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A correspondent of the Omalm Bee wants the name of that city liun"etlto Terrace City, or Gute Beautiful. Scott's Emulsión of Par Cod iaer OH' wlth flypoplioftphlte. For Wasting Childru.. Ur. s. W. Cofaen, of Waco, Texaa. says: "I hnve used your Kmulsion in inl'antile wastlngwith jrood results. It not only restores wasted tissue, but friveg ttrength, and I heartily recoinmend it for liattended by atrophy. Por 29 years Henry F. Balcom, oftibirley, Mass., suffered with rhenniatlsin. He found no relief till Ue took Hood's Sanaparilla. 1886. Harper's Magazine. ILLU8TBATED The December Nuraber will begin thnSeveuty-second Volume of Uabpkk'.s Magazine. MIsb Woolson's novel, "Kast A.ngeJa," and Mr. Howell's "Indian Summer", holding the foreinost place In thecurrent serial flctian, will run thruugh neveral numbern, and wlll befbllowed byserial storiesirom K. I). Black - more and Mra. D. M. Craik. A new editorial departmout, diecu&sing topics suggested by the cnrrent literatura of Anierlca and Ku rope, will be contributed by V. D. Howell's begiuning wlth the Jauuary numb.-r. The grsat llterary event of the year wlll be the publication of a serles of papers- laUlnL Uie shape of story and depicting oharacterlsttu features of American features of American society aa seen at our leadlug pleasnre rfisorts - wrltten by Charlea Dudloy Warner, and illustrated by C'. 8. Relnhart. Thk MauazinewIU give especial atteutlon to American subjects, trealed by the bent American writers, and Illustrated byleadlng Amerloan artista. HARPER'S WrIODICALS. PER YEA.H: HARPKR'S MAGAZINE $1 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNO PEOPLE - 2 UU HARPER'S FRANKUN SQUARE LIBRARY, Oue Year (5S Numbers) 10 00 Portage Free to all subtcriber in Che United Statet or Canada. The volumes of the Magazine begin wlth UieNumbera for June and December ofeach year Wheu no time is speclfled. It will be underatood that the subtcrlber wishee to begin wlth. the current Number. Bouud Volumes of Habpbb's Magazine, for tbree years back. In neal cloth blndn.H, wül be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of S3.00 per volume. Clulb (Janes, for binding, in cents each- by mail, postpaid. Index to Harpkk's Maoaiine, Alphabetlcal, Analytical, and ClH.ssltled, tor Volnmeü 1 to 60, Inclusive, from June, I&30, to June, HJHO, one vol.. Svo, Cloth, t4.00. Remittimoes ihould be made by Pist-Offloe Money Order or Drafi, to a vold chance of loa . Jfewspaptrt are not to copy thit aJverUnmtnt vrilhoiU tne expresi order of Hakueu 11 BbuthEBS. Addresa HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. 1886. Sarpor's Weekly. 1LLUSTRATKD. Hakper's Weekly has now for more thin twenty yenrs, malntalned lw potllion aa the leadliiR Illustrated weekly uewspuper In America, Wlth a constant lncrease of llterary and artlsttc resources, It ia able to . .U.-r fortbeenauing year attractlous uuequalled by any prevlou vulume, embraclug twci capital illustrated serial by Mr.ThM, Hardy, among the foremost of living writers of flcllou and theother by Mr.Walt.r Uusaut, one of the must ranldly rising of Engllsli novelists; graphlc {llustrationn of un usual Interest to readers In all sectlons of the country; entertalnlngstorles, mostly illustrated, by tbe best writers, and Important papers by high u thorl f les on tbe ehief toplcsof tbe day . fcivery oue wbo desiresa trustwuithv poiitlcalgulde, entertalnlngand instructive ramUy Jonrna.1, entirely free from objecllooable features elther in letterpress or Illustratie, ahould subscribe to Harper's Wki:k I I HARPER'S "PERIÓDICA LS. PER YEAK: HARPER'8 WEEKLÏ !l 00 HARPER'S MAUAZINE I DO HARPER'S BAZAR 1 00 HARPER'S YOÜNQ PEOPLE i 00 HARPER'S FRANKLIN 8QUARK 1.1BRARY, One Year (5i Numbers; 10 00 Pottage Free to all nibcrter in the 1 n Stalt or Vanada. The Volumes of the Weekly bpgln wlth the flrst Number for January of eacU yesr. Wben no time 1 wlll be umlerbtood that the subscrlber wishes tocommeucp with tbe Number next alter ttie teoelpt oi order. Bound Volume of Harper's Wekki.i :r three years back, in neat ololh binding, will be sent by mail, postage pald, or by expran, free of expense (provlded the frelght does nm exceed oue dollar per volume i, for $7.00 per TOlumc. Cloth Caaes for each volume, inltebla tor binding, will be sent, by mail, pustpaid, nu receipt of $1.00 each. Remtttances should be made by PostOi'.ki' Money Order or Croft, to uvoid chnncc of loss. Newtpaptrt are not to copy thit adtertUtment without the exprest order oj il.uti'KK Jt BBOTHkks. Address HARPEIl & BROTHERS, New Yorlc. 1886. Harper's BazarILLUSTBATBD. Harper'9 Bazar la the only paper in the world that combines the cboicest llterature and the flnest art lllustrutlons wlth tlm latest fashlons and methods of housebold adornment. lts weekly lllustratlona and descrlptlons of the uewest Paris and New York styleo, wlth lts useful pattern -slicet auppli - menu and cut palterna, by eoabling ladles to be tholr own dressmakera, save many times tbe cost of subscription. lts papers on cooking, the management of servan ts, and house keeping In lts varlous details are emlnently practical. Much attention Is glven to the lnterestlnK topic of social elliiuelte, aud lts llluatratiom of art needie work are acknowledged lo be unequalled. lts llterary lueril is of tbe hlghest exoellenco. and tlie unlquo character of lts humorous pictures bai wou for It the name of the American Punch. HARPER'S TËRIODICALS. PER YEAR: irARPER'S BAZAR. 4 (W HAKPEK'8 MAGAZINE. 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOUXG PEOPLE 2 00 HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY, One year (.52 Numbers) 10 00 Pottage Free to all subscriben ín ihe United Statu or Vanada. Tbe volumes ot the Bazar begin wlth the flrat number for January for eacb year. When no time is mentioned, It wlll be uuderstood that the subscriber wishes to coiumenc? wltii the nnmber next lifter the receipt of order. liouud volumes of Harpkk's H.wik, for three years back, In neat cloth bloding, wlll be aent by mail, posuige pald. or by expresa, free of expenKo (provlded the frolüht ioes nol exceed one dollar per volumet,ior trouper volume. Clolh Cases for each volume, tultable lor binding wlll be Reut by mail, postpaid, ou receipt of $1.00 eacli. Remittauce should be made by Poat-Offloe Money Order or avoid obaucc ol loas, Ñtwtpaptrf nre nol to conu this adoerttsemtnt uAlhout Ou rxpren order o] IIaiu'f.k Jt likornKR9. Adrtress HA.RPER 4 BROTUl Nw York.


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