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A Safeguard. The futiil rapidlty wltli whlch slteht Colds ainl ('oujíIis frequently develop Into tlie graves) maladtea oí fhe throat Hiid luií-i.'is a consideratton whlch should iiupt'l every prudent penon to keep at luiiul. as :i bousehold remedy, :i bottle of AYEB'SCHERKY I'i:i TOBAL. Nothinj; eke uch lmmedUt rdtaf andworkjso turo cure n ull affections of tli i- clan, That eminent phvsician, I'rof. F. Swoetzer, of tlie Malne Medical School, Bruii'-w Ick, Mo., naym - 'Mcdleni Heneo has produced no other anodyne exprtoraiit ot'l a AtKr'8 ('hkrrt Pzitohai,. II i luvaluMo fr discas of th throat aud ItOfl." Th s.-iinc opinión i pxprenéd hy the woll-l.ninvn Ir. L;J, Addlson, of Chicago, 111., who myB:- 'I ham nevrr found, i'i thlrty-five yeart of contlnunus study and praclice of medicina, sny ÍToparation of o Rreat valuó a Ateb'sChebrT bctobai., f(r tnatment of 'lineanei of the ttiroat and Iuiira. It Dut only break up coldi and cure nevero coughi, but i more eflectiv Ulan :ivthin clse iu reltoving even the moit ¦! Lficiit'htal uuJ puluiuuary aScctlom." AYER'S Cherry Pectoral I not h new olaimant for popular confl deuce, bul h medicine shírh h to-day Baviufr the livei of the third Reneratlon who nave come luto being sluce lt was first ofli lid {¦ tbc public. Tlieiv i not :i household Ín whlch thls lnvalUublo remedy bu once beén lutroilucc-d wh, ir ItJ u-i1 hal ever been tibundmicí!. :tn I there h not n person who h;is ever gjveo it a proper trial íor aiiy throat r lung dtamae susceptible oí cure, who has nut beeu mada well bv it. I AYÏ;iiS CHE1ÏRY PECTORAL has, In nuinbcTli'ss tnstancei. curad obstínate cases ofdironic IJionrliitis.Iaryneltls, and even acute l'iieumonla, ana has saved inany paticnts in Ule carüer stages of Pulinonary Consuniption. It is s medicine that only requlres to be taken Ín smnll doges, pleasant to tlie tiiste, and is ncedi'd In every houM where there are childixn, Hiere nothing so rood as ment of Croup mul Whoojjlng C'ougU. Theso are ull ]lain fnets, wtaicb can be verific-il by imynody, and should be remeinbeivcl 1 c erj l"'ily. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PKEl'.UlF.Il UY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masa,' Sold by all Druggists. THE ANN ARBOR SA7INGS BANK, ANN AKBOK, MICHIGAN, i'ransacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $50,000. Orsanlzed under tbe General Banking Lw of hls State, tbe etockholdors are indivldually Hable ir au addltiooal amouut equal to the stock held by hem, thereby creating a (iuarantee Fund for the eneflt of Depositors of $100,(00.00. Three per cent. Interest Is allowed on all Suvinga ïepoelU of olie dollar and upwards, according to he rulee of the Dank and Intercet compounded emi-annually. Kocey to Ioan on unincumbered enl catate and other nood eecurity. DIRECTORS: CHRISTIAN MACK, Wm. D. HARRIMAN, W. W. WINEH, DANIEL 1I1SCOCK, WILLIAM DKOBEI,, WIM.AKO B. SMl'l'U. DAVID RIN8EY. ÜFFICERS: C. MACK, Pres. W. W. WIN ES, N 'ce-Prcs. j. L. HISCOCK.Oashicr. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Special iittentlon giveii to lollectioa of Eents and ISanangement of hú Estile Interest. For Non-Resldenta. Entlre Satisfactlon lo Ownars Guaran tood. A. DEFOREST. FIRE INSURANCE! I am agent for a Une of Old and Btaunch' American and Fcnign Fin Insurance Comp's jowest ltates, Honorable Adjiistments, and Loases Promptly Pald. -A_. DEFOEEST.


Ann Arbor Courier
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