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Vice-president Hendricks

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Wedité ilí i renlrfg last, Nov. 2"th, a dUpatcli receireü in Aun Arbnr ¦nnouacing th uidrien death oL Hon. Thos. A. Heuülickf, Vicc-rresiücul ot the United Siates, at bis bouso, In lndianapolls, ot paralyttsof thebraln, and the news flew witlt eleetric (peed alWng ilic people, causfng oxpreulons l' regrel md sorrow l'ioni cvt'iy da. AHhough Mi-. Hendrioki luid been a bitter partlsan during bis Ufe time, yct as rfce-prestdent oí tlic Uuited States he was held Id eiteem aod liouur ly every cltizeo, and bis death deplorad. As a ¦tate&mau be vtiwt of theftwemoit In bis party, and as u prívate oitizon be lenvts a record unstalned, a namu unsullied i n any way, a ttuH of wblch ibould rejoice doc only hU Immediate ralativeí but tbe cutiré Oatiou as wcll, lor il is the proudeat thlng tbat ':m be wrltten ot n man: he was para, uprigb't, honeat. Tilomas Amlrcw Hftddrtolu was boni In Zunesvillc. Miiskintiiiiii Cotuitv, ohlo, Bepii'iiiin 7, isl'.i. 1 11 ]H2 las iuIIht sétUedui slii'lhy (i'unLy, Indiana. Young Heudrluki gradoated :it Soiit Hm Collega In 1M1, .siiniitMi law ni Cnambereüurgí Pfc.twaadlullted to tbe bar Ín 1843 und relamed ilndlana to praotloe. in J -. i be was a membei oí ihi' átate legislatura; In I8B0, a delégate to tbe state coustltotlonal conveDtloti ; trom 1851 to 1866 be represen ted tbe [ndlanapolls district ni cMiigress; iroiu 1856 lo 1609 waj oommliuloner ir genera) lamí offloe; and trom lsu") to 1879 vas deiuoorátlo leader In lie Uniioit States Benate. Ín tbe demoeratio aaUonal couventiou lo New VorU, m 1867, lie bad miiny supporters Tor t lie nomlnatlon to tbe presfdenoy. He ws candidato lor tbe governorablp of Indiana iii j 'o and l, uud .is deíeated; but ras eleoted governor Ín 1873 lor ihe Ierra endim,' Jan. I, lh77. lu 187(5 he was nominal cd oandldate lot' vloe-presllieni wiih bamuel .1. Tilden lor juesldent. Tbe aotlon oí tbeeleotoral oommlsslOD, eariy In 1877, resalted In tbe retlrement ofbotbU) private Ufe, July ÍS, 1884, Mr. Hendrloks nuaiix O4L1HU luto publiu initici' :it I lie cleltiocratlo naiionai oouventlon in Cbtcago, iuininaiinü Josepli K. MoDonald lor tlie presldeney. Next clay lie blmselí was Domfnated vlee-presldent, and Marob I, 1885, wUb President Cleveland, begnn agaln ín pubtlo career, wblob lias s suddenly ended. Xbe funeral louk piuue Ín Indlunapolts, Toesday, Deoember I, bis body belug plaeed beside tacM of hls son, hls only ablld, lu Crown Hili (Vineieiy, north ol the city.


Ann Arbor Courier
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