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Halleck's Injustice To Grant

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The December nuinbcr of the Nortli Amorictiu Review open wltli an article on "Halleck's Injustice to Grant.'1 The article is by Colonel Fred Grant, and relates to tbe injustice to whlch Oen. Qrant ture of Fort Donelson. It is said that the attempt was subsequently made In the war depurttnent to cover up this chapter of history, :he records connected with it having been so srparated and put away in detached parts tliat it was made exceedintfly diffleult to get thera together again. When General Orant became pr sident the strange condition of these documenta was discovered, and they were finally straightened out. Colonel Qrant has made effective use of them in bis present paper, which concludes as folio ws: "The best comment I ettn make upon his correepondence, probab+y, is what I have heird my father say. nis this: General Halleck unquestionably regarded General C. F. tíraith as a muuli fitter ofllcer for the corumand of all the forces in the military district than he (Grant), anti, to render Smïth arailable for guch command, desired hls promotion to antedate the promotions of the other commanders. It 8 probable that the general opinión was that Smitb's long services in the army and distinifuished deeds rendered hlm the more proper person for such command. This did not justify, however, the dispatches whlch General Halleck sent to Washington, or his subsequent concealment of them when pretendinjf to explaln the actton of his superiors." The Lansiug Republican of a receut issue gives the "third party," socalled, movemont the followliig encouraging send off: The ableut and mout zealoua advocate of thlrdparty prohlbltlon In Michigan to-day Is ex-reprosentatlve A. B. i'lieney, of Bparta, wbo bas boen niaking au unsuoceanful attempt to i-xplalu thi" gros ineonalNtenclcw of I lint stool nigfon of the demorraoy, Joliu P. Kt. John, of KaïiH.iH. Tbelatter hasmado the fatal ailiiilüaion tliat the South Is much farlhr ad vaneed la prolilbltloii thau the norlh, wbloh means vlrtaally that local optiou laws adopld by the people lrrpectlve of politics are more etlectlre tlian conatltutlODal or tatutory problbltlon. Of course whffn thl ground In reachwl, thlrd-party prohlbltlon ih coademiied. The Lowell Journal, edlted by ex-state senator Hlnes, bas been after the Kansas gentleman with a sharp sttok and lt was to shleld tlie leader or third party probi ¦ bition tliat Mr. Chency itepped lnto the arena, aud wUhcrt to know " froin wbence originated the local optlon laws" of the Houtb, and other thlngs too nuraerong to mention. The Journal anawers Mr. clii'urj'w questions In a slralghtforward manuer and in doliiK Ho shows up th fallarles of third party prohibition. in a way that leavus the advocates of sucb a movement without a spot ou whicb to reBt tbeir polltlcal prohlbttlou toes. So long as the southero stales whli-h are, acoordlng to Hl. John att Mr. Cbeney, far In advanceof the norihirn states In the matter of prohlblti(u, refuse to roake Íirohibltion a poilllcal lasne lt is noast-nse or anyone to Ulk about anatlonal prohlbltlon party. Out of thelrown monlHü are 8t. Jobn and hls followers conderaned. They can only l In tbe future what tliey have been lu the paat, raerely caUpaiwa to pull tbe democratie chestnuts out of the Ure.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News