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Short ii.lvi'i I Ki'iiii'iii s nut lo exceed turee Unes, of Lost una l'oiuul, Houses for Saleor Rent, WauW, eU;., lnserted tliree week for 25 cents. Mt.uiil ns wnnted, free. WANTF.D a live mau to take charge for us In thls C'ounty- experienced eanvai ser preferred. Good iuducement to rlgh paitr. Llvlngstonr Pulillshiug Co., Detroit Michigan. 753 WANTED- A Sales lady, must liave good t. nee. Apply ut No. Hi s. Mali Slrret, l'lly. 7.'-:iw . AOood House mul two Lot for sale verj ehaap on Delroil strew. Apply to Johi iiiiiruaii ot Malthews' Real Estáte Ageucy ?.--6w. Li sT- Tuesday evenlng, on Main, Iluron nr Divillon ItraatS, a brand new fu Klove. Rewsrdwlll be pald on dellverya the resldence ol Mr-,, Clarissa Best, Wei Iluron strect. 753 T?OR BALE CHEAP- A very liandsnmi. _T " Garlaud " (;oal Stove, and a l'arlor Wood Stove. Rufus Cate, Aun Arbor. 74 FOUND A WATCH-Whloh owner ma have by provlng l'roperty and paylng otttiw, Addrew, (Tvini desorlption of the watoh, 0. (i'Sulllvtin, Post office. 74-3 I" 08T- Ou Thompson strett, ¦ vulh. TIn _t nndcr III M llbemlly rewarded by Imylngat Ooubibb Ortice. 73 2-3 F IR RENT- (ood room for oöloe on Main Street. 18.00 per OOODth. Two story frame houso on Fuuntaln Street, 3rd ward, and one on Mosclv Street, 2d ward, and two story biick house on Anu street, ?S.OU, 12.00 and $14.00 per montli. Knquire of J. Q,. A. Hes -.c}ii, Attorney and Real Kstute Ageut,Offlc la Nallonnl Dank lilock, Ann Arbor. 73-3 Hol SB iiiul Lot near ïMwt-offlce. IiOcallt couvenient. Will ue sold cheap. Ap plytoO. L. Matthews, Real Estáte Agency Ann Arbor. i3 0 OQS - Cash for Ouk, Ásli, Wliiti-wöód lianswood and Maple Persons hav ing timberor lo-s in the woods are requestet tocall eurly and see me at the Ann Arbor SteaiuSawMIll. J. T. Hallock. 7S-8 WANTED AGENTS- Energetlc Men and Women lo Canvas for Dr. E. W'oodrult's Family Physiclan throughout the East see Circular In üils offlee. Addresa Marlan 1, Whilncy, lvil Andersou Street, Stockton i alilornla." '-72 Fok sa i.i". A cholo Vacant building Lot Also a quantlty of houHebold furulture and four Stove. Rufus Cate, No. ti May nari Street, Ann Arbor, Mloh. 372 IFQIR; SALE! A House and Lot on Thompson street (No. 11), Good location. Flue Neighborhood and a 13ARGAIN. See W. W. WHEDON, or J. E. BEAL THE BÁRRY HOMESTEAD lor sale or Reut wholeor In part. Centrally iii'ated,Conveiilent to theUnlverslty, Public shols. Markets and all parts of the City. For Abstract ol Tltle and other Information, apply to W. W. Wbedon, Ann Arbor or C. A, Harry, Jackson Mich. Fine 320 Acre farm good buildings, near li. Grass Lake to sell or trade for smaller farm. o. L. Matthews, Real Kstate Agency, Anu Arbor, Michigan. 6- IM'KNITUKE- Good bargaing In bed room _T suit, bedding, etc, at the Coukier offlee. T OANINQ- Money to loan on flret-class I i Real Kslato Mortgage at Current rutes of Interest. Saüsfactory arrangements made wllh capltallsts deslrlng such lnvestmenls. Brery oonveyano and transactlon In abstraéis of Utles carrfully ezamlned as to legal eflect. Z. P. K1NG. Ann Arbor. F IR SALE OR RENT- liarry Homestead, Nu. 2S4th street. Apply to W. W. Wheüoii.Ann Arboror O. A. Barry, Jackson, Mich.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News