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WOST PERFECrWADI Preparo! with speoial repard to healih. No Ammoiiiu, Limo nr flunj. PRICE BAKltJ3 POWDER CO., CHICACO. ST. LOUIS. ¦SlT' SPECIAL JZ HEXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purost nd PtroiiL'osf Natura] Krult Flavurn. VaiiUlfi, Luum. Oiwige, Al mond, Rose, etc, flavor u dellcatety and . i' u ,iiiv u tit.'fmU. mi ,„i. price Baking Powder Co. st. locis. CURES ALL HUMORS, from a cnimuon Itloli li, or Kruption, to the worst sorofula. Salt-rheuni, "Fcvcr-Kore,"Scaly or Kougu Xkiii, in short, all diseiises causod ly bad blond ate conijuered by this pcnrerfu], purifying, and Invlgoratintr medicine, (iroal Rating 11cers rapidly heal undor ita benign hmuenoe. Eepeciully luis it manlfested i is potenoy in ouring Tcttor, Koac, Bolla, Carbáñeles, Sore Kyo, Serotnloas sorc and Sw'llinK, Ili-Joiiii Dlscaki', SwclliiiK", Goltre, or 'I'lilik Neck, and Enlarféd Qlanaa. Bend teo oenta in stanipK lor a lnrpm treatiso, with eolored platea, on! Skin Kiscascs, or tht samo Hmmmt foratreattee on Scroiulous Affections "THE UI MM IS THE I.IH Thorouphly cleanae u Uy aatng Dr. Plorrc'N Ciïolilt'ii liletliral Disoovcrj, and ftood digcslion, a fair skin, buoyaiit pirit', ital -ii lililí, and Kouudiics of oiiNtitutioii, wiü bc CONSUMPTION, whicli is Scrofiilons Biiteaso of the l.inia-, is promptly and certainly airested and oured by this (ïod-g-iven remedy, if taken befóte the last (tsares of thcdiseaseafereached. In 'in ts wondiTful power over this terribly fatal diseas', ulitn fint this now ccJ. fbratcd remedy to tno public, I)r. Piekcr thoiifrht seriQualy of calfing: it bis "Con. u nipt ion Cu re," but nlnndonod tbat name as too linuted a medicine whicb, from its yrouderful combina! ion ol ionic. orstrenirthcninsr, alterative, or blootl-cieanxinR. nnti-hilious, IM'ctiM-al. and nulritive proporties, is unequaled, not only us a remedynor consumption of the lungs, but for all CHRONIC DISEASES or the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. r If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, hao saJIow color of skin, or yollowish-brown spots ou face or body, frequent headache or dizzine88, bad tast ia nioiith, internal beat or chills, alternatinsr wiih hot thishcs, low spirits and gloomy lK)rebodings, irregular apetite, and coated Kuiírur, you ure sufferin from IndiKi -si .in, ¦ - i sia, :ind TorpidLiver, or "BilioiiMietiB." In many cases only part of these symptoms are experienced. As a remedy for all such cases. Dr, Plerce's olden Medical IMscovery has no euual. ForWeak Lnnes, Spiulne of Blood, SliortiiCKx ol' Ui caí li. Brom hit Is, Severe Conghs, toiixiiuipiion, and kindi-ed affei-tioim, it is a sovereign remedy. Send ten cents in stampa for Dr. Pieree's book on Consumption. Sold by Druggists. rnlut I.UU, for $s.ob. World's Díspensary Medical Association, Proprietors, 063 Main St., Bütfalo, N. Y. E%VGCTS LITTLE Vowexs pills. TI.BU,IO(S and CATHARTIC. Sold by DriiRKUts. 25 cents a vial. t_$50TREWARD BMJI is offered by the proprietors IIM of Dr. Sagre's Catarrh Kemedy f'T lor a case of caturrh wbieh they y cannot cure. I 11 you have a dlscharffe frora W S t'" nosf. offensivr or otherr} wise, partlal loss of smell, tasto, or hearinc, weak eyea, dullpain or prcfsuro in head, you havo Catarrh. Tbousands of c:is's termínate in oonsumption. Dr. Safrn's ('ATAKHH llF.MEDr cures the worst cases of Cutnrrh, "Cold in the Head," and Catarrbal Hcadaclie. u centa. MMUNITYfromANNOYANCE ; '.., Pat. Oií. SOtb, I83X WJ Madooniy of tno flnoat nndbestqnal Ity of Ulass lor willinndiiin beat. Every good thingf is Counterfeited, and consumera are OATJTIONED against IMITATIONS of theso Chimneys made of VERY POOR GL ASS. See that the exact labol ia on each chimney as above. The Pearl Top is always clear and bright Q-lasa. Mantifarturod O5TI.T by GEQ. A. M ACBETH & CO. I'lUsbargu I.-ni ;ia4 Works. FOR SALE BY D3ALER3. __ 7 BMm nt l-s n.-.,i OM Lr) i y i J j n l _ a i-ju . ' ' _ 'litio:,M, iiifl -, F , i P Ol r ¦'' ""' !'¦ "li m ÈtÊLJl LD L-L-f"! I-apcr, print;. i-T VSLDA'fr'Lr' "1 oricr " r'J , , , erna fait for tiro w rkn ft V: ft.YOty f'IW "nanro tor ngpnlx t-i Duke "I ( ¦ I T ¦.., HV Ut. Tl ¦ - : . i . V ' ï''i Ucnry }UU 1'u'k Cn., ¦vruM.k. Uu, 1M7-1W1


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