous weck. OC tlio totnl 940, 28 we in Canada. RoniiitT DtnUROAN, a well-known lake Captain, fon from a bridge at Toledo on the 20th and was drowned. The eoast survey on the 20th reported great earthquake waves at San Francisco, fully eiiunliiifi Uu uiiheavals caused by the Java shooks som years ago. A PiitE on the ÍJOth destroyed the County Infirmary near Sandusky, O., five women perishing In the flamea. The superintendent was fatall v injured. Nraii tha mouth of the Patapsco Rivor, in Maryland, three of the crew of the schooner John Nicholls were drowned by falling overboard on the 20th. Bdkglakh cauBod the destruction by fire on the 20th of two stores and the Adama Express Cumpany's office at Ottawa, Kan. Attouxet-Generai, Garland informed the authorities at Tacoraa, W. T., on the 20th that he would afford legal assistance in prosecuting persons lately arrested in the Territory for attacks made on Chinese resiilt'üts. A PiTTsnntGii company announced on the 2i)tli an improvement by which Bessemer steel can be made equal in quality to cmcible steel at one-tenth the price. Wn.i.iAM Wkhh, residing near Piermont, Ind., on tho 20th killed hia two-year-old child by stamping it to death in a fit of anger. A ntmber of people who diank water on the 30th from an old woll recently opened in ('lipster County, Pa., wore poisoned, and two of them had died. The general trado situation throughout the country was roported by Bradstreet's on the 20th to be again in a state of inactivity. TnE Coroner at Los Angeles, Cal., on the 20th roported having found on a mountain the corpso of B. H. Longenecker, a defaulter from Lancaster County, Pa., in March last. Ax explosión on tho 20th in an oil well noar Mars Station, Pa., wrecked the derriol; and rigging and fatally burned fonr workmen. At Jersey City on the 30th ütto Koblauk ponred a kettle of boiling water over his landlady, Mrs. Sweeney, scalding her fntally. Tom Ornn-TRF.E informed the Citizens' Relief Committee of Philadelphia on the 20th that Galveston would require $300,000 to assist 6,000 destitute persons. Tu e Attorney -General of Kansas proposed on the 30th to proceed against the owners of 100 snloon buildings in Leavonworth, and threatened to closo every liquor shop in the Stnte hefore stopping to rest. A maskei) highwayman stopped a stagecoach l'inal, A. T., on the 20th, and obtainod two bars of silver bullion worth f5,000. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The Oregon Legislature took its flrst ballot for Unitedt Sates Senator on the 17th, the F.epublican vote being scattered, llitchull receiving 34 and Williams 15. The Democrats voted solidly for Slater. TnE lnw passed by the last Ohio Legislature for paroling convicts under certain conditions has been declared constitntional. Mks. Rhoim Howabd died in BatU County, Ky., on me 1'ftö, aged 110 years. She srifoked tobáceo duriug the greater portion of her life. and never took a dose of medicine. A party of Philadeiphta surgeons and scientists, who gave the brain of John McCullougb a thorough pxamination. found on the lSth thnt his disoase was due to blood poisoning. Joseph Dion, tho well-known billiardplayer, has become insane, and on the 18th was confined in the insane ward of Bellovue Hospital, at New York. J. Hipple Mitchkll (Rep.) was on the 18th chosen United States Senator on the third ballot by the Oregon Legislature. The official canvass on tho 18th of the votes cast at the recent election in Iowa places the majorities givon for the Republican candidatos as follows : Larrabee, for Governor, 5,210; Huil, Lieutenant-Go vernor, 7,580; Bock, for Supreme Judge, 7,115; Akers, for Superintendent of Public Instruotion, 8,877. There were 302 votes cast for the straight Greanback and 6,405 for tho straight Prohibition candidates for the Governorship. Thb woman suffragists of Chicago at their annual meeting on the lOth adopted a resolution in favor of a law that no girl should becoine of age until twenty-one years old. __ Joseph C. Mackin, of Chicago, whoae sentence to five years in thpenitentiary for perjury was recently confirmod by the Supreme Court, was taken to that institntion on the 19th. Charles Kentdall Adams was on the 19th inauguratod as Presidont of Cornell University, at Ithaca, N. Y. Miï-lionaire Morosini, of New York, denied on the 19th that he had prom6ed to forgive his daughter for marrying Hulskamp, his coachman, and said that she need never hope for reconciliation. Henrt W. Sage, the founder of the female college of Cornell University, at Ithaca, N. Y., has given Í6O,OOO to endow a professorship of ethics in memory of his late wife. At the entrance to his residenco in East St. Louis, 111., ex-Mayor John B. Bonman was assassinatod on the 20th by an unknown man, who firod a bullet into the back of his victim's head. Rev. S. S. Calkixs, who was connected with the underground railway in slavery times, died on the 20th at Chatham, O., where he was pastor of the Congregational Church. FOREIGN. The Sei-vlans gained a decisivo victory over the Bulgarians near Widden on the 17th. The loss was heavy on both sidos. The Servians capturod one thousand prisoners. Mr. Parnbix on the 17th decided to contest the Irish district of Liverpool fora seat in Parliament. A new Einancipation act has been introduced in the Brazilian Parliament favoring an eurly liberation of the slnves. A fihe in Paris on the 17th caused a loss of 1,000,000 francs at La Fere arsenal,which contained stores and cavalry harness. Jülius Lieske, the Socialist who was supposed to have mnrdered Pólice Commissioner Rumpff at Frankfort, Germany, was beheaded on the 17th. With his dying breath he declared himself innocent Tun Bulgarians defeated a forcé of 30,000 Servians near Slivnitza on the 18th, the lattor losing ten guns,. It was estimated that 3,000 Servians were killed or wounded. Türkey, in a note on the lSth to the great Powers, protested against tho Servían invasión of Bulgaria, and announced that she held herself privileged to take actlon to pro. tect her soil. The British on the 18th captured the fortified city of Minhla, on the River IiTawaddy, which opened the way to Mandalay, tiis cauital of Burmali.


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